if fratfraud wasn't so damn stupid, you'd think he's was putting the ball on the tee for me intentionally
1) he argues the least prepared man in the room won the over 50K vote 50 to 48 so he didn't need the inner-city vote (as if I argue Republicans would win all 50 states, but you can't reason with libtardism). But he chooses to ignore the fact that Romney won that vote 53-45 nationwide. Is he being stupid on purpose? does he know he's putting his foot in his mouth? rhetorical questions because he is that dumb and he doesn't know he's defeating himself.
2) let's breakdown IL
< 50k, 72-27 Obama (no surprise, they always win the slcker vote)
50k to 100k, 57-41 Obama (somewhat surprising, maybe average incomes are higher in Chicago and/or maybe the Daly crime machine is that powerful or maybe there's just a ton of good intention-ed people who live there)
>100K, 55-44 Romney (the selfish racist vote)
whites 52-46 Romney (more racism)
blacks 96-3 Obama (good honest hard working victims held down by slavery)
Hispanics 81-18 Obama (presumably because Obama espouses bilingualism, he does speak Ebonics y'know, and will sell whatever soul he has left to win their vote)
only whites that vote republican are racists in libtardville, where the fratfrauds of this world reside.