Young White Mother Murdered by BLM Mob for Allegedly Saying 'All Lives Matter', MSM ignores

Oct 9, 2009
<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: catamaran, sans-serif; font-size: 22px;">[h=1]Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores[/h]By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published July 11, 2020 at 10:12pm

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[h=3]A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.”[/h]Unlike Charlottesville, or any violence from the right, this killing was reported so quietly that barely anyone even noticed.

Jessica Doty Whitaker was shot and killed following an altercation with Black Lives Matter thugs who were upset that she and her fiance had said “All Lives Matter” last Sunday.
“According to the victim’s family, the shooting started with an argument over Black Lives Matter and language. Eventually the two sides separated and walked away from each other, until witnesses claim the killer opened fire from a nearby bridge and ran away,” Fox 59 <a href="" target="_blank" style="box-sizing: inherit; background: 0px 0px; transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out 0s; color: rgb(30, 66, 138); text-decoration-line: none; font-weight: 700;">reports.
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</cnx></cnx>TRENDING: <a href="" data-type="Internal link" data-type-location="in-content-trending" style="box-sizing: inherit; background: 0px 0px; transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out 0s; color: rgb(30, 66, 138); text-decoration-line: none; font-weight: 700;">Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying 'All Lives Matter,' National Media Fully Ignores
“It was squashed and they went up the hill and left we thought, but they were sitting on St. Claire waiting for us to come under the bridge and that’s when she got shot,” the victim’s fiancé Jose Ramirez told the station.
Her grandfather posted on Facebook that “multiple black assailants” shot her in the head.
“Why isn’t anybody outraged about this?” he asked in the post. “Is it that BLM was involved or that it was white young adults that [were] the victims?”
Whitaker leaves behind a three year old son.
“She shouldn’t have lost her life. She’s got a 3-year-old son she loved dearly,” said Ramirez.
Her father, Robert Doty, told the Gateway Pundit that the BLM supporters had walked by her and her fiance and said “Black Lives Matter,” to which Jessica responded that “All Lives Matter.”
The BLM activists had allegedly pulled out weapons during the argument, which prompted Ramirez to do the same. This lead to them backing off, but not for long.
“An argument started and guns came out, but they worked things out. Unfortunately, they didn’t drop it and waited for them to walk back through and she was shot in the head,” Doty told TGP.
Doty confirmed that neither CNN nor Fox News has reached out for information about the case, despite the murderer being on the loose.
When asked how the family is holding up, Doty said “one day at a time is all we can do.”
Her sister Jennifer told TGP that they were walking the canal with friends after an “awesome” Fourth of July celebration. She said that Jessica was shot three times, in the head and leg.

“It’s heartwrenching to watch my mother explain to my three year old nephew that mommy is an angel in heaven,” Jennifer told TGP, adding “and him ask when we can go get her and bring her back.”
Jennifer told TGP that her sister was a Certified Nursing Assistant doing home health care and getting ready to go back to school to become a registered nurse.
“Her son was her world, she had the kindest heart and was in no way racist towards anyone,” Jennifer told TGP.
Ramirez says that the hardest part has been explaining to her son Greyson that his mother will not be coming back.

“It’s hard to tell him his mom is in heaven and if you want to talk to her you have to look up and say, ‘I love you mom,’” said Ramirez.
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“We’re going through a lot. The 3-year-old boy doesn’t even understand really,” said Ramirez. “I just want justice for Jessica and her son and her family.”
Police are still looking for suspects and have released a video from the area of the murder.


Sep 20, 2017
We should be outraged that black people are killed less by the cops than white people and ignore that 90% of interracial violence between black and whites is black on white
Upside down clown world

Sep 18, 2006
The radical left wing media will cover for BLM......most journalists are activists now a days.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
They are the scum of this earth, a genetically inferior species

Destined to die impoverished and stupid, making excuses until the moment they breathe their last breath

PS: and they all vote for democrats

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Fuck Leftists, Fuck BLM ... and Fuck this anti-racism bs as these BLMers are the most racist fascists on the planet

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
While I concur with all the sentiments in this tread reality says move along nothing to see here.

Feb 2, 2010
BLM is not about Black Lives. They are controlled and funded by white people. Sheep will sheep tho.

Jan 20, 2002
As I have been saying since this organization was founded, Black Lives Murder and fuck anyone that defends this group.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Gentlemen as I have been saying the time is coming for the majority of the country, the ones who are law abiding citizens.
to stand up and declare war on BLM and Antifa It is time to go out and take these people out for the good of the country

It is time to declare these groups as enemy of the state and take them out like the dogs they are...

I am waiting for that day to happen...
Feb 6, 2007
If she were gunned down by two white racist hicks while jogging you guys would be saying, “there’s more to the story.”

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
If she were gunned down by two white racist hicks while jogging you guys would be saying, “there’s more to the story.”
There probably would be more to that story.
But in THIS scenario there's not.
This was 100% racially motivated. A textbook hate crime.
Feb 6, 2007
Always terrible when anyone dies though. Heard her fiancé was there arguing with her. Guess he was pretty useless

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Always terrible when anyone dies though. Heard her fiancé was there arguing with her. Guess he was pretty useless
He pulled a gun, they backed up, but then shot her from afar after the confrontation like the cowards that they are.

Also, he's not white, so maybe you actually DON'T hate him like you think you do.
Feb 6, 2007
There probably would be more to that story.
But in THIS scenario there's not.
This was 100% racially motivated. A textbook hate crime.

No. That’s what you guys said when Arbery was murdered

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