5 or 6 figure payouts from SportsBetting


Oct 31, 2004
Well Mog has a point .
Really need to get to the settle figure as per agreement .
Jul 1, 2015
Mowgley, lets me see if I can address your comments one by one.

-First, you act as if we had some true written agreement, we did not. You changed it on the fly often, asked for more, wanted more credit, higher per wager limit, etc. So don't give me the "agreement" talk. lets not mention, after me breaking the relationship off because you've gone "tout", you wanted to manipulate this "written agreement" you keep mentioning, as if you want to sound like you are running some professional business. I offered to give you a place to make wagers because I actually felt as if you were getting stiffed, that is all. If I wanted to book your business I could have easily of done it and done it with a profitable venture. If I wanted to profit off your plays, I could have charged you a percentage, but I had no angle other than like I've told you in direct conversations, I felt sorry for you and had a way to offer assistance.

-I never "selectively" placed your bets. I placed every bet you sent me within the terms. In conversation you say you posted a play on broncos, yet no text to me to process bet, so that means no bet as I told you for record keeping, bets must be texted and confirmed. So you are starting off here with a lie.

-You provide a screen shot of your terms you offered, not what I accepted. Weekly settle window was 1k but credit limit started at $2000. You ran that up and asked for more, and it was granted at a max of $2500. Lets address your actual comment made here which is to angle yourself as if I'm a liar and your timing of events is angled, yet incorrect. On Thur Sept 13th, you lost $1575 with a $125 bet still open, I asked if you wanted to send any money to have more credit to use for the weekend. Keep in mind the 125 was from a RR left open, so long shot or chase bet.
On Saturday night, Sept 16th, you out of now where at 12:30pm inquired about the 3k credit "per our initial text" which I told you view phone (he said she said at this point) I would not do $3000, only $2000. I responded with "Imade it very clear multiple times $2,000, Don't play this game now". Longer text goes on to show further changes made in your favor to this "original agreement" where I allowed max play to go up to $1000 instead of $500, you give no appreciation when things are made in your favor.
Your response was "Ok No prob", so since you want to ask as if it's a deposition, that is you agreeing tot he $2000 limit, which I out of kindness said Ok, this seems a little harsh, I'll meet you in middle at $2500, because you are down and I don't want to just stop because you are down. Again, mentioned floating you money because in reality, that is all this is doing, interest free loans, a loanshark if you will that is making nothing. You again accept with a text "that would be great".
So, to prove that you are embellishing your version of the story, You did NOT send the 2k you were down at this time. That is completely incorrect. You hit a teaser that got you to -$250, you did not have to send money this time. I think break the agreement and allow you to place a $1600 ml risk wager on that SNF game on Cowboys. It hits along with a spread bet on the boys. At the end of the night you won $1150, again never sending money like you said you did.
That Sunday night you are asking about payment, I explained to you I would not be settling until Friday of that week because of travel plans. You wanted me to pay you of my pocket something so you would have trust before I settled with bookie. I adhere to your request because I felt it would be nice gesture, I Venmo you $295 (petty) because you couldn't wait for me to settle with bookie, again later in the week as mentioned multiple times from beginning of this arrangement. I send you the rest via Walmart money transfer thing on Friday, like stated.

-Lets move on to (1). You say the week you went down 2k, you sent me ****** Tuesday morning. Well, all locals have always been settle when down early in week, up later in the week. Only a rookie doesn't know that, but you knew that anyways because we discussed this earlier in the arrangement. I would not be going in to my pocket to bankroll you (HERE IS THE BIG ISSUE THAT YOU BROKE). I'm not your momma, I'm not your damn piggy bank, I'm not Bank of Mowgley. So nice embellishment there of trying to say you should have been informed of this earlier, I have the text to prove you in fact WERE informed prior to.

-Again on Sept 23rd, we discussed the credit limit being only at $2000. This is also the week I reiterate, Im not happy about me having to go in to my own pocket. I paid you a partial as you were up$1500 after SNF but lost it on MNF, I did not settle with local because of this but still paid you a portion of your winnings even though at the time of paying you it put you in negative balance. I told you no more of this.

-**Also to note, you sent me a play at 1:02 asking if I had time to get it in for a 12:00 game. Obviously that play did not get placed.

-On Sunday, sept 30th, you said if you and Book do not settle teaser by Tuesday, for me to offer a settle figure of $700 to book to see if they would just take that and pay us. This was out of your own thought, not us discussing it or anything. You also tell me even if he does settle it that I not need to pay you, but I told you would never do that, if its paid you are paid. This is the week we discuss the client thing. You wanted me to deposit money in Offshore book for you to "manage" the plays. I said no thanks.

-Thurs Oct 4th, in very long text, we go back over ground rules because this is when you are building up the Client thing and I tell you I'm not interested in that thing where you are managing bank rolls, looking for credit on other people number type stuff. You ask for 2500 credit, if you lose you will replenish in 7 days and so on. I go on to tell you I'm not a book, and this option leaves me a being a book by going in and out of my pocket instead of settling when book settles. I reiterate, $2000 credit limit.
**** This is where it starts to take turn***. On OCt 4th you ask for 7 full days to settle any loses because you had to pay out over 30k to clients because you gave out eagles -200.
Here is my response " Look man, I appreciate the picks, I really do, you are great at what at it no doubt. But either way we set this up, you are asking me to float you. Asking for 7 days to settle is the same as bank rolling your plays. It changes the scheme of it all. I didn’t like the client idea from the begging, it was going to draw major attention from the forum. That attention brings in a lot of risk, pressures, etc. I offered to help you out by letting you get some action on my number in exchange to get your plays because I honestly felt bad for you getting hoses by books, been there I understand it and it sucks. I know I’m not giving you the chance to win 50k in a week, because I don’t have the opportunity to offer that on credit. I have two good locals, who pay, and I extended you the opportunity to lay up to a $1,000 per game straight bet with a $2,000 credit limit that the very first weekend I extended. The example I keep coming up with in my head is if you lose $2,000 on a Sunday and I lose the same $2,000 on that Sunday, I’m getting a phone call come Monday or Tuesday to settle for $4,000. I don’t get to ask them to wait 7 days, I’m not taking a percentage of your winnings, I offered up 100% of your winnings to you minus cost of sending you money, you’ve seen I’ve come through on that. I don’t like the idea of having to pay out the $4,000 (plus if I personally have a losing week myself, it could easily be $8,000-10k). And to go a step further, you wanted me to send you $400 the other day to grow the trust, we still haven’t had to go the other way where I know money comes from your end. Not that I ever want to have to collect, because that means we both lose, but you just have to see where I’m coming from"

Your response "
Well the trust is there per my request. I would not be asking for 7 day settle window in advance if I was not going to pay. Tell you what, let me get liquid with funds in ******. They have frozen all my money due to suspicious activity. Me suddenly paying out large amounts + international transfers with clients from other countries. Once the ****** situation is resolved I will be confident of settling by Tuesday" and "Besides I have too much @ stake to stiff someone as prominent posters know me in person & reputation is a priceless thing, but I understand hesitation to bankroll my plays. I didnt bring this up until now coz I could have paid you in a jiffy first 3 weeks. But right now I must get cash flow constraints resolved prior to commiting to Tuesday settle"

Now fast forward, you get down the $2000 as mentioned (2) on a Thursday night football bet. You ask for another $1000 in credit, Saturday night, I did not see the text until Sunday morning. I tell you I will do $500 more then I realize when looking at book the teaser got settled at $1250, so you were only down THE $750 at this point. and no response till you asked if you had $1250 credit left, well yes you did because you were only down $750 but never sent a play. You then continue to send plays to forum members as they say, but a full week of Football has gone by and I ask that following Sunday afternoon after the noon games, hey lets settle up, no response. Again ask on Oct 23th, are we going to settle?

You respond from a new number changing the game again. Wanting to play NHL, NBA, and NFL. I've already told you im not interested in the other stuff but the occasional baseball play. You accuse me of not being able to be gotten ahold of the last two times you've tried, yet you've sent no messages nor tried to prove you did. Saying you wanted to place wagers for everything you were down, yet you never sent them. I decline and ask to just settle up. you again go silent.

A day or two later I asked again, he lets just settle, you say "I will be using the 1250 credit for NFL bets and will settle as I have before if I am down 1k or more after Sunday night game". I say "I am going to decline that offer". When I don't hear back from someone after multiple attempts, they start communicating by different ways, hard to get ahold of, I am not inclined to take their counter offers which are avoiding to pay. After some discussion where you are still saying you texted me plays to get back to even, you then say oh yeah I dont think Itexted you the play. We go back and forth for a couple days with the same thing, no arguments no mean/heated text, just feel like I'm texting a kid because you text back the same thing, can I Bet just NFL, are you ok with me betting NFL and settle in full via ****** etc.

I'm not extending more credit to someone who is already shaky.

(3) No hateful text were sent, just asking to settle and tell you I'm not happy with the way it's gone. Do not try to make me out as some aggressive asshole in this deal, I was overly nice and gracious extending you free credit till you obused the offer. Im well aware at the time I made this post I will never see the $750 from you, thats when I decided to make the post. I gave you ample time to settle if you ever wore, now you've become nothing but a stiff who doesn't pay, which is ironic.

(5) Right thing? You are down and owe me $750. Right thing would be to pay the money you are down. You are showing every person reading this that if you don't like whats going on you will cry about the "written agreement" and think that is your escape clause to not pay. Im not interesting in extending you another $1 of credit, because I can't collect the $750 why on earth would I extend you more credit. Sure a bookie has to do that, I'm not a bookie. I was a nice guy extending you credit until you got shaky, at that point I'm out man. Got better things in life than to worry and deal with running to walmart to send you a G here and there.

It's not shocker you would chose to leave the RX now, a place that got you followers, no telling how much available credit. I think the proper analogy would be a mooch here? I'm not paying mind games, I don't have time to play mind games, some of us have actual careers and better things in life than to deal with trivial sports betting text messages at all hours of the night and day.

At the end of the day the $750 doesn't change my life one bit, its truly a matter of would you pay fi you were down and you have shown you won't. You looked for an out and justified it to you by any means possible. Your "clients" should proceed with caution based upon that if nothing else. I have all of the messages and if someone would like to share a way to quickly share them off an iPhone, I would be glad to put our full conversations by text on the board and let members see for themselves.

Jul 14, 2007
Mog, you gotta pay Razor his $750 despite whatever differences of opinion or accounts of certain events y'all may have. If you guys both agree that $750 is owed then you need to pay that and just let bygones be bygones. Chalk it up to a bad business deal where the parameters were not outlined as well as they could've been, but pay him his money and wash your hands of it.

no risk no reward
Jun 13, 2014
Mog, you gotta pay Razor his $750 despite whatever differences of opinion or accounts of certain events y'all may have. If you guys both agree that $750 is owed then you need to pay that and just let bygones be bygones. Chalk it up to a bad business deal where the parameters were not outlined as well as they could've been, but pay him his money and wash your hands of it.

last time somebody washed there hands clean of something around here was strike gold sports

Dec 15, 2017
Mog, you gotta pay Razor his $750 despite whatever differences of opinion or accounts of certain events y'all may have. If you guys both agree that $750 is owed then you need to pay that and just let bygones be bygones. Chalk it up to a bad business deal where the parameters were not outlined as well as they could've been, but pay him his money and wash your hands of it.

Don't see how a guy like this could be holding out $750. The story just doesn't add up

Jul 14, 2007
Don't see how a guy like this could be holding out $750. The story just doesn't add up

Did you not read the thread?

Both agree that they have a number of $750. The dude just typed a book about it, you think he wants to hear "Story doesn't add up" when it's been completely acknowledged by both parties? C'mon...

Dec 15, 2017
Did you not read the thread?

Both agree that they have a number of $750. The dude just typed a book about it, you think he wants to hear "Story doesn't add up" when it's been completely acknowledged by both parties? C'mon...

No , that’s not what I mean.

What doesn’t add up is the guy who apparently is a world class gambler, with bags of profits, won’t just pay the $750. That’s a god damn penny for someone like him.

Thats why it doesn’t add up

Oct 31, 2004
0 risk


Oct 31, 2004
Not 1% not 2% but 0%

Oct 31, 2004
With all these clients you bringing on and the way you give everyone essentially the same picks.
If you have that situation where you do have to pay you talking well into 6 figures .
You already say you have one client at 40K . Not counting the dozens of other people at different levels .

We talking well into 6 figures here .

Even if you legit you are starting to get into problems with moving this money around .

Seems like this issue might be becoming a factor

Oct 31, 2004
To all the mog followers staying silent in hopes of getting paid .

Just a small word of advice .

Sometimes you just gotta write off your losses.

Hes gonna ask for extended credit and huge chase get back plays .

Dont allow 1K to turn into 2k , 5k 10k etc...

Just write it off and try to do better next time .

And when the king of Nigeria sends you an email next week telling you that he has 20 mil he wants to send you but all you have to do is send him 500 to western union first to pay for the transfer fees , don’t do it it’s a scam.

Jul 14, 2007
Doesn't seem like being well capitalized should be a problem for Mog if he is starting an Axe/Cigar lounge in Vegas and has been crushing books for 20 years. Not to mention he went 6-0 just 2 weeks ago, so how bad could any current losing streak even be?

Guess time will tell.

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