Addicted to Marijuana? Here is Help


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center>Originally Posted by festeringZit

Effects of Marijuana

Long-term effects of using marijuana include:
<DIR><DIR>Enhanced cancer risk

Decrease in testosterone levels and lower sperm counts for men

Increase in testosterone levels for women and increased risk of infertility

Diminished or extinguished sexual pleasure

Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect

So- let me get this straight- you dont read your own article which makes it a point to link pot with cancer.

Then you throw same article under the bus and say "Im not saying it- THEY are saying it!

So you dont believe there is a link? Yes or no?

Because I see now you claim Harvard says it does. Please provide the JAMA study- thats where youll find it if it was done. Believe me- you wont find it because its word play- nothing more. For 40 years theyve been trying to find a link. There is NONE.

Saying there is enhanced risk is not proof that it cauuses cancer. Its speculation for special interest groups like the tobbaco companies that would love to find a link but cant. Sayin it "Appears to cause cancer" is like saying it "appears you know what you are talking about"... which you obviously dont and are caught flip-flopping on the issue as well.

Its always the same game with you guys. Throw some outrageous conclusion out there and see if it sticks. You phoney moralizers are probably smoking Marlboros and drinking Absloute vodka while you type. Give it up while you have any creditability left.

Look spinmeister - whenever you impose- err.. advocate a medical stance on a substance's effect on the human body and you make outlandish claims like there is a pot/cancer link because it "appears to be" you better be prepared to go to the JAMA and show the articles they have that discusses the study how it was held what the findings were. In other words- throwing out the name Harvard is nothing without some facts to support it.

If you reference an article to preach to us you better be dammed ready to defend it when your imaginary test results are proved to be a "pipe dream" and the credentials of your references remain vague.
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Sep 21, 2004
zit you never answered my question... is your life really that boring that you have to worry about what other people do in the privacy in their own home? or, speaking about homosexuals, are you that bored with your own sex life that you have to meddle in the affairs of someone else who is not harming you?

give me a break. you come off as a self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic dickhead.

you need to take a hit more than any of us.

Homos can bang each other up the ass all they want, but when they
want to change the definition of marriage, is when 60+% of
this country including me has something to say about it.

Did I answer your question sufficiently?
Sep 21, 2004
<table dir="ltr" width="624" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="center">Originally Posted by festeringZit

Effects of Marijuana

Long-term effects of using marijuana include:
<dir><dir>Enhanced cancer risk

Decrease in testosterone levels and lower sperm counts for men

Increase in testosterone levels for women and increased risk of infertility

Diminished or extinguished sexual pleasure

Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect

So- let me get this straight- you dont read your own article which makes it a point to link pot with cancer.

Then you throw same article under the bus and say "Im not saying it- THEY are saying it!

So you dont believe there is a link? Yes or no?

Because I see now you claim Harvard says it does. Please provide the JAMA study- thats where youll find it if it was done. Believe me- you wont find it because its word play- nothing more. For 40 years theyve been trying to find a link. There is NONE.

Saying there is enhanced risk is not proof that it cauuses cancer. Its speculation for special interest groups like the tobbaco companies that would love to find a link but cant. Sayin it "Appears to cause cancer" is like saying it "appears you know what you are talking about"... which you obviously dont and are caught flip-flopping on the issue as well.

Its always the same game with you guys. Throw some outrageous conclusion out there and see if it sticks. You phoney moralizers are probably smoking Marlboros and drinking Absloute vodka while you type. Give it up while you have any creditability left.

Look spinmeister - whenever you impose- err.. advocate a medical stance on a substance's effect on the human body and you make outlandish claims like there is a pot/cancer link because it "appears to be" you better be prepared to go to the JAMA and show the articles they have that discusses the study how it was held what the findings were. In other words- throwing out the name Harvard is nothing without some facts to support it.

If you reference an article to preach to us you better be dammed ready to defend it when your imaginary test results are proved to be a "pipe dream" and the credentials of your references remain vague.


I honestly didn't notice the cancer link in the original post, then when
I did some more searching, I see that Harvard MD's say it is linked
also. Take up your beef with Harvard MD's and American Medical
Association. If you think their results are a pipe dream and imaginary,
me thinks you've been smoking too much ganja.

Did I answer your question sufficiently?

And, frankly I don't care if their is a cancer link or not, the other harmful effects of marijuana
and it being a gateway drug are enough for me to think that it should stay criminalized.
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Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
He's only religious when it suits him...Texas Taliban in Full Effect

Well yeah....Put marijuana users in cages...Put women who abort fetuses into cages.

Unless it's one of ZIT's family members or close friends
Sep 21, 2004
Zit- is there any reason at all that alcohol should be legal? If so, what is it?
Sep 21, 2004
Zit- is there any reason at all that alcohol should be legal? If so, what is it?


People keep posing the question about cigarettes and alcohol.

The government has to draw the line somewhere, or do you think
all drugs should be de-criminalized?

I have no doubt that some adults are able to smoke marijuana
responsibly (whatever that means). And, if they wish to destroy
their body in the process... oh well. But, studies have shown that
it is a gateway drug for teens and others, and I think we as a culture should take that seriously, and not glorify pot as some harmless
high. FYI, I have smoked pot numerous times in the past.

One of my motivations for the marijuana rant is to point out
Barman's blatant hypocrisy.

His big point about abortion is that it is not immoral, because it
is legal. OK, along those lines, then why is he smoking illegal

The fact is, Barman is one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever met.
He loves to make fun of evangelicals, but he belongs to a loony
cult, and believes that he can talk to any dead person in history. He also
believes that there is no such thing as sickness and evil in this world.

Seriously, why am I the only one pointing out that this guy is a loony
(and a total hypocrite)?


New member
Apr 21, 2007
People keep posing the question about cigarettes and alcohol.

The government has to draw the line somewhere, or do you think
all drugs should be de-criminalized?

I have no doubt that some adults are able to smoke marijuana
responsibly (whatever that means). And, if they wish to destroy
their body in the process... oh well. But, studies have shown that
it is a gateway drug for teens and others, and I think we as a culture should take that seriously, and not glorify pot as some harmless


I guess the government does have to draw the line somewhere, but why criminalise a drug that poses, from all we know, less danger to health than alcohol and tobacco?

In my opinion the only substantial argument for that is that it is seen as a gateway drug.
However, I'd like to see a study about the true reasons for people who move from pot to hard drugs. I believe the number of users who go on to do hard drugs simply because they have smoked pot before is rather small. I know of no evidence that indicates that there are physical reasons for pot user to need harder drugs. It seems to be more an effect of the criminalisation of marijuana. Since pot has to be bought from illegal dealers it is much more likely for users to come in contact with 'bad' society which leads them down a path of crime and hard drugs. If you decriminalise marijuana you take that connection away. Also, as it is now, marijuana users have already crossed the inhibition threshold into illegality, which probably makes it easier for some of them to go further. This problem, too, you wouldn't have if pot were legal.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
ZIT is baffled: The government has to draw the line somewhere, or do you think all drugs should be de-criminalized?

In the United States of America, 99.9% (a literal, not a euphemistic percentage) of all drugs are legal to produce, to distribute and to consume.

Only about a dozen drugs and a single herb - marijuana - are deemed worthy of government intervention, arrest and prison time if an American adult decides to use them.

The onus is not on the question, "Why should marijuana be legalized?", but rather, "Why is marijuana illegal to possess, cultivate or distribute?" when literally several thousand other drugs - most of which are far more dangerous to consume and all of which carry a potential lethal dosage - are legal.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
And of course there are two very simple reasons why it should not be a crime to use, cultivate or distribute marijuana

1) In the United States of America, adults should have the freedom to ingest whatever they wish without fear of being arrested and caged.

The absurd notion that marijuana is illegal because it is "dangerous to consume", if applied with equity to other consumables would render virtually the entire pharmacopia and numerous food products as being equally worthy of arrest, criminal prosecution and imprisonment.

2) Government insistence that marijuana - a product that is in demand by at least 30 million, and upwards of 50 million Americans - assures that the market will be 100% served by unregulated dealers.

Unregulated drug dealers actively market to minors.

Unregulated drug dealers actively recruit minors to help them sell.

Unregulated drug dealers commit crimes of violence in the community against police and civilians alike.

Any government or individual who supports 21st century Prohibition is stating their implicit support for illegal and unregulated drug dealers to have control of a multi-billion dollar per year business.

One need not be either a consumer of marijuana or even endorse the use of marijuana to recognize the folly of supporting 21st century Prohibition.

One can even actively educate and actively discourage the use of marijuana without the need to support 21st century Prohibition.

If you are one of the two or maybe three people reading this post who support Prohibition, ask yourself why you are endorsing a policy that puts 100% control of a multi-billion dollar per year market in the hands of people who will sell drugs to your kids, who will recruit your kids to sell and who will commit crimes of violence against you, your family and your neighbors.

Aug 6, 2006
I smoked pot off and on for 25 years. Haven't smoked in 4+ years. I found it usually to be very relaxing. But there is a reason the word "Buzzkill" was invented. The definition of "Buzzkill" is -- You have a 4 point Dog trailing by 3 lining up for a FG at the end of a game. It's blocked and run back 80 yards for a TD and you lose the bet. THAT'S BUZZKILL!

I love pot. It just doesn't mix well with gambling.

The only person I know who ever suffered deleterious effects from marijuana was a friend of mine. He was fine before he smoked. After he started smoking he became convinced that a secret group of very powerful people were going to blow up Saturn. Other than that, nothing.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
That's simply the result of smoking pot grown by They.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
I smoked pot off and on for 25 years. Haven't smoked in 4+ years. I found it usually to be very relaxing. But there is a reason the word "Buzzkill" was invented. The definition of "Buzzkill" is -- You have a 4 point Dog trailing by 3 lining up for a FG at the end of a game. It's blocked and run back 80 yards for a TD and you lose the bet. THAT'S BUZZKILL!

I love pot. It just doesn't mix well with gambling.

The only person I know who ever suffered deleterious effects from marijuana was a friend of mine. He was fine before he smoked. After he started smoking he became convinced that a secret group of very powerful people were going to blow up Saturn. Other than that, nothing.
i didnt know you and Loren were buddies:grandmais

I'd rather be Kayak fishing
Jul 18, 2006
Exactly! And how can anyone believe in creationism without being high off their ass to begin with.
How can anyone believe that something like the beautiful Female human body was not designed by a Creator? "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God." Psalms 14:1

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
How can anyone believe that something like the beautiful Female human body was not designed by a Creator? "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God." Psalms 14:1

God said to Adam...I can give you the most amazing creature, obedient, emotionally stable, cooks, cleans, the most perfect of beings...but it will cost you your right leg.

Adam said...What can i get for a Rib...

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
God said to Adam...I can give you the most amazing creature, obedient, emotionally stable, cooks, cleans, the most perfect of beings...but it will cost you your right leg.

Adam said...What can i get for a Rib...

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
Bemusing Fun Fact - "Addict" Barman has only toked once in the past 17 weeks - easily the longest period of abstention for me since 1976.

My supplier of past nine years has been out of the country for that time period, but is returning in two weeks.

One supplier? You should be growin the shit in your neck of the woods BM.

Positive effects of marijuana:
-Music more enjoyable
-Video games more enjoyable
-Movies more enjoyable
As Dave Chapelle spelled out everything is better on weed.
-Getting high with girls often leads to action,good ice breaker.
-Increased philosophical thought processeses
-Increased patience with wife/SO nagging
-Great nights sleep
-Appetite enhancer

New member
Nov 27, 2006
How can anyone believe that something like the beautiful Female human body was not designed by a Creator? "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God." Psalms 14:1

IMO, you have to be high to think everything happened and was created by accident. All those gasses just combined somehow, and who knows how they got there in the first place. WAY HIGH.

New member
Nov 8, 2006
One supplier? You should be growin the shit in your neck of the woods BM.

Positive effects of marijuana:
-Music more enjoyable
-Video games more enjoyable
-Movies more enjoyable
As Dave Chapelle spelled out everything is better on weed.
-Getting high with girls often leads to action,good ice breaker.
-Increased philosophical thought processeses
-Increased patience with wife/SO nagging
-Great nights sleep
-Appetite enhancer

Problems with marijuana:

Getting busted.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
Problems with marijuana:

Getting busted.

In Mass, thanks to the vote a couple weeks ago,caught under a Z youll just get a ticket.Dec 1, in effect I think.:103631605

Ive been nabbed numerous times, all either dismissed or contuinued w/o a finding anyway.Getting arrested is character

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