The left is now playing the race card desperately trying to demonize and discredit the Bundys because they got smoked.
I will say it again for anyone who isn't a brainwashed commie loon like cucumber arm boy:
The Ranchers provide the American people beef...what do the record number of people on food stamps provide again?
They waste precious resources that could be utilized more efficiently and effectively in other areas of the economy..ya know, sectors that actually produce something.
But that's Liberal Logic 101 for you: cart-pullers are demonized; welfare rejects are idolized. (And the money to pay for it all grows on trees!)
Welcome to next dark ages, aka "Obama's New America"
What does providing beef have to do with being a racist? And why are you so concerned with my arms... lol. Creeper.
You're just using the race card to demonize and discredit productive ranchers. It's what unproductive Media Matters commies do all day...cherry-pick one "gotcha" statement they can send to Jon Stewart to "win the debate" in the eyes of brainwashed retards like you.
Race, Gender, Class - the holy trinity of leftism! Take those away, and your divisive, destructive hate-spewing Marxist party wouldn't win a single state!
When I read what Cliven Bundy said (and he's right), I KNEW being the Big Government parrot you are that you'd be posting it to "make your argument"
("I listen to smart people and experts!") LMFAO!
As for your girly arms, well, forgive me pointing out the obvious - it explains why you worship and need Obama's Utopian State so much for your security and sustenance. I mean, anyone can see that Piper Palin would smoke those cucumber arms in an arm wrestle.
He said black people would be better off as slaves. That's racist dude, lol. But I know that's how you think also, so it's not a surprise. Real life creeper.
That's factualist dudette, lol.
Blacks traded in the old Southern plantations for the Democrat Party plantation.
Oh, look, a black woman agrees with Bundy:
"Uncle Sam’s Plantation is an incisive look at how government manipulates, controls, and ultimately devastates the lives of the poor—and what Americans must do to stop it. Once a hustler and welfare addict who was chewed up and spit out by the ruthless welfare system, Star Parker sheds much needed light on the bungled bureaucratic attempts to end poverty and reveals the insidious deceptions perpetrated by self-serving politicians."
Maybe you brainwashed idiots should call her 'racist' too! face)(*^%
Saying black people would be better off as slaves is racist, lol. No matter how you want to spin it. Hilarious
You're too dumb to even know what the word means.
You're too dumb to even know what the word means.
I'm not being hyperbolic or insulting, but he is literally the dumbest fuck to ever post here.
"The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals’ expansion of the welfare state." - Thomas Sowell
The black family was better off under slavery than the modern Democrat party plantation.
That about sums up the fratfraud's pathetic failed ideology.
Lmao!! "The black family was better off under slavery". You guys are fucking retarded.