20+ killed at a church outside San Antonio today

Feb 6, 2007
You guys crack me up. You think the NRA needs to come up with a solution, I don't, but you think I'm supposed to suggest how the NRA is supposed to solve the problem you want solved. Look up begging the question, figure it out, get back to me.

How is Chicago relevant? Because people like you scream "gun control" for the entire nation each and every time there's a shooting that garners national attention. Yet 600 have been killed in Chicago alone THIS FUCKING YEAR, and people who think like you and espouse the same policies you espouse run that city and y'all ignore it, never a whisper. Chicago had 4,000 victims of gun crimes in 2016, and the city has tougher gun laws than most of the rest of the country. Chicago blames most of the crimes on "illegally owned guns". GEE, NO FUCKING SHIT, CRIMINALS OWN GUNS ILLEGALLY, who could have ever thought of that?

How do you stop crime in Chicago? How about increased police patrols, increase exposure, increased lighting, increased cameras, increased arrests, putting people in jail, strictly enforcing unlawful gun possession, LOCK THEM UP. and when you've improved security, the community will work with you and begin to turn on the criminals, just like they did in Iraq after the surge. I'm not even talking about stuff like education and changing the culture, because that's a much longer term fix, butt it has to be noted that democrats and their community organizers had 100 years to fix that too, AND DID NOTHING OR FAILED AT EVERYTHING.

When you can't fix your own neighborhood, when the policies you espouse can't fix one city, then you have no right advising everyone else. (PS: Rudy fixed NYC, "real talk")

And now it's your turn fellas, let's hear how you propose we fix the gun crime problem and tell us when gun crimes became worse and why. Let's see you actually answer a question for a change instead of repeating talking points and headlines and 10 second sound bites.

Fuck the NRA. Whether or not gun control is in tact it doesn't stop Chicago from getting guns....but it does stop people from being able to purchase Ar15s and such so easily.

Chicago are not using Ar15s. I'm not screaming gun control.

Sounds like Chicago has a border problem. People getting in there and selling Chicago guns for crazy amounts. That's how it is happening. Gun runners. So technically that is OUT of Chicagos jurisdiction and would need help from other states and strong state to state communication. These highway officers are trained for that shit.

Rudy fixed NYC lol. No. What he did was take the problem from the public eye and allow it to flow into Rikers.....where you don't see what is going on. Rudy fixed NYC like Johnny manziel took the league by storm.

Like I said....the government rarely invests in these areas. Even if you do, that doesn't change the culture and the schools like you mentioned. That is where it starts. They don't grow up like you and even I.

I have more later I got to go right now

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
Fuck the NRA. Whether or not gun control is in tact it doesn't stop Chicago from getting guns....but it does stop people from being able to purchase Ar15s and such so easily.

Chicago are not using Ar15s. I'm not screaming gun control.

Sounds like Chicago has a border problem. People getting in there and selling Chicago guns for crazy amounts. That's how it is happening. Gun runners. So technically that is OUT of Chicagos jurisdiction and would need help from other states and strong state to state communication. These highway officers are trained for that shit.

Rudy fixed NYC lol. No. What he did was take the problem from the public eye and allow it to flow into Rikers.....where you don't see what is going on. Rudy fixed NYC like Johnny manziel took the league by storm.

Like I said....the government rarely invests in these areas. Even if you do, that doesn't change the culture and the schools like you mentioned. That is where it starts. They don't grow up like you and even I.

I have more later I got to go right now
The problem in Chicago, like America, isn't guns, it's culture. In Switzerland, almost all men age 20-34 are required to have an automatic rifle in the home, and they don't have these mass shootings. In Israel, almost everyone is required to to do 2 years of military service, and those people can take their military grade weapons home at night, yet those people aren't out committing mass shootings.

You're more likely to die from a drunk driver than a long gun. I say we ban alcohol. Last time we did that, no one had access to alcohol. The war on drugs has kept all drugs out of America, and look how well the war on terror has worked, there are no longer terrorist attacks anywhere in the world. I'm sure the war on guns will work just as well.
Feb 6, 2007
The problem in Chicago, like America, isn't guns, it's culture. In Switzerland, almost all men age 20-34 are required to have an automatic rifle in the home, and they don't have these mass shootings. In Israel, almost everyone is required to to do 2 years of military service, and those people can take their military grade weapons home at night, yet those people aren't out committing mass shootings.

You're more likely to die from a drunk driver than a long gun. I say we ban alcohol. Last time we did that, no one had access to alcohol. The war on drugs has kept all drugs out of America, and look how well the war on terror has worked, there are no longer terrorist attacks anywhere in the world. I'm sure the war on guns will work just as well.

Well you also spend about 20% of your life in a car. So it should be way more likely to die by a drunk driver.

I know it will never change imo. NRA are too big and they have the federal government by the balls. But I'd love for once for more than one person to stand up and do what's morally and ethically right. Forget about the money and do what's right. That's not just about gun control and the nra. That's about everything in this country. More ethics, less corruption. Put more ethics over capital gain.
Feb 6, 2007

I don't got all the answers but this mother fucker would have. It was a Christmas interview...so probably why he was all about this giving theme. But first 90 seconds is Tupac dropping knowledge
Feb 6, 2007
Guess it was in August of 92 and was suppose to air for Christmas later that year. He's all about everybody being equal even financially too...llol I can't co-sign that, but the man was a prophet.

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
Well you also spend about 20% of your life in a car. So it should be way more likely to die by a drunk driver.

I know it will never change imo. NRA are too big and they have the federal government by the balls. But I'd love for once for more than one person to stand up and do what's morally and ethically right. Forget about the money and do what's right. That's not just about gun control and the nra. That's about everything in this country. More ethics, less corruption. Put more ethics over capital gain.
Where did you get the notion that you spend 20% of your life in your car? That averages out to nearly 5 hours a day in your car.

It's not morally or ethically right to deny people the means to defend themselves and their property, and keep good people from owning things that will never harm anyone.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Fuck the NRA. Whether or not gun control is in tact it doesn't stop Chicago from getting guns....but it does stop people from being able to purchase Ar15s and such so easily.

Chicago are not using Ar15s. I'm not screaming gun control.

Sounds like Chicago has a border problem. People getting in there and selling Chicago guns for crazy amounts. That's how it is happening. Gun runners. So technically that is OUT of Chicagos jurisdiction and would need help from other states and strong state to state communication. These highway officers are trained for that shit.

Rudy fixed NYC lol. No. What he did was take the problem from the public eye and allow it to flow into Rikers.....where you don't see what is going on. Rudy fixed NYC like Johnny manziel took the league by storm.

Like I said....the government rarely invests in these areas. Even if you do, that doesn't change the culture and the schools like you mentioned. That is where it starts. They don't grow up like you and even I.

I have more later I got to go right now

Rudy fixed NYC, that's "real talk". I love the left wing spin that all he did was make crime move. As mayor of NYC, he can only fight crime in NYC. Other communities, like CHICAGO, have to take care of themselves. So Rudy proved it can be done, he walked the walk, and NYC is dealing with the same national gun laws as Chicago dontchaknow. I know lefties throughout the country NEED to spin what happened in NYC, because what happened there simply doesn't fit into your misguided narrative about inanimate objects committing crimes like we're live in some fucking cartoon.

Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming cars for accidents.

Jul 4, 2012
Chicago is not relevant to the mass killings debate. Chicago's rate of violence is due to the drug trade, gang warfare, the perpetual underclass, and a total breakdown of respect and civility. There are many factors as to why poor people murder each other in urban settings, and many solutions are needed.

Chicago: 3,200 shot 560 killed in 2017

That is a the equivalent to 1 Las Vegas massacre per month. Every month, all year.

If it isn't part of the mass killings debate, it certainly should be.

Nov 4, 2009
I don't got all the answers but Tupac Shakur would have.

Absolutely. He'd have Evolved to a place already where He so completely and totally forsook hatred pain & misery he'd have lived thru a Transformation that only a few have ever experienced here like Buddha Jesus Lennon Morrison Leary Ghandi Nick Drake and Douglas Adams just to mention a few and as result

had he not died

We would have never ever ventured unto where we are, Black Lives Matter would have never come to be and Propoganda TV channels would not be 24/7 ragging on Trump.

We would have been About Love.

But They Always Die.

If You decide to Really go deep.....Consider....so as to Arrive at The Truth of Why

Our Prophets Die, before they can Save Us the closest We are given Here to Salvation:

Words. If You, MobDeeper really really Go Deep and make an Earnest Effort to Discover

"why".....you'll find some Amazing things along the way. About What This is and Your "self".

You Do See. From amidst a place with Walls. made by Your Own willingness to accept a "purpose" for those walls.

You Do See though. So many do not.

You Do See.

Ayahuasca and a Proper Environment is a possible step to getting You to see Who You Are.

You got The Talk Now Let us Walk.


Jul 4, 2012
There is not one solution to mass killings. But, the solution is made up of many small solutions, amongst them are bans on certain types of weapons and magazines, waiting periods, background checks, closing gun show loopholes, more dollars for mental health treatment, etc.

Let's say we woke up on Monday and AR-15's (not even used in the Texas shooting) were banned.

What would you do about the 7 million AR's currently in people's homes?

Jul 4, 2012
This is last weekend in Chicago: "29 Shot, 5 Killed in Chicago Weekend Shootings"

Correction: there are now 590 homicides in Chicago in 2017

There are zero gun stores in Chicago.
To legally possess firearms or ammunition, Illinois residents must have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card, which is issued by the Illinois State Police to any qualified applicant. The ISP issue the card after conducting state and federal background checks.

Illinois law requires a 24 hour waiting period for long guns and 72 hours for handguns.

Illinois has every gun law liberals clamor for, yet a liberal nut bought guns in Illinois and drove to Virginia and shot at Republicans.

Nov 4, 2009
This is last weekend in Chicago: "29 Shot, 5 Killed in Chicago Weekend Shootings"

Correction: there are now 590 homicides in Chicago in 2017

There are zero gun stores in Chicago.
To legally possess firearms or ammunition, Illinois residents must have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card, which is issued by the Illinois State Police to any qualified applicant. The ISP issue the card after conducting state and federal background checks.

Illinois law requires a 24 hour waiting period for long guns and 72 hours for handguns.

Illinois has every gun law liberals clamor for, yet a liberal nut bought guns in Illinois and drove to Virginia and shot at Republicans.

Sabotage, its a Sabotage....just like patsfan1283 brought to our attention: the Sum Total of Bill O'Brien's inexplicable decisions (he's the Head Coach of The Houston Texans of course but for those who did not immediately recognize the name) at some point Common Sense has to enter in to the equation of figuring a phenomenon out and after repeated egregious errors, totally inexplicable "WHY" one must earnestly allow upon the Table of Consideration:


You have a very very good brain. It works really good.

What "gain" is accomplished by the situation in Chicago? WHO benefits. You Know What I Mean?

We Know the answer to WHY Chiraq exists within this country boils down to Money so....

can We Follow a Trail?

Who Benefits? From This?


May 27, 2007
Guess it was in August of 92 and was suppose to air for Christmas later that year. He's all about everybody being equal even financially too...llol I can't co-sign that, but the man was a prophet.

When a guy cites Tupac as the voice of reason, you know he's just not very smart.


Jan 15, 2005
why haven't the democrats stopped murders in Chicago, a city they've controlled for centuries, it's up to 600 already which dwarfs these mass murders which get so much attention

doesn't Chicago have tough gun control laws? how can they be failing so miserably?
This is an intellectually lazy argument. There is no imaginary invisible dome that keeps guns from coming in from other adjacent states where there is much weaker gun control.

The majority of Chicago’s guns are coming from Other states https://www.cityofchicago.org/conte... Room/Press Releases/2017/October/GTR2017.pdf

I’ll let comedian Andy Richter explain...https://mobile.twitter.com/AndyRichter/status/927353285245317120

Andy Richter

“WHAT ABOUT CHICAGO?” regurgitates every gun loving NRA puppet, even though this “point” is easily debunked. So ONE MORE TIME:

Andy Richter

Yes, CHI has strict gun laws, but most CHI crime guns come from out of state. (link: https://www.cityofchicago.org/conte... Room/Press Releases/2017/October/GTR2017.pdf) cityofchicago.org/content/dam/ci…

Indiana has VERY lax gun laws, & supplies most CHI crime guns. Guns bought in IN (or WI or MO) are sold illegally in CHI, avoiding CHI laws

And the gun lobby has made it near impossible to track illegal gun sales, too.

Gun stores do an FBI check on the purchaser, all record of which is destroyed after 24hrs. Only other record is hard copy held by store.

Reason we can’t have nat’l database of guns (like we have w cars) is b/c FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY & other paranoid bs that keep gun makers rich

So law enforcement is purposefully hamstrung when investigating illegal gun sales like the ones that flood CHI streets w Indiana guns

Now for a visual aid:


Check out the lowest gun death state, MA. Notice it’s neighbors all have strict gun laws. Now see IL? IN, MO, WI, all easy to get guns.

Now check out Hawaii. Tough gun laws, surrounded by ocean, & MUCH FEWER GUN DEATHS. If only IL were bordered by NY & CT or the goddamn ocean

So fuck this “what about Chicago” bullshit. Might be able to take it if the ppl spouting it had a drop of concern for the ppl of CHI..

...rather than puking up gun cult disinformation that protects their fucking hobby. USA will always have guns, but more control is needed

Americans are being slaughtered in churches, concerts, stores and schools. Fuck your hobby. Grow up and think of someone else.

Here’s interview w former ATF agent about gun purchase laws, fyi




Jan 15, 2005
This is last weekend in Chicago: "29 Shot, 5 Killed in Chicago Weekend Shootings"

Correction: there are now 590 homicides in Chicago in 2017

There are zero gun stores in Chicago.
To legally possess firearms or ammunition, Illinois residents must have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card, which is issued by the Illinois State Police to any qualified applicant. The ISP issue the card after conducting state and federal background checks.

Illinois law requires a 24 hour waiting period for long guns and 72 hours for handguns.

Illinois has every gun law liberals clamor for, yet a liberal nut bought guns in Illinois and drove to Virginia and shot at Republicans.

someone else who is intellectually lazy. The guns are coming in from out of state and being purchased illegally. Sorry your favorite talking point has been debunked.
Feb 6, 2007
Rudy fixed NYC, that's "real talk". I love the left wing spin that all he did was make crime move. As mayor of NYC, he can only fight crime in NYC. Other communities, like CHICAGO, have to take care of themselves. So Rudy proved it can be done, he walked the walk, and NYC is dealing with the same national gun laws as Chicago dontchaknow. I know lefties throughout the country NEED to spin what happened in NYC, because what happened there simply doesn't fit into your misguided narrative about inanimate objects committing crimes like we're live in some fucking cartoon.

Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming cars for accidents.

Nah its not. Cars sole purpose is transportation. Guns sole purpose is to kill. That's not similar.

Nobody is spinning anything. What happened in NY was a terrorist attack in one of the nations most prominent cities. That happens in France and it barely ever happens there because they have gun control. Not saying it never happens, because it did. But it happens far less with guns being able to mow people down.

Nothing kills people faster even if they are running you can still aim and gun them down..... you can sit up in a hotel and gun people down. Only thing you can do that with and create a deadly massacre is with a high powered weapon.

So now that that is said... I will say Rudy was better than Bloomberg because mayor Bloomberg emphasized the stop and frisk shit...that was a big problem. He made it much worse. But Rudy was another fool. Blaming black people fkr their own circumstances. Telling parents they need to teach their kids how to speak to police. I think if there is one thing that black parents teach theirr kids.....that is it! Lmao. Because they know at some point in their life most likely their kid or kids will be stopped. But police are the biggest gang in New York without a mother fucking doubt. They are the ones who are trained to think it's us vs them. Blue code of silence or whatever the fuck they say. No wonder why they don't look at it as protecting and serving.....they are looking at it as....."he's an enemy, get him."

Bloomberg was the piece of shit. Rudy looked like he cleaned up the city and all he did was turn the cities poverty problems into prison problems. Too many homeless people? Just lock them up throw them in Rikers.

And I haven't even mentioned how New York has had the most crooked cops in the history of crooked cops to my knowledge and evidence. He turned what you saw walking down the street into jail issues and he didn't give a fuck.

"Of course it's troubling," Mr. Giuliani said of the shooting yesterday. "Occasionally, unfortunately, things like this happen in every prison."

^^^ that's a quote from 96 where a derringer type gun was smuggled into the jail ( most likely by a C.O.)

I know these facts are tough to digest but shits been going on for decades. And now they are taking action around the country to do shit about it whether you or I agree or not. They are taking action. Taking down statues, protesting, kneeling, shutting down Rikers.. Whatever it may be in 2017 there is being change made and you don't like it.

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
This is an intellectually lazy argument. There is no imaginary invisible dome that keeps guns from coming in from other adjacent states where there is much weaker gun control.

The majority of Chicago’s guns are coming from Other states https://www.cityofchicago.org/conte... Room/Press Releases/2017/October/GTR2017.pdf

I’ll let comedian Andy Richter explain...https://mobile.twitter.com/AndyRichter/status/927353285245317120

Andy Richter

“WHAT ABOUT CHICAGO?” regurgitates every gun loving NRA puppet, even though this “point” is easily debunked. So ONE MORE TIME:

Andy Richter

Yes, CHI has strict gun laws, but most CHI crime guns come from out of state. (link: https://www.cityofchicago.org/conte... Room/Press Releases/2017/October/GTR2017.pdf) cityofchicago.org/content/dam/ci…

Indiana has VERY lax gun laws, & supplies most CHI crime guns. Guns bought in IN (or WI or MO) are sold illegally in CHI, avoiding CHI laws

And the gun lobby has made it near impossible to track illegal gun sales, too.

Gun stores do an FBI check on the purchaser, all record of which is destroyed after 24hrs. Only other record is hard copy held by store.

Reason we can’t have nat’l database of guns (like we have w cars) is b/c FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY & other paranoid bs that keep gun makers rich

So law enforcement is purposefully hamstrung when investigating illegal gun sales like the ones that flood CHI streets w Indiana guns

Now for a visual aid:


Check out the lowest gun death state, MA. Notice it’s neighbors all have strict gun laws. Now see IL? IN, MO, WI, all easy to get guns.

Now check out Hawaii. Tough gun laws, surrounded by ocean, & MUCH FEWER GUN DEATHS. If only IL were bordered by NY & CT or the goddamn ocean

So fuck this “what about Chicago” bullshit. Might be able to take it if the ppl spouting it had a drop of concern for the ppl of CHI..

...rather than puking up gun cult disinformation that protects their fucking hobby. USA will always have guns, but more control is needed

Americans are being slaughtered in churches, concerts, stores and schools. Fuck your hobby. Grow up and think of someone else.

Here’s interview w former ATF agent about gun purchase laws, fyi


Those states that surround Chicago don't have the homicide rate, New Hampshire borders Mass and has very lax gun laws, numerous countries with strict gun ownership have high gun crime rates, much higher than countries with lax gun laws.

Jul 4, 2012
someone else who is intellectually lazy. The guns are coming in from out of state and being purchased illegally. Sorry your favorite talking point has been debunked.

It is illegal to purchase and transport a firearm into Chicago if you did not purchase it from an Illinois FFL.

How was what I said "debunked" exactly?

Jul 4, 2012
This is an intellectually lazy argument. There is no imaginary invisible dome that keeps guns from coming in from other adjacent states where there is much weaker gun control.

If those states have "much weaker gun control" why don't they have 3,200 shootings?

Why don't other areas of Illinois have the same problem?

You calling anyone intellectually lazy is just cartoonish.

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