Usually after a comment like this the Sheep like to hop in and let you know how you do not understand the virus, etc.
Hopefully these same fucks understand money , finance, business, economics, etc, etc when this shit ends badly for
millions of people for an Over-Reaction to this Flu.
Perhaps they could interrupt the woman dumpster diving or the guy about to take his life a year from now to let them
know they just dont understand the virus and how this was all a good thing.
It just never ends with these fucks, they have a buzzkill answer for every fucking thing.
Don't have symptoms? You might be asymptomatic and pass it on to someone.
Healthy enough to withstand it? You might pass it on to someone who's not.
You're young? Young people are dropping dead with no warning.
Willing to wear a mask? Masks don't work, they make it worse.
Willing to socially distance? It travels more that 6 feet.
Had it and recovered? Evidence shows you can get it again.
Have antibodies? The antibody tests are unreliable.
Cases disappear? There will be a second wave.
Hydrocloroquine? It will kill you and/or doesn't work and/or Trump owns stock.
Vaccine? It will take 2 years and the virus is mutating.
It's unreal, they keep upping the ante.