No mention of this story in the Indianapolis Star I have to question the validity....
The author has a history of making up stories and embellishing the truth....Cassandra Fairbanks is a bit shady and loves to make up stories...
Somebody prove me wrong....
I am not in Taiwan...try Thailand....
This News was not reported by any major news outlet and even in Indiana...No Fox News, MSNBC, or BBC,or any credible newspaper...
Start your own thread if you want to post this type of nonsense. Unless you have a valid defense for BLM murdering the white woman in the OP, stay out of my thread with your attempts to distract from the topic.
I am not in Taiwan...try Thailand....
This News was not reported by any major news outlet and even in Indiana...No Fox News, MSNBC, or BBC,or any credible newspaper...
This is not directed to anyone in particular but if the shoe fits...
All lives matter is a fallacy. If you can say with a straight face that Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer,
Edmund Kemper, John Wayne Gacy, Ricardo Ramírez and hundreds of thousands more low life's mattered
then you're just trying to be an asshole.
I know in PC world we live in saying all lives matter makes you feel good about yourself but ultimately
you're just a brainwashed candy ass.
I see we've reached another disagreement. I have a list of people that I've encountered overAll lives matter and I'm totally serious, because I believe we're all equal and that's how I live my life.
Now if someone is a violent criminal, then that's another issue. I don't like your analogy. I'm not going to treat a deadbeat or a stiff or a murderer with the same respect I do others. Hell, I'm the first person to tell really stupid people they're really stupid, but I still don't wish harm on anyone.
I see we've reached another disagreement. I have a list of people that I've encountered over
the years who every time I hear that one of them has died, I rejoice because the world has
just become a better place.
All of the people on the list have fucked over me in one way or the other. I don't take kindly
to being fucked over. Now I don't go out of my way to seek revenge but if fate happens to drop
an opportunity in my lap I seize the moment.
There are only 2 people left on the list out of 6 and my goal is to outlive both of them.