650,000 emails found on Humas laptop


Oct 12, 2008
a thread opened at another forum in the am today titled; 'you just gotta LOVE Obamacare'. The OP was being facetious. Within 4 hours that thread was 3 pages deep. All political entries were deleted by admin . The negative responses were OVERWHELMING. Some stories were disturbing . Copy and pasted one below, it's not isolated

So I just got my letter 3 days ago and am now privileged to pay nearly $2000/month for a plan I cannot use....

It's an HMO (oh boy!) with no doctors close....

A mere 2.5 year ago I had a plan I liked, with doctors I liked, and was truly affordable for our family at $600/month...

First it doubled, then dropped the PPO plan for the same 1200 now has jumped over 700 in a year...And with a 7K deductible... We are all healthy and rarely see the doctor..

Where does this end?


given Hilary wants to keep it and tweak it, isn't this a HUGE opportunity for Mr Trump . I know he has said he will repeal it, but....then what? What is his plan? single payer? Haven't been following actual issues , lol, ......does he have a plan? This is a GOLDEN opportunity . no?

no comments to this, so i'm assuming Mr Trump doesnt have a healthcare plan? Just repeal and go from there?

interesting read , so i'll post. Hard to find, define , create an ideal healthcare system......likely an amalgamation from existing creations. When food choices are conducive to promote rising disease states?..you know DAMN well the system will get overloaded in time.


it's kinda consistent human nature........even people WITH wealth (seen from the responses at the other site as they're high net worth people) are complaining about Obamacare -- why? cause of the rising fees.......people only complain when it hits them in the pocket?.............:)

<section id="article-section-1" style="width: 630px; margin: 0px auto; max-width: 630px; padding-right: 330px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Lyon Text", Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 18px;">


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
if one doesn't espouse government solutions, why would one look for a government solution? that's a fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals

what we do know is that the government solution FUCKED things up in every way imaginable, across the boards

repeal obamacare, but it has to be unraveled, you cannot replace it as recklessly as the fucking idiots implemented it

80% of American were happy with their own healthcare before Obamacare, we just needed to fill the gaps. Somehow we have to get back to where we were, but that's going to take time

Having a healthcare system that actually cured illnesses and developed new technologies was not a bad thing, it sucks at everything now

Oct 12, 2008
it dosent suck at everything now. USA is still at the fore front of medical advances . Take a deep breadth.

unsure if you read the article? healthcare spending per capita is off the charts in USA vs other nations (see chart in article).........the changes in Maryland , a good thing?

'Perhaps the biggest difference between our two approaches is the extent to which Germany has managed to rein in the cost of healthcare for consumers. Prices for procedures there are lower and more uniform because doctors’ associations negotiate their fees directly with all of the sickness funds in each state. That's part of the reason why an appendectomy costs $3,093 in Germany, but $13,000 in the U.S.
“In Germany, there is a uniform fee schedule for all physicians that work under the social code,” Schlette said. “There’s a huge catalogue where they determine meticulously how much is billed for each procedure. That’s like the Bible.”

In the U.S., meanwhile, a trip to the doctor or hospital is still a roulette of billing discrepancies and not-covered expenses.

And certain U.S. states have tried a more German strategy, attempting to keep costs low by setting prices across the board. Maryland, for example, has been regulating how much all of the state’s hospitals can charge since 1977. A 2009 study published in Health Affairs found that we would have saved $2 trillion if the entire country’s health costs had grown at the same rate as Maryland’s over the past three decades.'

why have costs spun out of control in USA? (if you CAN POSSIBLY keep the politics out of it in your reply...is THAT possible?...:)....)

Oct 12, 2008
btw, not saying Germany's system is ideal...i am intrigued as to why USA's healthcare spending per capita is in outlier territory ......

Nov 4, 2009
You say I can't tell the truth and prove it by posting a trump tweet and citing a quote by Willie.

Yeah? So?

I don't see what "connection"...

The two biggest frauds in history.


Srsly. You don't have a very good grasp of Frauds Throughout History.

The Cat pictured below sent letters to The Government of France saying "Hey Dudes, most lucrative Real Estate investment ever, over here in USA. Only telling you guys, not telling anyone else, all I want as Finder's Fee is a fair parcel of land. Move Fast Dudes, opportunity of a Lifetime."


Truth was he had sent the same letter to a bunch of people.

the French already controlled part of the area in question, what was referred to as "the colony of Louisiana". France was the first European country to settle this area of North America (1699-1763) but Americans had control of a percentage of this colony that was way bigger than what France controlled and actually much much larger than the entire country of France itself.

The French knew little about the huge part that The Americans controlled. Many French people (and Americans) did not even know where it was but rumors were YUGE that this land was rich in silver and gold, the French currency.

At that point, the American Population was confined to the Eastern Seaboard basically from Boston down to what I'm guessing would be somewhere around what is now Savannah Georgia though North of that at what is now Charleston South Carolina might be more accurate, Southern Expansion was kinda like "ongoing" you know....dudes getting on a horse and riding a few miles south to see what was down there.....

Exactness irrelevant here cuz point is beyond that? Like, to us today the same as pondering on what lies beyond the borders of our Universe, like, what is out past the farthest reaches of whatever.



The French (and others he'd targeted for his Scam) sent this guy (John Law) a bunch of money....to simplify matters immensely, Historians and particularly ECONOMISTS will kill me for this :):) but in the interest of shortness of posts.


Law was a brilliant mathematician who used his understanding of probability to help his gambling habit.

I don't know what people gambled on back in 1719 but, whatever that was apparently Law did that.

Escaping from his native Scotland after killing a rival in a duel, Law had made friends with the Duke of Orleans, the regent of the young king Louis XV.

The finances of the French government were in a terrible mess. Louis XIV had spent much of his long reign fighting expensive wars. Tax collection was in the hands of various agents, who were more concerned with enriching themselves than the state. Not only was the monarchy struggling to pay the interest on its debt, there was also a credit crunch in the form of a shortage of the gold and silver coins needed to fund economic activity.

So the Scam worked. French believing there was Gold & Silver in abundance they bought it hook, line & sinker and Law managed to scam the already financially wounded France, which France realized when reports that The Louisiana Colony appeared to be, to a large extent just Swamp.

Prior to and even after finding out that they'd been scammed France seized on a great plan to accomplish Labor to work their new land far away from France and also clean up France itself by getting rid of some Undesirables. France released Prisoners in Paris in September 1719 to go to their new purchase in the Louisiana Colony and get busy extracting the Gold & Silver there, a condition that was mandatory for release of a Prisoner was that they marry a prostitute and go with them to The Louisiana Colony....or they could just stay the fug in jail. The newly married couples were chained together and taken to the port of embarkation, shipped over, dropped off.....


eventually France was getting Cables, telegrams whatever that said "WTF?!?!? This place is a total swamp!!!"

To which France responded: "Oh Shit. This is not Good. In fact, this is terrible. Not as far as concern for you goes cuz you guys are just a bunch of Prisoners and Prostitutes but for us, the French, this is not good :( The answer to your question is "no", we aren't bringing you guys back to France, Fate has taken you Whores and BadGuys to where you are, deal with it."


In May 1720, after complaints from others in the area about France shipping over so many Whores and Criminals, the French government stopped these deportations after sneaking one more in, a third shipment of prisoners in 1721 which when called on they said: "Oh. Yeah. Woops. Sorry. Don't know how that happened. Slipped through, miscommunication. OK, we'll stop now, we promise."








Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
it dosent suck at everything now. USA is still at the fore front of medical advances . Take a deep breadth.

unsure if you read the article? healthcare spending per capita is off the charts in USA vs other nations (see chart in article).........the changes in Maryland , a good thing?

'Perhaps the biggest difference between our two approaches is the extent to which Germany has managed to rein in the cost of healthcare for consumers. Prices for procedures there are lower and more uniform because doctors’ associations negotiate their fees directly with all of the sickness funds in each state. That's part of the reason why an appendectomy costs $3,093 in Germany, but $13,000 in the U.S.
“In Germany, there is a uniform fee schedule for all physicians that work under the social code,” Schlette said. “There’s a huge catalogue where they determine meticulously how much is billed for each procedure. That’s like the Bible.”

In the U.S., meanwhile, a trip to the doctor or hospital is still a roulette of billing discrepancies and not-covered expenses.

And certain U.S. states have tried a more German strategy, attempting to keep costs low by setting prices across the board. Maryland, for example, has been regulating how much all of the state’s hospitals can charge since 1977. A 2009 study published in Health Affairs found that we would have saved $2 trillion if the entire country’s health costs had grown at the same rate as Maryland’s over the past three decades.'

why have costs spun out of control in USA? (if you CAN POSSIBLY keep the politics out of it in your reply...is THAT possible?...:)....)

Our health care system has taken a turn for the worse, across the boards. Medical professionals are less accessible for more and more people, costs are skyrocketing across the boards, deductibles are too high for too many to afford so people will die because they decline testing they used to receive, everybody is paying more for everything (everyone that pays that is), CHOICE (read freedoms) has been taken away, Obamacare is a clusterfuck, didn't deliver on one single promise. Of course it's absolutely silly to think we're going to create a new and largest bureaucracy in this country and somehow that was going to reduce costs. Everything the opposition feared has come true, even more so than we imagined.

Our healthcare costs are more than the rest of the world because we've provided healthcare on demand from cradle to grave. We give 90 year people with no desire to live pacemakers. We life-star 90 year old patients with severe Alzheimers from one hospital to another because they fell and broke their hip. We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep terminally ill elderly patients alive (suffering really) for two more weeks. Nobody else does this, and if they did their costs would skyrocket too.

The cure was relatively simple. 1) Let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish end of life care standards and allow people to die with dignity. 2) Tort reform, let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish reasonable care standards across the boards and reduce the liability exposure of medical professionals. This will help to eliminate the practice of defensive medicine, which also sends our costs through the roof (especially when you have healthcare on demand).

The reasons our costs are so much higher is all about how we practice medicine, no bureaucracy is going to stop that.

now our healthcare system is another political pawn, a wedge issue used to buy votes. Why anyone would think some career politician with his or her head stuck way up her ass and totally blinded by the Beltway fog would know how to manage our healthcare system is simply incomprehensible to me. Those dots don't connect. Thinking the government takeover of healthcare was going to "cover more people, improve quality, reduce costs and even reduce our federal deficit" while creating the largest bureaucracy in our country is just as dumb as they come. Really? just think about all of that and then hypothesize how can that be? Use your imagination, tell me how any of that was remotely plausible!

Let me know if I missed any questions

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Ricboff, I'm not intending to disrespect you

any disrespect I'm showing is really directed at the politicians who are selling us the modern day Fountain of Youth


Jan 15, 2005
Our health care system has taken a turn for the worse, across the boards. Medical professionals are less accessible for more and more people, costs are skyrocketing across the boards, deductibles are too high for too many to afford so people will die because they decline testing they used to receive, everybody is paying more for everything (everyone that pays that is), CHOICE (read freedoms) has been taken away, Obamacare is a clusterfuck, didn't deliver on one single promise. Of course it's absolutely silly to think we're going to create a new and largest bureaucracy in this country and somehow that was going to reduce costs. Everything the opposition feared has come true, even more so than we imagined.

Our healthcare costs are more than the rest of the world because we've provided healthcare on demand from cradle to grave. We give 90 year people with no desire to live pacemakers. We life-star 90 year old patients with severe Alzheimers from one hospital to another because they fell and broke their hip. We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep terminally ill elderly patients alive (suffering really) for two more weeks. Nobody else does this, and if they did their costs would skyrocket too.

The cure was relatively simple. 1) Let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish end of life care standards and allow people to die with dignity. 2) Tort reform, let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish reasonable care standards across the boards and reduce the liability exposure of medical professionals. This will help to eliminate the practice of defensive medicine, which also sends our costs through the roof (especially when you have healthcare on demand).

The reasons our costs are so much higher is all about how we practice medicine, no bureaucracy is going to stop that.

now our healthcare system is another political pawn, a wedge issue used to buy votes. Why anyone would think some career politician with his or her head stuck way up her ass and totally blinded by the Beltway fog would know how to manage our healthcare system is simply incomprehensible to me. Those dots don't connect. Thinking the government takeover of healthcare was going to "cover more people, improve quality, reduce costs and even reduce our federal deficit" while creating the largest bureaucracy in our country is just as dumb as they come. Really? just think about all of that and then hypothesize how can that be? Use your imagination, tell me how any of that was remotely plausible!

Let me know if I missed any questions

and yet you are against allowing for a mother to choose to terminate a pregnancy for severe medical cases late in the process. I understand why people are "pro-life", but there are circumstances where the "life" of the unborn, as well as that of the mother, make the decision very difficult...


Jan 15, 2005
And back to the subject of the thread...

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a four-page letter to Comey on Monday asking for more details on the emails — saying the director’s “difficult decision” to disclose the discovery of the emails so close to Election Day requires more context for voters.
Without additional context, your disclosure is not fair to Congress, the American people, or Secretary Clinton,” Grassley wrote. “In the absence of additional, authoritative information from the FBI in the wake of your vague disclosure, Congress and the American people are left to sift through anonymous leaks from Justice Department officials to the press of varying levels of detail, reliability, and consistency. The American people deserve better than that.”
Top Senate Democrats — including Patrick Leahy, Dianne Feinstein and other ranking members of national security and oversight committees — blasted Comey’s letter too.
“This letter is troubling because it is vaguely worded and leaves so many questions unanswered,” they wrote. “It is not clear whether the emails identified by the FBI are even in the custody of the FBI, whether any of the emails have already been reviewed, whether Secretary Clinton sent or received them, or whether they even have any significance to the FBI’s previous investigation.”
Related: Clinton campaign: Comey’s letter ‘strange,’ ‘deeply troubling’
“The American people deserve more disclosure without delay,” the Democrats continued. “Anything less would be irresponsible.”
Comey’s decision, they added, “breaks with the longstanding tradition of the Department of Justice and the FBI of exercising extreme caution in the days leading up to an election.”
I think this was probably not the right thing for Comey to do — the protocol here — to come out this close to an election,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, Republican chairman of the staunchly conservative House Freedom Caucus, told Fox News Radio on Monday. “But this whole case has been mishandled and now it is what it is.”
Comey’s short, vague letter to Congress rocked the presidential race on Friday. The FBI director said new emails “appear to be pertinent” to the bureau’s completed probe of Clinton’s use of a private server.
The emails were reportedly discovered on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is the subject of an ongoing and separate FBI investigation into his alleged sexting with a 15-year-old girl.
But Yahoo News reported on Saturday that FBI agents had not been able to review any of the newly discovered material because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them.
At the time Comey wrote the letter to Congress, “he had no idea what was in the content of the emails,” one government official told Yahoo News.
Exclusive: FBI did not have warrant to review new Abedin emails
Former Bush administration officials also criticized Comey’s move.
“There’s a longstanding policy of not doing anything that could influence an election,” George J. Terwilliger III, a deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, told the New York Times. “Those guidelines exist for a reason. Sometimes, that makes for hard decisions. But bypassing them has consequences.”
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told MSNBC that Comey made “an error in judgment in releasing this letter which really says nothing.”
Other former federal prosecutors, including ex-Attorney General Eric Holder, penned an open letter calling Comey’s letter “unprecedented.”
“Many of us have worked with Director Comey; all of us respect him. But his unprecedented decision to publicly comment on evidence in what may be an ongoing inquiry just eleven days before a presidential election leaves us both astonished and perplexed,” their letter said. “We cannot recall a prior instance where a senior Justice Department official— Republican or Democrat — has, on the eve of a major election, issued a public statement where the mere disclosure of information may impact the election’s outcome, yet the official acknowledges the information to be examined may not be significant or new.”
“Perhaps most troubling,” they added, “is the precedent set by this departure from the Department’s widely-respected, non-partisan traditions.”
<video class="yvp-html5-video" preload="" id="2709209644" playsinline="true" controls="" src="https://video-api.yql.yahoo.com/v1/hlsfilter/c65bc75d-0fae-3f3e-919b-322e61bdc800.m3u8?bitrates=464,564,814&cdn=atlas&devtype=smartphone&domain_name=ci-c96e2efa9f-46c703fb.http.atlas.cdn.yimg.com&isLive=false&lang=en-US&ps=78i2sibo&region=US&site=news&try=1" style="z-index: 5; position: absolute; width: 528px; height: 297px; top: 0px; cursor: pointer; visibility: hidden; display: inline-block;"></video>

[h=3]Rep. Gowdy: This is not Comey's fault, it's Clinton's[/h]Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi weighs in

On Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., fired off a scathing letter to Comey suggesting the FBI chief’s “partisan action” may have broken a law “that bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election.”
Reid also made a reference to alleged ties between Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign and Moscow.
“In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government,” Reid wrote. “The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.”
On Monday, NBC News reported that the FBI has been conducting a preliminary inquiry into the foreign business connections of Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort.
Manafort responded, saying there was no such FBI investigation “that I’m aware of.”
“This is all political propaganda,” he told NBC.
<video class="yvp-html5-video" preload="" id="3285668964" playsinline="true" controls="" src="https://video-api.yql.yahoo.com/v1/hlsfilter/b9f08960-2126-3ab1-9f76-666fdd8815a5.m3u8?bitrates=464,564,846,1096,1629,3129&cdn=atlas&devtype=smartphone&domain_name=ci-222559a153-46c703fb.http.atlas.cdn.yimg.com&isLive=false&lang=en-US&ps=98anhv53&region=US&site=news&try=1" style="z-index: 5; position: absolute; width: 528px; height: 297px; top: 0px; cursor: pointer; visibility: hidden; display: inline-block;"></video>

[h=3]White House says FBI director not trying to influence presidential election[/h]White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that President Obama does not think FBI Director James Comey is trying to influence the presidential election in light of new disclosures in the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

The Clinton campaign is seizing on what it sees as a double standard — and calling on Comey to officially release any information the bureau has on Trump.
“Director Comey felt it was incumbent upon him to announce that the FBI had some information he’d never even looked at, but they won’t reveal connections to Russia,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said on CNN Tuesday. “We just want all this information out there on both candidates.”
“The letter that he released has led to endless speculation by Republicans, which is getting reported,” Mook added. “So all that we’re asking so that reporting can be fair is that the information get released. Release whatever information they have, and then, if you’re in the business of releasing information about investigations on presidential candidates, release everything you have on Donald Trump.”
South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, a Republican who serves on the House Oversight Committee, says the FBI should not be discussing the facts of an investigation until it’s complete, but doesn’t blame Comey.
“It is difficult and unusual because of decisions made by people not named Jim Comey,” Gowdy said on CNN. “Secretary Clinton is the reason you and I are having this conversation, not Jim Comey.”

Oct 12, 2008
Our health care system has taken a turn for the worse, across the boards. Medical professionals are less accessible for more and more people, costs are skyrocketing across the boards, deductibles are too high for too many to afford so people will die because they decline testing they used to receive, everybody is paying more for everything (everyone that pays that is), CHOICE (read freedoms) has been taken away, Obamacare is a clusterfuck, didn't deliver on one single promise. Of course it's absolutely silly to think we're going to create a new and largest bureaucracy in this country and somehow that was going to reduce costs. Everything the opposition feared has come true, even more so than we imagined.

Our healthcare costs are more than the rest of the world because we've provided healthcare on demand from cradle to grave. We give 90 year people with no desire to live pacemakers. We life-star 90 year old patients with severe Alzheimers from one hospital to another because they fell and broke their hip. We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep terminally ill elderly patients alive (suffering really) for two more weeks. Nobody else does this, and if they did their costs would skyrocket too.

The cure was relatively simple. 1) Let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish end of life care standards and allow people to die with dignity. 2) Tort reform, let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish reasonable care standards across the boards and reduce the liability exposure of medical professionals. This will help to eliminate the practice of defensive medicine, which also sends our costs through the roof (especially when you have healthcare on demand).

The reasons our costs are so much higher is all about how we practice medicine, no bureaucracy is going to stop that.

now our healthcare system is another political pawn, a wedge issue used to buy votes. Why anyone would think some career politician with his or her head stuck way up her ass and totally blinded by the Beltway fog would know how to manage our healthcare system is simply incomprehensible to me. Those dots don't connect. Thinking the government takeover of healthcare was going to "cover more people, improve quality, reduce costs and even reduce our federal deficit" while creating the largest bureaucracy in our country is just as dumb as they come. Really? just think about all of that and then hypothesize how can that be? Use your imagination, tell me how any of that was remotely plausible!

Let me know if I missed any questions

Certainly an interesting discussion. Causation being multi-factorial for sure. I agree. would love people from the medical community to chime in....M.D's,, insurance folks :),....etc. I'll see if I can hop on a M.D board when I have some time.

anyway, thks for the thorough reply.

what's curious is why has the state of Maryland been able to control healthcare spending costs since the mid-70's in comparison to the rest of the country? they certainly aren't killing off their geriatrics

And certain U.S. states have tried a more German strategy, attempting to keep costs low by setting prices across the board. Maryland, for example, has been regulating how much all of the state’s hospitals can charge since 1977. A 2009 study published in Health Affairs found that we would have saved $2 trillion if the entire country’s health costs had grown at the same rate as Maryland’s over the past three decades.'


'let the MEDICAL PROFESSION establish reasonable care standards across the boards and reduce the liability exposure of medical professionals'

they do have basic standards of care. And the medical specialties establish said standards. Tort reform? cool, but there ARE STANDARDS in place set by professional agencies.

ex., if an endodontist does a root canal without a rubber dam on a patient and something goes awry?, he/she is in huge trouble......as The American College of Endodontists/ American Association of Endodontists has rubber dam use as the standard of care. It's NOT set by a govt agency.

i don't understand why in country A it's easier to sue a doctor while in country B it's less and in country C it's very rare.......cultural? I dunno

Nov 4, 2009
This forum is not the norm.....you guys get laughed at most places.


The large "forums" such as Reddit, 2x2, Bodybuilding forums, Political Forums are saying exactly what Acebb, ScottL, Willie99 and the others within your Basket of Deplorables are saying.

Source: ForumSampler.on

Also: Culinary Forums, Knittting Forums, car Repair Forums, Bus Driver Forums, USMC and all other Military Forums and RideSharing Driver Forums, saying the same as your Deplorables too.

This is the 4204th thing in a row that you have been wrong about, in this The Offshore Forum.

That has to be some kind of Record so....


I guess.

Nov 4, 2009
Security officers warn of Huma Abedin's tie to Saudis.
Published: 8 hours ago

The Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi ties of Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide and confidante Huma Abedin


and her influence on U.S. foreign policy are spotlighted in a newly released documentary called “The Enemies Within.”

In a six-minute trailer of the documentary, former intelligence officers express their concern about Abedin’s background, including her position in her family’s institute, which was established by the Saudi government and supported by a prominent financial contributor to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

Abdullah Omar Naseef, pictured above carrying the black Blanket/Seat Cushion/Prayer Rug/Shawl

I'll post
“The Enemies Within.” documentary when I can find it.

The 6 minute Trailer will get posted in the post directly below this one.

Dossier: Huma Abedin

Link after this Video which reveals a Best and Indispensable website (Encyclopedia-like) that houses a great deal of information close to impossible to find elsewhere about Liberal Lefitists and other persons, Partiess, Groups, PACs and other things that will be of Interest to you.

Dossier: Huma Abedin


Nov 4, 2009
Part of Dossier: Huma Abedin , from the post above, for those too lazy to click on the link (not meant disrepectfully, to anyone, said bcuz I myself am often too lazy to click on a link)

(Pictures of The Forrestal Incident are not from Abedin's Dossier, those refer to John McCain who is mentioned. A research link on articles relating to The Forrestal Tragedy is at the very bottom of this post):

Huma Abedin went on leave in early December 2011. When she returned to work in June 2012, the State Department granted her an arrangement that allowed her to do earn outside income as a private consultant, even as she remained a top advisor in the Department.

This arrangement was made possible when Mrs. Clinton personally signed off on documents—dated March 23, 2012—that changed Abedin’s title from "deputy chief off staff" to “special government employee.”

Abedin's outside clients included the U.S. State Department, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Teneo (a New York-based global advisory firm co-founded by Doug Band, a former counselor for Bill Clinton).

Abedin did not disclose on her financial report either the special employment arrangement or the $135,000 she earned from it, in violation of a law mandating that public officials reveal significant sources of income. In fact, her title change did not become public knowledge until May 2013.

Good-government groups warned of the potential conflict-of-interest inherent in an arrangement where a government employee maintains private clients.


Documents obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit showed that both before and after Mrs. Clinton signed off on the special employment deal for Abedin in March 2012, Abedin repeatedly—for months on end—dodged State Department requests that she disclose financial and employment information about her husband, Anthony Weiner, who had left Congress amid personal scandal in June 2011.

For details about Abedin's repeated failures to comply with those requests, click here.

In June 2012, five Republican lawmakers (most prominently, Michele Bachmann) sent letters to the inspectors general at the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and State, asking that they investigate whether the Muslim Brotherhood was gaining undue influence over U.S. government officials.

One letter, noting that Huma Abedin's position with Hillary Clinton "affords her routine access to the secretary [of state] and to policymaking," expressed concern over the fact that Abedin “has three family members—her late father, mother and her brother—connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations.”

Some other prominent Republicans such as John McCain disavowed the concerns articulated in the letters.


On February 1, 2013—Hillary Clinton's final day as Secretary of State—Abedin resigned her post as Mrs. Clinton's deputy chief of staff. Yet she would continue to serve as a close aide to Clinton.

On March 1, 2013, Abedin was tapped to run Clinton’s post-State Department transition team, comprised of a six-person “transition office” located in Washington.

In early March 2015, it was reported that throughout her entire four-year tenure as Secretary of State (SOS), Hillary Clinton had never acquired or used a government email account, and instead had transmitted -- in violation of government regulations -- all of her official government correspondences via a personal email account that was housed on a private server.

In addition, Abedin and Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, also had email addresses on the secret server while employed at the State Department.

After Hillary Clinton announced in the spring of 2015 that she was running for president (2016), Abedin was named vice chair of the Clinton campaign.



Nov 4, 2009

Huma Abedin is Hillary's close aide.

Huma has ties to Muslim Organizations which exist to further the causes and interests to the most Fundamental (The most "Strict", in terms of Worship/Obsrvance of The Q'uran) of all Muslims: The Saudis and other Wahhabiists who are the Primary proponents of establishing Sharia Law over as much of Earth as possible.

The Establishment of Sharia Law over as vast an area of earth as can be is a very clear instruction (Commandment) of Allah via Mohammed as delivered to him by The Angel J'abril (Gabriel).

And Hillary & Huma are, throughout Mrs. Clinton's entire four-year tenure as Secretary of State (SOS), communicating with God Only Knows who, saying God only knows what, via personal email accounts that are housed on a private server.

....so that their communications with "Whoever" could be Secret, kept from potential prying eyes/Oversight of our Government and be totally unseen.

But now?

Those eMails might get seen.

Yeah......its certainly possible that someone has eMails that could prove to be "Bomb-like".

In Theory this is very very possible.

We Shall See.


Because the ties Huma Abedin has to Islamists along with the fact that Bill & Hillary Clinton have accepted donations that number in the MILLIONS from these people equates to us really really needing to know what exactly was being communicated to and from these people, on Hillary & Huma's Private Server accounts, within those eMails that they wholly expected that no one would ever see.

Nov 4, 2009
I invite Vitterd, The Guesser, 919 and any other Liberals on this Forum to articulate sensible and logically why it is not vitally important that The American People know exactly what was communicated by Huma and Hillary to Fundamental Islamist Organizations who fund ISIS, Al-Queda, Al-Nusra Front and other Terrorist Organizations.

Invitation extended to ALL LIBERALS anywhere.

Go Get them.

Bring them Here.

I do so want to Hear what they have to say in regards to why exactly Americans should not Stand Up against what may be the greatest and most dire threat that our country has ever faced.

That might see operatives of Fundamental Islamists existing within The (present) Obama Administration and (the potential future) Broom Hillary Administration.

Seriously, people. This has all the Markings, all the potential to be a situation none of us could have possibly been alive during it's happening.

There is a Chance that our Government has been Compromised to an extent that you could never have dreamed possible.

Come Here Liberals.

And 'Splain to Me and Us why its not important that We know.

Rent some Courage from somewhere Uncaring Heartless Braindead Coward Libtard Scum Motherf***er.

And Step into this Ring

with me.


Nov 4, 2009





Deal with it. Rise or Don't.

History, the Memories of your Grandchildren, of You, Who You Were

will their Memories be


At The The Hour that your country most needed heroes, warriors, at the moment that your country was in her most desperate need for Defenders

to Rise and fight for Her


Did You Rise?

Nov 4, 2009
She call Poedesta "Slimy" then in her Stream of Conciosness Fasttalking way concludes by referring to him as The Lizard King.

I'm gonna threaten Glenn Beck and The Blaze with Lawsuit Trademark Infringement on the behalf of The Estate of Jim Morrisson

which I've zero authority to do, just a Bluff, hopefully he falls for it tho and Settles. Gonna try for just $2500. No Greed here.

Then I'll invest some of that in somehow getting this girl and Trey Gowdy into a Verbal Quarrel. Man, that would be Epic.

Dump Those eMails!!!


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