Ive been thru the Bronx on 95...Looks worse than Detroit ...The ship I posted (US Brig Niagra) was sailing into a dock today on the river...Part of navy week here marking the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812...The ship was sunk during the war & brought back up & refurbished...So at least we have something going on around here instead of like in the Bronx what whores are walking around,what dope are they selling & where & who got shot today....
So, you became an expert on the borough by driving through it on 95, huh? Like I said, you really are an idiot! For idiots, best to go on auto pilot:
9. Toledo
The first of the Ohio Triplets on our list, Toledo would be the perfect place to re-make The Omega Man. This mostly due to the fact that this Midwestern hole is so bleak, so gray, so devoid of life, that except for rush hour, you wouldn't know that anyone actually lived in Toledo. Forget civic pride, everyone in Toledo knows the city is a hellhole and just stays home to watch TV. Last time we visited, the only after hours joint was located in a hotel for men. Toledo's official city slogan should be "Toledo…We're…well…ah screw it."
None of this has anything to do with the fact that I'm clearly not the only person who thinks you're a putz for being taken in by Gas Bag's cock and bull story...:lolBIG::missingteointer::hahahahah:laughingb