hmm, was wondering....what shall happen at The Rx if Mrs Clinton wins in a landslide?...................... The Rx Advisory board will become a sea of blue resulting, likely, in SIGNIFICANT changes . Red representation? Mr Scott L. That's it. The poor chap will be a pylon at the quarterly board meetings......dagone.......................changes as early as mid-Nov...... bloody hell..................rumors?........'Cannabis Tuesdays' pepperoni pizza Mon-Thurs from 8:30pm-9:45pm..................
....likely to drop in on Tuesdays.................from time to time...............................
hmm, was wondering....what shall happen at The Rx if Mrs Clinton wins in a landslide?...................... The Rx Advisory board will become a sea of blue resulting, likely, in SIGNIFICANT changes . Red representation? Mr Scott L. That's it. The poor chap will be a pylon at the quarterly board meetings......dagone.......................changes as early as mid-Nov...... bloody hell..................rumors?........'Cannabis Tuesdays' pepperoni pizza Mon-Thurs from 8:30pm-9:45pm..................
....likely to drop in on Tuesdays.................from time to time...............................
It was sad that repubs used those deaths for political reasons......not surprising though....they used 9/11 for political reasons......many right wingers have no souls
Acebb, Willie99, SheriffJoe and Festering Zit are the deplorables and they love a segment of this country but hate any diversity, fairness or anything that might help people.
All while Democrats Whore Out 49 Dead Gays to promote their Agenda of fucking with our 2nd Amendment Right to remain armed against the Sub Human pieces of shit that have to kill us cuz some Crackhead Pedophile from 632 A.D. said thats what needs to happen.
Every. Single. TIME. a Muslim goes off shooting up innocent people The Democrats, Liberals and YOU scream: "Gun Control!!" when 84% of Americans know that Islam Control is whats needed, not a confiscation of Amercan's Guns.
Dims, Libs they "Used deaths for political reasons." way more frequently than other people simply ask for understanding about why Hillary Clinton refused to help Ambassador Stevens and those other 3 not die that night.
You need to strap yourself the fug in vit cuz we are fixin' to get Answers.
To that question.
How is (potential) Open Borders gonna "Help People", Vit?
Or even immigration allowed upon a smaller scale that sees Adult Male Miltary Aged Islamic Guys 18-whatever joining us here?
On a massive and largely unchecked at time of entry, scale....vitterd?
How would you explain these things as "Helpful?"
to any one?
who would get "helped", in these scenarios vitterd?
Where would the +EV exist, on these things?
Sincerely, answer that fucking question vit. For once don't deflect, by responding with generalities or sidetrack crap.
Same thing that happened in 08 and 12.....Willie will blame poor people and minorities if his vote should count more than those who make less money.......some guys never learn.
They will be here complaining in 2024 when Michelle Obama is far ahead of Bristol Palin in latest Rasmussen poll
Willie never said his Vote should count more that people who make less money. Someone suggested that only people who pay taxes should get to Vote.
And that parsites should not to Vote.
I'd personally go further than that and bar Stupid People from being able to Vote.
IQ Tests.
You find Flaw with that then what you object to is REASON Vit, intelligent solutions to allowing Braindead Free Stuff Army Nig-Nogs and other fucking Zombies have a say in who leads this country.
I don't even know that it was Willie99 who even said that stuff, about Non-Contributing sludge losing the power to Vote....whoEVER posted that posted a way OUT of the shit system we have, a way to overcome shortcomings to this system that we and we alone ourselves ALLOW TO CONTINUE TO EXIST.
Stripping those who do not pay taxes of the ability to Vote is what should be done, vit. Among a few other things that you also would be incapable of comprehending, the absolute necessity of...if we do seriously WANT to change up our failed and failing system vit that will continue to Fail.
Trump is far ahead on the uneducated vote. So you might wanna delay that IQ test to vote. You have read posts of trump voters here right?
willie always blames poor people and minorities when his candidate loses. Its tradition for him
There won't be open borders at all. I answer every question .....every single time. Guys here just don't like the answer but you're asking a hypothetical question that's not likely to happen. Regardless of what some leaked speech says.
Willie never said his Vote should count more that people who make less money. Someone suggested that only people who pay taxes should get to Vote.
And that parasites should not be allowed to Vote.
I'd personally go further than that and bar Stupid People from being able to Vote.
IQ Tests.
You find Flaw with that then what you object to is REASON Vit, intelligent solutions to allowing Braindead Free Stuff Army Nig-Nogs and other fucking Zombies have a say in who leads this country.
I don't even know that it was Willie99 who even said that stuff, about Non-Contributing sludge losing the power to Vote....whoEVER posted that posted a way OUT of the shit system we have, a way to overcome shortcomings to this system that we and we alone ourselves ALLOW TO CONTINUE TO EXIST.
Stripping those who do not pay taxes of the ability to Vote is what should be done, vit. Among a few other things that you also would be incapable of comprehending, the absolute necessity of...if we do seriously WANT to change up our failed and failing system vit that will continue to Fail.
Once people saw the improvement that barring Non-Contributors from Voting brought, the massive Conisopia of Good that burst forth, from that vit, then we could move on to restricting the ability of Stupid People, fom Voting.
There...Oh There, there lies the true prize vit.
There be the location of The Treasure Vit.
So you're Nostradamus now? Huh Vit? You totally "know" the reptilian bitch won't establish Open Border despite the fact she very clearly said, in Brazil vit, that "Open Borders are my dream."
The whole and entire "response" you're able to summon vit is....
"Oh that won't happen."
Shit Vit thats gotta disappoint even you, yourself. No way that being the sum total of response you're able to mentally summon does not at least make you suspect that.......yeah...were this the future where embedded Nano Computers monitor our every bodily function and can also determine Cognitive Function & IQ and Stupid People indeed do not get allowed in to Vote, they set off an alarm like when one tries to sneak a 5th of Whiskey out of the grocery store without paying...
....your only response being "Oh, yeah, That won't happen." surely must inform you that, in that world of the future vit, you would not qualify to Vote.
Truer words were never spoken!! You gotta have skin in the game to participate! Except for retired seniors who have already paid into the system. All able-bodied non tax payers should not be allowed to vote!
Youre asking a hypothetical and I'm Nostradamus?'re being like Willie now and just talking yourself into a circle of non logic.
Plesse no more Allen west and white power barbie. They are both angry nitwits. You gotta know this.
you don't wanna take away the stupid vote this year or Hillary wins in a landslide