I think Joe probably means well, he's just so frustrated at the state of our federal government (as we all are).
I love how the libtards in here attack me for mocking the 'poor'. I'm not mocking the 'poor', I'm mocking moochers - by definition,
FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT ADULTS, which previous sane generations simply used to call
And there's a reason I use air quotes...the word 'poverty' itself is so ridiculously arbitrary these days (whatever brings in the most votes!) it has totally lost it's meaning. Gone are the days when 'poverty' was measured in absolute terms...
If you're a student with little or no income partying and drinking your ass off every weekend, the government considers you 'poor'
If you're living in a house that's paid for with little or no income, the poverty pimps considers you 'poor'
The word 'poverty' has no real meaning anymore - America as a nation long abandoned the
true definition of compassion and 'poverty' (and logic along with it) decades ago.
These days, the left cleverly defines poverty in relative terms - "income inequality" It's not enough that you have a roof over your head, a working car in your driveway, every modern appliance previous generations could only dream of, the latest smart phone and flat screen TV...noooooooo, you're 'poor' because your neighbor drives a BMW and you only drive a Honda!
It's ridiculous! How ridiculous?
Look at the national debt - politicians can't even tax people fast enough to finance their own bullshit anymore!