20+ killed at a church outside San Antonio today


Jul 4, 2012
EF, it is essentially a 50-state system (with the exception of the military and some other federal government branches).

If you get convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Washington State, they transmit that conviction to the FBI and you should never pass a FFL background check again.
What seems to be confusing is if you're on active duty, and are convicted of a crime who does this?

Otherwise, there was another shooting (I forget which one) where the shooter should have been flagged by the NICS and was not. As a guess, there are probably a lot of paper and otherwise missing records in perhaps too many of our states.

* Correction: Some states are the POC for the BG Check. I think in PA and Virginia for example the state police run the check, not the FBI.

Here is the FBI's NICS page.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Automobiles fulfill a legitimate need within our society.

A book has never directly killed anyone, that's a major stretch.

Try again.

Muslim fundamentalists cite the Koran

Western and white apologists blame the bible

Jul 2, 2010
EF, it is essentially a 50-state system (with the exception of the military and some other federal government branches).

If you get convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Washington State, they transmit that conviction to the FBI and you should never pass a FFL background check again.
What seems to be confusing is if you're on active duty, and are convicted of a crime who does this?

Otherwise, there was another shooting (I forget which one) where the shooter should have been flagged by the NICS and was not. As a guess, there are probably a lot of paper and otherwise missing records in perhaps too many of our states.

That is one of the main issues, the NICS system is a disaster and the majority of states either don’t report the proper data, report incomplete data or don’t report it at all. Several of these recent mass shooters would have been flagged in the system if the proper data was submitted.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
That is one of the main issues, the NICS system is a disaster and the majority of states either don’t report the proper data, report incomplete data or don’t report it at all. Several of these recent mass shooters would have been flagged in the system if the proper data was submitted.

this is how bureaucracy fails

then rather than fix the problem and enforce existing laws, they pass new laws and new regulations that only impact law abiding citizens and STILL DON'T WORK effectively

so you base a new law, and it don't work so you pass a newer law and it don't work so you pass a new law....................................

as cosmetic bullshit to make politicians feel good about their own compassionate efforts and give them talking points to sell to their constituents under the guise of leadership

Buy low sell HIGH
Nov 13, 2004
this is how bureaucracy fails

then rather than fix the problem and enforce existing laws, they pass new laws and new regulations that only impact law abiding citizens and STILL DON'T WORK effectively

so you base a new law, and it don't work so you pass a newer law and it don't work so you pass a new law....................................

as cosmetic bullshit to make politicians feel good about their own compassionate efforts and give them talking points to sell to their constituents under the guise of leadership

No need to comment any further......the above can't be argued.
Sep 21, 2004
Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Controversial Drexel professor blames 'whiteness' for Texas church shooting[/h]

By Caleb Parke | Fox News

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Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher has routinely placed the blame for mass shootings on "whiteness."

“Whiteness” caused Texas church shooter Devin Kelley to open fire on parishioners Sunday, killing 26 people, according to a controversial Drexel University professor.
George Ciccariello-Maher, the liberal professor who was booted from campus for tweets blaming the Las Vegas massacre on “Trumpism” and “white victimization,” now claims white “entitlement” is the motivating factor behind mass-shootings.
“Whiteness is never seen as a cause, in and of itself, of these kinds of massacres,” Ciccariello-Maher said in an interview with Democracy Now!, adding, “despite the fact that whiteness is a structure of privilege and it’s a structure of power, and a structure that, when it feels threatened, you know, lashes out.”
He promoted the interview on Twitter as a discussion about “white masculinity, militarism, and terror after Sutherland Springs.”
Ciccariello-Maher, who now only teaches online classes, said the public needs to be asking questions such as: “What makes white men so prone to this kind of behavior?”
Though Ciccariello-Maher acknowledged he didn’t know all the facts about the Texas massacre, he said feelings of frustrated “entitlement” and an “institutional apparatus that trains people in violence” and makes them feel “they’re on the losing side of history” can lead them to “resort to violence.”
Ciccariello-Maher said recent mass killers have “clear mental issues,” but he added “the cause needs to be identified outside and beyond that…”
Ciccariello-Maher said the far right demonizes Muslims and “jumps on any violence by people of color,” but “doesn’t want to talk about the real deep structures of white supremacy in our society...not just the fringe, not just the Nazi movements, but what people are going through every day and what it is that is driving people to these kinds of situations, where they feel so entitled to dominance, that when that’s questioned, they can explode in these very, very unpredictable ways.”
Ciccariello-Maher connected President Trump to the rise in mass shootings.
“Trump makes hay out of the fact that white men, in particular, feel as though they’re the victims of this society, despite being in absolute control of it,” Ciccariello-Maher said. “And this is something that is powerfully dangerous, and it’s why we’re not seeing only the rise in violent attacks, more generally, and the rise of far-right movements, but we’re certainly seeing, you know, clearly, sort of some very serious incidents of mass violence, as well.”
Following the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Ciccariello-Maher retweeted the controversial tweet he sent out after the Las Vegas shooting: “A White Man.”

This professor has a history of contentious tweets. In 2016, he tweeted: “all I want for Christmas is white genocide.”
When asked for comment, Ciccariello-Maher told Fox News: “I don’t talk to mercenaries.”
Drexel University did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Feb 6, 2007
All lives matter to me, even illegals, Muslims and Asians

Even unborn black babies in the third trimester

But that still has nothing to do with the NRA advertising assualt rifles as sporting goods lol. What do you want the democrats to do about the killing in Chicago? Because it ks a democratic state you think they should do what? Lol it is the Republicans who will not do anything about gun control. They are the one's fighting it.

So I don't understand your point at all. Chicago murders are all democrats fault because it is a democratic state? Lol that has absolutely no logic to it. Not sure what you expect them to do? Magic wand?
Feb 6, 2007
why haven't the democrats stopped murders in Chicago, a city they've controlled for centuries, it's up to 600 already which dwarfs these mass murders which get so much attention

doesn't Chicago have tough gun control laws? how can they be failing so miserably?

Can you explain what you would like for Democrats to do to stop murders in Chicago? A city they've controlled for centuries......

I'd like to know what sense you can make out of that

It literally has nothing to do with what happened. Lmfao

May 27, 2007
Can you explain what you would like for Democrats to do to stop murders? A city they've controlled for centuries......

I'd like to know what sense you can make out of that

Perhaps arrest gang bangers and put them in jail? Maybe invest in urban infrastructure so people have a nice place to live and work? Perhaps encourage young black men to stop having kids and running off on the mom?
Feb 6, 2007
It has nothing to do with what happened unless you are suggesting gun control in Chicago and there isn't so it is the democrats fault? Lol well that wouldn't make any sense would it? So there shouldn't be gun control in Texas because there is none in Chicago? I don't know I have no clue the correlation you made besides the fact that there are a lot of people dying from guns
Feb 6, 2007
Perhaps arrest gang bangers and put them in jail? Maybe invest in urban infrastructure so people have a nice place to live and work? Perhaps encourage young black men to stop having kids and running off on the mom?

Bahahhaha that doesn't stop murders. I am talking about murders in Chicago that willie brought up.

Lol they already do arrest gang bangers and drug dealers.....that is all that they look for. So what are you talking about? Who invest? The government doesn't invest in those areas pal. Very rarely. Has to be brought to their attention about 10 years in advance before they build a new CVS. They don't give a fuck about those areas who are you kidding?

I'd like willie to drop the knowledge. Not your blaming black people shit. Willie said dems are responsible for the killings in Chicago. How is that relevant first of all besides more political bullshit that I don't fuck with on either side.
Feb 6, 2007
So the texas church shooting must be Republicans fault because it's a Republican state? Is that how this works? Lmaooooo.

Come on now let's act right.
Feb 6, 2007
So tired of this democrats vs republicans never ending fued. Fucking losers blaming each other.

May 27, 2007
So the texas church shooting must be Republicans fault because it's a Republican state? Is that how this works? Lmaooooo.

Come on now let's act right.

You are comparing apples and oranges. Willie was talking about a systemic problem in Chicago. You are talking about one isolated incident in Texas. They are two very different things altogether. I don't expect you to understand.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
So tired of this democrats vs republicans never ending fued. Fucking losers blaming each other.

Exactly. Ask Willie a question about the NRA, get a response about Chicago just to assess blame.

This is America. We are supposed to be problem solvers. We are supposed to never back down from challenges.

Mass killings are obviously a problem in our society. All the people who just throw up their hands and say "we just have to live with it" are the losers.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
But that still has nothing to do with the NRA advertising assualt rifles as sporting goods lol. What do you want the democrats to do about the killing in Chicago? Because it ks a democratic state you think they should do what? Lol it is the Republicans who will not do anything about gun control. They are the one's fighting it.

So I don't understand your point at all. Chicago murders are all democrats fault because it is a democratic state? Lol that has absolutely no logic to it. Not sure what you expect them to do? Magic wand?

Can you explain what you would like for Democrats to do to stop murders in Chicago? A city they've controlled for centuries......

I'd like to know what sense you can make out of that

It literally has nothing to do with what happened. Lmfao

Exactly. Ask Willie a question about the NRA, get a response about Chicago just to assess blame.

This is America. We are supposed to be problem solvers. We are supposed to never back down from challenges.

Mass killings are obviously a problem in our society. All the people who just throw up their hands and say "we just have to live with it" are the losers.

You guys crack me up. You think the NRA needs to come up with a solution, I don't, but you think I'm supposed to suggest how the NRA is supposed to solve the problem you want solved. Look up begging the question, figure it out, get back to me.

How is Chicago relevant? Because people like you scream "gun control" for the entire nation each and every time there's a shooting that garners national attention. Yet 600 have been killed in Chicago alone THIS FUCKING YEAR, and people who think like you and espouse the same policies you espouse run that city and y'all ignore it, never a whisper. Chicago had 4,000 victims of gun crimes in 2016, and the city has tougher gun laws than most of the rest of the country. Chicago blames most of the crimes on "illegally owned guns". GEE, NO FUCKING SHIT, CRIMINALS OWN GUNS ILLEGALLY, who could have ever thought of that?

How do you stop crime in Chicago? How about increased police patrols, increase exposure, increased lighting, increased cameras, increased arrests, putting people in jail, strictly enforcing unlawful gun possession, LOCK THEM UP. and when you've improved security, the community will work with you and begin to turn on the criminals, just like they did in Iraq after the surge. I'm not even talking about stuff like education and changing the culture, because that's a much longer term fix, butt it has to be noted that democrats and their community organizers had 100 years to fix that too, AND DID NOTHING OR FAILED AT EVERYTHING.

When you can't fix your own neighborhood, when the policies you espouse can't fix one city, then you have no right advising everyone else. (PS: Rudy fixed NYC, "real talk")

And now it's your turn fellas, let's hear how you propose we fix the gun crime problem and tell us when gun crimes became worse and why. Let's see you actually answer a question for a change instead of repeating talking points and headlines and 10 second sound bites.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
You guys crack me up. You think the NRA needs to come up with a solution, I don't, but you think I'm supposed to suggest how the NRA is supposed to solve the problem you want solved. Look up begging the question, figure it out, get back to me.

How is Chicago relevant? Because people like you scream "gun control" for the entire nation each and every time there's a shooting that garners national attention. Yet 600 have been killed in Chicago alone THIS FUCKING YEAR, and people who think like you and espouse the same policies you espouse run that city and y'all ignore it, never a whisper. Chicago had 4,000 victims of gun crimes in 2016, and the city has tougher gun laws than most of the rest of the country. Chicago blames most of the crimes on "illegally owned guns". GEE, NO FUCKING SHIT, CRIMINALS OWN GUNS ILLEGALLY, who could have ever thought of that?

How do you stop crime in Chicago? How about increased police patrols, increase exposure, increased lighting, increased cameras, increased arrests, putting people in jail, strictly enforcing unlawful gun possession, LOCK THEM UP. and when you've improved security, the community will work with you and begin to turn on the criminals, just like they did in Iraq after the surge. I'm not even talking about stuff like education and changing the culture, because that's a much longer term fix, butt it has to be noted that democrats and their community organizers had 100 years to fix that too, AND DID NOTHING OR FAILED AT EVERYTHING.

When you can't fix your own neighborhood, when the policies you espouse can't fix one city, then you have no right advising everyone else. (PS: Rudy fixed NYC, "real talk")

And now it's your turn fellas, let's hear how you propose we fix the gun crime problem and tell us when gun crimes became worse and why. Let's see you actually answer a question for a change instead of repeating talking points and headlines and 10 second sound bites.

I honestly don't know if the NRA has taken a position on how to stop mass killings. But they certainly have taken a position on what guns, magazines, and how many of each are to be legal.

Chicago is not relevant to the mass killings debate. Chicago's rate of violence is due to the drug trade, gang warfare, the perpetual underclass, and a total breakdown of respect and civility. There are many factors as to why poor people murder each other in urban settings, and many solutions are needed. A ban on certain types of weapons and magazines is only one part of a larger solution. And, you can't say a gun ban doesn't work when Chicago is a small island is a huge country where all guns are legal. It is like a dry county in Kentucky, where alcohol is produced and sold in all surrounding counties; a farce. But do people blame the Blue Laws for alcoholism in a dry county?

And in Chicago, all of those policing techniques I'm sure have been tried. Maybe those techniques have prevented 600 more murders this year? And, it takes more money (through higher taxes) to build prisons, hire cops, buy cameras, etc. Are you for higher taxes?

There is not one solution to mass killings. But, the solution is made up of many small solutions, amongst them are bans on certain types of weapons and magazines, waiting periods, background checks, closing gun show loopholes, more dollars for mental health treatment, etc.

May 27, 2007
I honestly don't know if the NRA has taken a position on how to stop mass killings. But they certainly have taken a position on what guns, magazines, and how many of each are to be legal.

Chicago is not relevant to the mass killings debate. Chicago's rate of violence is due to the drug trade, gang warfare, the perpetual underclass, and a total breakdown of respect and civility. There are many factors as to why poor people murder each other in urban settings, and many solutions are needed. A ban on certain types of weapons and magazines is only one part of a larger solution. And, you can't say a gun ban doesn't work when Chicago is a small island is a huge country where all guns are legal. It is like a dry county in Kentucky, where alcohol is produced and sold in all surrounding counties; a farce. But do people blame the Blue Laws for alcoholism in a dry county?

And in Chicago, all of those policing techniques I'm sure have been tried. Maybe those techniques have prevented 600 more murders this year? And, it takes more money (through higher taxes) to build prisons, hire cops, buy cameras, etc. Are you for higher taxes?

There is not one solution to mass killings. But, the solution is made up of many small solutions, amongst them are bans on certain types of weapons and magazines, waiting periods, background checks, closing gun show loopholes, more dollars for mental health treatment, etc.

It is only in the sense that anti-gun advocates are quick to condemn gun violence when a mass shooting occurs but ignore the gun violence that takes place each day across America.

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