AC/FF 60% challenge


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Fear Factor-

I have been following this competition since you first posted your displeasure over the cappers in this forum. You proposed the challenge with no specific rules regarding props, ML ect... other then if a ML lost it would cost that amount of games. The way I see it, a bet's a bet and if they pick props so be it. I understand your concerns but you can't change the rules in mid-stream.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I knew you would try to find a way to weasel out of this. Every single play I have posted has been either a widely available line OR a second half line at a book on the Don Best screen. in addition, I have played two moneylines. and they were both at widely available numbers.

now that it looks you are going to lose the bet, you are going to become a line nazi? whatever. you ran your mouth and now you don't want to pay.

I will not be making plays out of your posted lines. Are you going to post first halfs, team totals, etc? no, you are not. and that is not what I have done with the first 84 picks in this challenge.

Please show me my plays that are WILD. one prop, and it was -115. and it lost. numerous hockey picks at plus juice that won, but you don't hear me asking to count it at 1.2 wins.

Also, just for the record, I very rarely post plays in the forum, mostly I just post and give people advice.

does someone want to start an over/under on how many days fear factor will be around the rx?

I am now 52-32. or 61.9% All i have to do is hit 50% the rest of the way. and your bitch ass will be on its way.


ps. thanks rander.
pps. ff: no response on the finishing over 60% question, huh? guess thats because I will never see any $$ from you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I should have said "no one in here can pick 60% winners", and SPECIFIED 1st HALF and GAME LINES only.
No local book carries props and moneylines. They rarely carry 2nd half lines either. Not everyone has the option to bet on these.

I'm sure there are some Offshore Books that have these types of wagering available BUT, are they trustworthy? Others have too much restrictions like once-a-week-only payouts or not picking up WU fees. Some don't even offer WU as an option. Now, why would you wanna put your money here?

I came in here looking for winners on wagers I COULD ACTUALLY MAKE. Just put out your best sides and totals and spare me all the exotic stuff.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
most of the people here play offshore. they have access to the internet. big surprise.

weren't you just crowing about and how much money you have there? what, they don't hang halftime numbers? fyi-my local has halftime numbers. I don't play there, but they have it now. they have to. it's called competition. they want to retain their players.

finally, when I agreed to this challenge i told you I would be making primarily three types of wagers:

1. Denver second half under.
2. NJ in the first half
3. bobby bryde undertaker.

now I didn't end up making many of those plays, but those were the terms that I told you I would enter the challenge under. and you agreed. so don't pull your shit about how it's unfair and you were looking for winners. you are going to lose this bet. you are going to pay me or you are going to disappear from the rx.

you need better locals. i have 2 locals that will take any prop, or moneyline i call in. as long as i can give them the offshore book that has it posted on their site.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Rander..I don't know who you are BUT SINCE YOU CHIMED IN...

Everyone's plays up to this point have been 'straight-forward'--either a side, first-half or Total. Notice how all of that has changed in the last 2, I'm getting absolutely RIDICULOUS entries (BTW, did you bother looking at KODIAK7's thread today??? HUGE ML plays all over the place!! He even tried to get away with a 'made-up' moneyline play on Notre Dame today!). The reason for this is because all of these guys have been STRUGGLING big time--everyone's avg. had dropped significantly since a few days ago--and now they're SCRAMBLING to get back on track. They're nervous because all of them are but 10-15 games away from losing.
I gotta tell you, these picks are:
#1. NOT REALISTIC, given anyone's bankroll
#2. FRAUDULANT, based on the ODDS they are putting out (i.e. ML of -300, when it s/b more like -600)
#3. NOT AVAIL. in most cases (i.e. quarter lines,individual team totals, individual COLLEGE player totals). Maybe they are in a couple places, but I wouldn't trust putting my money there.

Bottom line is this (and take it or leave it)..this is not what my intent has been. If this is their method(s) of wagering, why haven't I seen these types of plays on this site before. Maybe, if I did, I'd never shout out in the first place.

Who know's if any of these guys will even end up at 60%, but you gotta agree, the picks that they are giving out are 'suspect'.

This simple challenge really has become blown out of proportions.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
loser factor: please point out my fradulent plays. I'll be happy to remove them. because the plays that you think are fradulent are actually losers for me. like the one prop I played. I will be happy to remove that one. as well as my laker team totals that I lost three plays with the other night. and the first quarter over that I lost with the raiders today. lets get rid of my fradulent plays and then my record will improve.

again, i will refer you to the conditions under which I entered this challenge. I specifically told you that I would be playing a lot of haltimes. now it turns out that I played a lot of NFL and a lot of NBA. but the fact is that you are now losing and you cannot pay.

so keep dancing. your time here is almost up. once I hit 60%, you won't be heard from. I'll make a side bet on that one.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I know what you told me about the Nets, Denver and Bobby M. &, believe me, I have that in my arsenal. Fortunately for you, I didn't let it surface after that--I could have held you to that but ,fortunately for me, I got more class than that. It was a stupid remark you made in the first place and I figured you probably never meant it anyway.

But let me ask you this, why ,all of a sudden, the rush of teasers,props, moneylines, etc.?Why not stick with sides and totals and make an honest effort at it?
(By the way, so all of our viewers will know,your sides in hockey all had moneylines attached to them and, I IGNORED the extra vig when they came up losers--or, how 'bout the Oakland (1st Q) OVER you had tonight. You should have lost 1.35 showed it as a loss of 1 unit only. You still claim your record at 53-32, don't you?How 'bout that, viewers?)


New member
Sep 21, 2004
also, as far as the type of plays "seen" on this site. almost every day, someone starts a haltime thread about college bball, the nfl, and the nba. ATX always posts haltime plays when he is around. props are often discussed in the nfl forum.

you may have a beef with kodiak about one of his moneylines today, but don't trash my thread with your stupid accusations. I am giving you a beat down fair and square.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

Your right in that regard, but your whole competition is a little whack. You give them 100 games to prove they can hit 60%, what is that. So what if they hit 60% in there first 100. what about the next 100, 200 ect... and visa versa. All I'm saying is you can't change the game once it starts. If you lose due to these type bets, so be it, don't try to justify your point by altering the rules.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
hello? ff? is anyone home? the point is to pick 60% winners. if you had said, you can only pick sides and totals, I would have gone with a different strategy. I played teasers last weekend and hit about 60%. Today, i kick your ass and you start whining about it. In the first day of the challenge, I asked you about moneylines. Now that you are losing, its a problem. blah blah blah.

I would be happy to keep the challenge to denver 2nd half, etc. it would take two NBA seasons, but I would still win.

now get ready to pay up, stop your bitching, or disappear. I don't expect to ever see any money from you so why don't you blow now?

I'm done wasting time on you.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
as far as the vig goes on hockey games, we have discussed that earlier in the thread. there are many more hockey plays at plus juice and there are maybe two plays at -120. so, stop your ****ing whining and shuffle and jive.

over/under on fear factor disappearing:

4 days.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
with all do respect, I guess I should have thought it out more, at first. Technically, someone or other could have put up a "celebrity" or "nobel peace prize" prop up, for that matter. The fact is, some Offshore Books have available these types of wagers BUT that's not what I was looking for. Besides, most people wouldn't be able to get down a wager on them anyway.

AC..agree with me on this....Wouldn't you say the VAST MAJORITY of Rx posters pick, and SPORTS GAMBLERS WORLDWIDE bet predominately SIDES and TOTALS? Not only that, NAME 1 SPORTSBOOK that DOES NOT have SIDES and TOTALS on the 3 major sports.

Once again..I should have thought the rules out more, before I said anything. My mistake..big mistake


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would say the vast majority of rx posters make bets on events or props that they think they can win. and a lot of them bet teasers. and I bet a lot of the lurkers and newbies bet parlays. and the sharp players play wherever they have EV. and in the summer, sharp players will bet away faves on the runline. and home faves on the moneyline. and squares will lay -300 on the yankees.

when you posted your challenge, I knew I could beat it. so I made a bet on it. you acceptd the wager and you knew what types of plays I made. after I made a prop bet, we agreed that we wouldn't play any of those. and if the raiders or tampa had lost, you would have gladly accepted moneyline plays. but the fact is that you are losing. and you were so sure you were going to win. but you are not.

whats your point about sportsbooks not having sides and totals? wtf does that have to do with anything.

just answer this question. when and if you lose, are you going to pay up?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
If and when you go over 50% thru your next 16 games.

Keep in mind, NO MORE HUGE MONEYLINERS and BETS most of us can't get their hands on. We are supposed to working with NORMAL BANKROLLS.

What's the difference to you, anyway....all you gots to do is go at least 8-8 from here on out.

Good Luck


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'll make sure to check with you about all of my offshore action to make sure you approve. but i'm going to keep going with second half bets. every f-ing offshore has NBA second halfs, so thanks for looking out for the common man, but they should be able to find those numbers.

i probably won't play ml's for the rest of the way, but maybe for the last pick, I might pick a nice fat juicy -700 favorite to make it interesting.

and by the way, all of the plays I have made in the contest (with the exception of a coupla hockey picks I took from bobby bryde) I am playing at my outs. so these are my normal plays. I looked thru my plays and there are about 10 that are gimmicky--like first quarters and team totals. and i think i went 50/50 on them. so there was no advantage on my part there.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for that.

Keep in mind, playing a ML Fav. of -700 constitues 7 plays so you can't play it, UNLESS you have 7 or more games LEFT to pick. A -700 ML play has to be verifiable, not like one of those Kodiak7 fakes.

Remember this contest allows you no more than 100 plays to achieve the 60%
lol, you only need 8 more wins. just play 3 team parlays. if you lose 1 its only 1 unit, if you win one, you pick up 6 units. you should be able to hit one in 5 or 6 tries easy, and if you do it in the first try or two, this contest is a wrap.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
rpm: lol. thats a great idea. or maybe I should do some correlated if betting?

fear factor: you are not thinking straight. if someone wants to play a huge chalk moneyline, you should let them. it is to your advantage. also, if thats the case, all I have left to do is pick two -800 favorites or one -1500 favorites and have them win. then I have won the challenge. I can't make anymore picks because my "quota" is up AND my winning percentage is over 60.

really, when I saw that kodiak was playing the chalk yesterday, I knew it was almost over for him. NBA chalk moneylines are suckers bets.


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