Addicted to Marijuana? Here is Help

Sep 21, 2004
:lol: at the Quoted post from ZIT above

"Barman, keep on smoking - it's Darwinisim taking care of the gene
pool, albeit slowly." need to work on your metaphors kid, since despite your most fervent wishes, marijuana has no lethal dosage level that can be ingested by human beings.

Meanwhile, both of my offspring - whose egg and sperm were united on nights I was nicely toasted - are productive college students with full time jobs.

Laugh all you want oh ignorant dope-man. Again I am very right in saying
that marijuana is a form of Darwinism taking care of the gene-pool.
And, let me clarify that statement for the dope-affected brains such
as yours. Marijuana has been medically proven to affect sperm and
fertility rates - thus reducing the possible conception from dope-heads.

Smoking Marijuana Lowers Fertility

Sperm Burn Out, Less Potent When Men -- or Women -- Smoke Marijuana
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health News

Oct. 13, 2003 -- Smoking marijuana makes sperm less fertile -- even if the woman is the one who smokes it, a new study shows.​
Marijuana-smoking college men volunteered for the study led by Lani J. Burkman, PhD, director of andrology at the University of Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.​
The smokers weren't the only ones who got high. The drug affected their sperm, too. These stoned sperm party hard. And then? They burn out, researchers say.​
"Marijuana-smoking men's sperm are hyper. They are way out there," Burkman tells WebMD. "They already have begun the vigorous swimming called hyperactivation. Sperm should be quiet at first. They should be waiting to be washed into cervix and approach the egg before they start hyperactivation."​
So the little guys are fast out of the gate, right? What's wrong with a little head start?​
"It is not a head start. They are going to blow it," Burkman says. "They're too fast, too early. Each individual sperm can maintain this swimming only so long, only several hours. Then it poops out. If it has run out of hyperactivation before it gets close to the egg, it will not fertilize. These sperm are going to burn out."​
Burkman announced the findings at this week's meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine.​
Marijuana and Fertility Timing

When it comes to romance, timing is everything. That holds true for fertility, too, says Celia E. Dominguez, MD, of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at Emory University, Atlanta.​
"The reason men have millions of sperm is because the fertility process is more difficult than people think," Dominguez tells WebMD. "The whole process of ascending up the tract to the fallopian tubes and then finding the egg is delicately balanced."​
As the sperm approaches the egg, it receives a signal to start swimming -- hard. This hyperactivation lets it push through the egg cover. Pooped out sperm don't have a chance.​
Of course, men who smoke marijuana do get women pregnant. But some men are more fertile than others, or are more fertile at different times of their lives. Smoking marijuana, Burkman warns, will make a borderline-infertile man frankly infertile.​
"The marijuana-smoking men had significantly lower semen volume," Burkman says. "Many had pretty low volume, about half the male norm. If they came to our clinic as patients, we'd tell them they are abnormal. ... They are delivering significantly fewer sperm to the female when they have sexual intercourse."​
Women, Too

Burkman's team studied only men. But she says that when women smoke marijuana, the active ingredient -- THC -- appears in their reproductive organs and vaginal fluids. Sperm exposed to this THC are likely to act just as sperm exposed to THC in the testes.​
"When women smoke marijuana, nicotine, or other drugs, their reproductive fluids contain these drugs," Burkman says. "The woman smoking marijuana is putting THC into her oviduct, into her cervix. If the man is not smoking but the woman is, his sperm go into her body and hit THC in the vagina, oviduct, and uterus. Her THC is changing his sperm."​
Dominguez says that Burkman's study is more important than merely warning men and women to avoid marijuana if they want to get pregnant. She says that by learning how the reproductive tracts of men and women respond to different chemical signals, researchers will learn more about how to help people get pregnant -- or even to avoid it.​

New member
Feb 1, 2005
I prefer to vaporize, but the only product that really does it the way I want costs about $500 so it's on my ToDoList

Well worth it barman. Not only is it easier on the lungs, but it is more efficient and it ill save you money in the long run.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Well worth it barman. Not only is it easier on the lungs, but it is more efficient and it ill save you money in the long run.

Ayuh...Whenever I go out west, I get to enjoy the miracle of the Volcano Vaporizer.

Removes virtually all carcinogens, is not hot when released from the bag and absolutely gives you the most bang for your bud, cost-wise.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
ive smoked weed on and off for 30+ has never had a bad effect on me as of is it a gateway drug?...i dont know not to me it it safer and healthier than alcohol......IMO 100% yes........and booze is legal so weed should be too

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
STEAK, it's a gateway to improved sight, sound, smell and touch

It can help taste too unless you eat the good stuff so fast it never touches your tongue.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Show me one medical "fact" besides the clever insinuation that pot smoke has some carcinogen effect (mostly the Tar which can be eliminated by using a water filtration system (bong) EVER causing cancer in humans (especially lung cancer!)

You wont find any facts- just a bunch of ciggarette companies trying to insinuate the facts are there.

Compare that to the proven "fact" the ciggarettes DO cause lung cancer.

Do you know why?

Because pot is a vaso-dilator. It opens up bloodvessels.

Vasodilation is not injurious to the heart the brain or the circulatory system at all. In fact it is beneficial for conditions that help reverse any constrictor mechanism going on such as people with eye problems such as glaucoma or cataract- it helps dilate the constricted cappillaries in the eyeball.

Ciggarette smoke OTOH is a vaso-constrictor. Bad news here for the human body. It shrinks and can cause blockages in the blood vessels in all parts of ther body leading to serious problems.heart attacks and strokes.

The worst pot smokers I know only smoke 4 or 5 ciggarettes a day.

Compare that to the 3-4 pack guys (80 ciggarettes!) a day cancer sticks.

Dont let the truth get in the way of the "facts"...

The worst thing pot will ever do to you is have the uncomfortable for some effect of forcing you to to lose your EGO temporarily and therefore you control freaks wont like the feeling.

Once you understand this effect you can relax and enjoy it instead of fighting it which leads to paranoia and increased heart rate.

You are also forced to confront the fact that naked agression is wrong - war is wrong- and love can save you and the world - you are nothing- a speck of dust- no more- a life lived in the pursuit of power is a fools errand- to see yourself as you really are- not as you want others to see you- is the only effective way to mature as a person living with billions of other persons on this rock who are not out to kill you - or take your stuff- a calming effect follows as you begin to see the big picture.

Some never will.

If everyone smoked there would be no need for war. Nobody to sign up because it reduces your hate impulse to zero- your "normal" agression levels (spurred on and increased by Big Pharma stimulants (legal of course) like caffeine- and nicotine- prevents you from seeing the beauty in all living things- and stunts whatever spritual salvation you will ever have a chance of finding. Good for getting you up and running that treadmill called the rat race- slave your way to retirement at 1000rpm for 30-40 years until you burn out. This is not finding the meaning of life- its avoiding it.

You dont need acid.

Just a natural growing plant.

So die an angry incomplete shell of a man- or find the complete self within you- the peaceful self- its your choice to make. Choose wisely.

Its a humbling experience- trying it for the first time - something that some of you big ego guys here really need but would reject for obvious reasons.

You might lose your edge....:nohead:

Jan 11, 2007

despite your references to these medical "studies," you seem to be very misinformed. ever heard of anyone dying from marijuana use? ever heard of anyone dying from alcohol or tobacco use? exactly.

are you really that bored with your own life that you have to preach to users?

"your choice is who you choose to be, and if you're causing no harm you're alright with me." ben harper

New member
Sep 11, 2005
The last few times I've tried it i wasn't impressed at all. It used to be fun every once in a while but it doesn't do anything for me now.

New member
Jul 4, 2008
less harmful than cigaretts and altered state level is comprable to alcohol both of which are legal, it is fundamentally hypocritical to illegalize marijuana and not alcohol or tobacco
Sep 21, 2004

despite your references to these medical "studies," you seem to be very misinformed. ever heard of anyone dying from marijuana use? ever heard of anyone dying from alcohol or tobacco use? exactly.

are you really that bored with your own life that you have to preach to users?

"your choice is who you choose to be, and if you're causing no harm you're alright with me." ben harper

I am *very* misinformed? Oh, don't make me laugh. And, your beef
isn't with me it's the American Medical Association that listed the vast
medical effects of marijuana, and well as listing it as a gateway drug.

So, until you can show that facts and stats to get them to change their
mind, I suggest that you are the one that is completely ignorant and
mis-informed - perhaps from drugging up your brain too much?

New member
Oct 20, 2005
I am *very* misinformed? Oh, don't make me laugh. And, your beef
isn't with me it's the American Medical Association that listed the vast
medical effects of marijuana, and well as listing it as a gateway drug.

So, until you can show that facts and stats to get them to change their
mind, I suggest that you are the one that is completely ignorant and
mis-informed - perhaps from drugging up your brain too much?

With that being said, and lets pretend it is....then why is Alcohol and Cigarettes legal? Do they cause harm? :think2:
Sep 21, 2004
With that being said, and lets pretend it is....then why is Alcohol and Cigarettes legal? Do they cause harm? :think2:

Um, let's pretend what?

Good question Fletch, the government has to draw the line somewhere,
or do you believe that all drugs should be decriminalized?

Frankly, I couldn't care less that Barman wants to smoke illegal dope
in his house. Have at it. But, I don't think that he should pooh-pooh it's documented harmful effects, and I don't think marijuana use
should be glorified, so that the amount of pre-teens and teens smoking
it rises even further. I think it can have a major negative effect on kids, and it *is* classified as a gateway drug, which is a whole separate issue.

i am an american aquarium drinker
Feb 15, 2008
below is among the greatest things i have ever read and really an all encompassing explanation of what marijuana truly does and/or "means" to the user. It's back at post 68 or something, i didn't quote the whole thing cause this is where it really got rolling. way to go total recall, you injected a accurate explanation of a "feeling" in this stone cold argument of perceived medical facts.


The worst thing pot will ever do to you is have the uncomfortable for some effect of forcing you to to lose your EGO temporarily and therefore you control freaks wont like the feeling.

Once you understand this effect you can relax and enjoy it instead of fighting it which leads to paranoia and increased heart rate.

You are also forced to confront the fact that naked agression is wrong - war is wrong- and love can save you and the world - you are nothing- a speck of dust- no more- a life lived in the pursuit of power is a fools errand- to see yourself as you really are- not as you want others to see you- is the only effective way to mature as a person living with billions of other persons on this rock who are not out to kill you - or take your stuff- a calming effect follows as you begin to see the big picture.

Some never will.

If everyone smoked there would be no need for war. Nobody to sign up because it reduces your hate impulse to zero- your "normal" agression levels (spurred on and increased by Big Pharma stimulants (legal of course) like caffeine- and nicotine- prevents you from seeing the beauty in all living things- and stunts whatever spritual salvation you will ever have a chance of finding. Good for getting you up and running that treadmill called the rat race- slave your way to retirement at 1000rpm for 30-40 years until you burn out. This is not finding the meaning of life- its avoiding it.

You dont need acid.

Just a natural growing plant.

So die an angry incomplete shell of a man- or find the complete self within you- the peaceful self- its your choice to make. Choose wisely.

Its a humbling experience- trying it for the first time - something that some of you big ego guys here really need but would reject for obvious reasons.

You might lose your edge....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Its official Zit is the most annoying poster here.

Dude just lighten up man, I think you need a joint more than you'll ever know.

Weed was legal in the states up untill around the 1920's. Actually they even used to have weed smoking partys in the white house when the arab's rulers would come to town and get high with the president.

i am an american aquarium drinker
Feb 15, 2008
following up on that, i felt many of the things that Total Recall was saying about overtly masculine men or control freaks not being able to let go and enjoy themselves "on" (haha) marijuana....

...was very similar to my observations watching guys take Ecstacy and seeing many "meatheads" that hung around our group of friends blatantly try not to allow the drug to make them have empathetic feelings. they were enjoying themselves for sure, but wouldn't allow to break down their serious selves and blatantly denied their desire for it and moved on to a more "manly" drug like cocaine or excessive consumption of liquor.

Jan 6, 2007
"You are also forced to confront the fact that naked agression is wrong - war is wrong- and love can save you and the world - you are nothing- a speck of dust- no more- a life lived in the pursuit of power is a fools errand- to see yourself as you really are- not as you want others to see you- is the only effective way to mature as a person living with billions of other persons on this rock who are not out to kill you - or take your stuff- a calming effect follows as you begin to see the big picture."

This is one reason I think the government wants marijuana to be illegal, because smoking pot turns you into a pacifist.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
There are so many ways to measure reality you would never find them all if you lived to be a thousand years old. But the idea that there are competing versions at odds with each other is clear. The kind that would have it that one drug is good the other bad for not just the effects but the saleability. There is no money in the stuff (its still illegal)

So demonize it-link it to "laziness". Oooooooo!!!!

Link it to abnormal perceptions like the world at rest is peaceful- not warlike- that war is a business- its not a weakness of man- ITS A BUSINESS. sorry because I have the utmost respect for the guys in the Gulf or Nam or anywhere. Brave guys all. No- I blame the people who try to call the Iraq War necessary- and not even he citizen sheeple in here who agree with that patently absurd conclusion- then or now.

The people who set it up. The War lovers. Them.

Thanks for the kudos jeff _tweedy. Glad somebody likes what I write.

As far as Festers bit- hes a poser- he knows there are no links to cancer and he wont find any studies that show any- believe me Zit - they have been trying to get rats to smoke the equivalent of a pound of pot a day just to slam their immune systems so hard they hope they can get a cancer cell to spout- and they cant..:nohead:

Too many people are calling themselves experts on every aspect of our lives - yes even the almighty word of the AMA.

They tell us something and we accept it as truth too quickly. No one questions the credentials anymore.

This is Doctor Im a paid schill for some corporate entity that wants so badly to get into your head that well set up the commercials that you need based on the shows you watch. No question Big Pharma has literally "taken over" the air waves when it comes to commercials for shows that they know older people will be watching. This is the Madmen dream. They know Im watching Star Trek or Hogans Heroes reruns. Every break is peppered by by a Warning!!! for one you gotta stop buying like right now- and buy this one instead-no harm - no foul ya know- absence of malice backed by three thousand lawyers if you do decide to sue us- for arthritis- osteoporisis -or even penile enlargement potions in pill form hawked by an attractive looking young woman showing her cleavage.
You want me to believe that its real? Its an invasion of peoples privacy and they should not be allowed to upset these people who have been popping these pills telling them suddenlt that they are killing people now- or a shout out to all the these poor unfortunate defective replacement hipsters (your uncles or grandfathers) that what you almost died on the table to get inserted into you now has to come out defective as it is and you have to have ANOTHER operation which will probably kill you this time.
FACT- Hips are never to be twice replaced- the risk of lethal infection is very high second time around.

All this while they watching TV simply trying to be entertained.

There ought to be a law....

In my day they were honestly trying to make telivision good and educational and artistic and intellectually satisfiying. Now its just about eyecandy and REALITY SHOWS -and the PROPAGANDA shows. Now theres the biggest joke in Hollywood -TV has been hijacked by corporations- hawking shit without proper testing- OK'd by the AMA and the FDA - so are you kidding me these voices- these experts are believable?

So Im really not suprised that they would stoop to the ghoulish attempts to get your attention just to sell a fucking product or to tell you "thats right Mr. Jones- that pill you just swallowed will probably cause seizures in you in about a week."

Now we return you to that heartwarming episode of the Waltons I was watching?

Gee thanks oh holiest of the holy purveyors of the MEDICAL FACTS-

:nohead: - but Im not feeling well all of a sudden... I thing im getting an ulcer..
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