You're too dumb to even know what the word means.
Joe quotes me as going to the liberal card by accusing bundy as a terrorist. I stated that I didn't think he was a terrorist. There are 3 disturbing factors.
1. Anyone who thinks this Bundy guy is a great citizen and is right when it comes to the land after not paying his bill is a bit off IMO. The guy admittedly does not recognize the US federal gov as existing.
2. No matter how you spin it his words were racist.
3. Anyone who is willing to back Sheriff Joe and not see him for a lunatic has their blinders on. The guy is full of hate, i think he should donate some time at the nearest rest home, or pay someone to give him a tug, poor lonely guy, 3,500 posts in 6 months is all you need to know about how much this forum and worrying about Obama and being a birther means to him
But, but, but...cucumber-arm boy said we all get our "talking points" from "Fox News" can this be????? Loser!@#0Hannity said he was angry Thursday because people who "for the right reasons saw this case as government overreach now are like branded because of the ignorant, racist, repugnant, despicable comments of Cliven Bundy."
- Sean Hannity
Thomas Sowell is a nut
Thomas Sowell is a fringe nutter
I hate to burst you bubble AK but Thomas Sowell has more intellect in the stool he flushes down the toilet every day than you have between your ears.
Another voice of reason chimes in:
I agree with Joe on most topics, although I agree with you he can be over the top sometimes when making his case and there are a few topics we don't see eye to eye
having said that, his citations of democratic quotes in this thread have been pretty damning, once again illustrating the double standard we have in politics today
the democratic party is enabled by their propaganda machine we still refer to as "the media". They carry and sell the liberal narrative without debate. The news coverage should be considered a free advertisement for the democratic party.
Let me paraphrase Walter Cronkite; "yes I'm biased for the left, because it's the right thing to do"
Not to debate the damage caused by Johnson's vision of a great society. However.....
That N-word quote is all over the internet on Rightwing blogs, and it can be found only in a book by Rightwing author Ronald Kessler, called 'Inside the White House'. The quote has never been corroborated by anyone else. Kessler is the only person who ever alleged LBJ ever said it. Given LBJ's prior 20 year history at the forefront of Civil Rights legislation, it's hard to believe the quote is authentic. LBJ's signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 actually hurt the Democrats, who derived no benefit from it. Although the signing of the legislation by Johnson does have a lot to do with why African Americans vote Democratic, the Republicans have won a few elections since 1964 without the Black vote. Nixon's Southern Strategy gave the Republicans a virtual lock on the South by appealing to White racists.