Alright so I have been able to gather some new/ interesting insight into this thanks to danny m in ft.lauderdale (some of you know him). Those who dont know him , he is a manger under benoit in his pyramid for colon cleanse that i speculated might be a factor here.
In his opinion the colon cleanse thing had very little to do with it since benoits irs difficulties had recently been solved ending spec ulation that the irs issue over non reported income for the several years returns may have piled on his other frustrations. one caveat being that apparently their has been an ongoing investigation into colon cleans e and the executive level management pertaining to the postal code designating frauds and swindles. so he clears up the irs issue elimating a comprehensive indictment possibility (this had to ease his mind) but then legal chargers perhaps on the horizon with increasitng intrusion by the feds with his family and people under him in his pyramid. so maybe it did pile on? danny says no but its hard to tell at this point. man, i tell ya, this is a tangled web and quite interesting to be on the periphial of.
In his opinion the colon cleanse thing had very little to do with it since benoits irs difficulties had recently been solved ending spec ulation that the irs issue over non reported income for the several years returns may have piled on his other frustrations. one caveat being that apparently their has been an ongoing investigation into colon cleans e and the executive level management pertaining to the postal code designating frauds and swindles. so he clears up the irs issue elimating a comprehensive indictment possibility (this had to ease his mind) but then legal chargers perhaps on the horizon with increasitng intrusion by the feds with his family and people under him in his pyramid. so maybe it did pile on? danny says no but its hard to tell at this point. man, i tell ya, this is a tangled web and quite interesting to be on the periphial of.