will Obama pass his first budget this year?


Sep 22, 2007
I don't live in Saigon, I live in Des Moines, IA. You're more than welcome to come here. Just let me know. I'll give you my address, book a flight over here to see if you can kick my ass. I doubt you would last 30 seconds with my wife. The bitch is a black belt karate. Once she knocked you flat, I'll let my dog and my son pee on your sorry little faggot fuckface while I'm filming it, and I will upload the vid on youtube for everyone to see.

Iowa? Why am I not surprised, the state that broke their own laws by taking more than 2 weeks to reverse the result of their precious "caucus." Another idiot making claims on the internet, SURE your wife is a black belt, and, let me guess, you probably have a yacht that you use weekends on some Iowa lake, banging three super models all night long while the little wifey rests from her karate class. You're a fucking moron who think people have a propensity to lie based on the race of their parents. You should be embarrassed to state that in public, but you're too fucking stupid to be embarrassed. Lick the scum off a dead dog's dick...

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Iowa? Why am I not surprised, the state that broke their own laws by taking more than 2 weeks to reverse the result of their precious "caucus." Another idiot making claims on the internet, SURE your wife is a black belt, and, let me guess, you probably have a yacht that you use weekends on some Iowa lake, banging three super models all night long while the little wifey rests from her karate class. You're a fucking moron who think people have a propensity to lie based on the race of their parents. You should be embarrassed to state that in public, but you're too fucking stupid to be embarrassed. Lick the scum off a dead dog's dick...

What the fuck are you babbling about resident moron? Why the fuck do I care about Iowa caucus result tallying incorrectly? Do you think I'm a Republican??Wow!!! What a dumbass you are, it's quite a trend here. Like I said, come over here anytime if you want, I'm sure my dog and my son love to pee on your little fuckface just for fun.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
LOL, I've seen many a thread venture into untended directions, but this one has to near the top of the class

Snoop, I like you, but I never ever judge any man by the color of his skin or his parents' ethnicity. I'm only concerned with that man's character.

I assume you're a minority, especially in IA, and thus I'm surprised you feel as you do.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
You can call me a bigot when it comes to mixed race and homosexuality. I don't hide from it. I wouldn't be mad if you call me a fucking brown either because I'm brown. Why would I be mad if someone calls me "brown"? The difference between me and you brainwashed liberal is I don't play double standard game. More often than not, libtards are crying unjust and discrimination song about literally everything yet at the same time they'are trying to impose their beliefs on others. Why is so wrong to call gay a faggot? Would it be better if I call them straight faggot or something? And I have yet to see any of you liberals answer my question....Is Obama not mixed race?

LOL, I was 100% correct!!! And I'd rather be called a loser than a bigot. Of course the one difference is I'm not a loser, but you ARE a bigot!!!

You're not only a loser, you're a bitter pussy since I exposed you as a dumb fuck a while ago. When we engaged in econ discussion, after a few exchanges, you always ran and hid with your tail between your leg because I exposed your stupidity from time to time. Your best shot is sniffing my profile and following me around this board like a little bitch looking for a cheap shot yet you still fail.

Look at the bright side, you'll be retiring in few years, you would have plenty of time following me around moron. Scary stupid weird 60 yrs old troll.
Sep 14, 2007
You can call me a bigot when it comes to mixed race and homosexuality. I don't hide from it. I wouldn't be mad if you call me a fucking brown either because I'm brown. Why would I be mad if someone calls me "brown"? The difference between me and you brainwashed liberal is I don't play double standard game. More often than not, libtards are crying unjust and discrimination song about literally everything yet at the same time they'are trying to impose their beliefs on others. Why is so wrong to call gay a faggot? Would it be better if I call them straight faggot or something? And I have yet to see any of you liberals answer my question....Is Obama not mixed race?

You're not only a loser, you're a bitter pussy since I exposed you as a dumb fuck a while ago. When we engaged in econ discussion, after a few exchanges, you always ran and hid with your tail between your leg because I exposed your stupidity from time to time. Your best shot is sniffing my profile and following me around this board like a little bitch looking for a cheap shot yet you still fail.

Look at the bright side, you'll be retiring in few years, you would have plenty of time following me around moron. Scary stupid weird 60 yrs old troll.
First off, I could care less what race Obama or anyone else is. I don't judge a person by his color, never have never will. And secondly, just because I don't engage you in your idiotic back and forth rants on here, doesn't mean you exposed anything. I have better things to do with my life than spend all day on here like you do complaining and bitching about how terrible things are in your life.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
First off, I could care less what race Obama or anyone else is. I don't judge a person by his color, never have never will. And secondly, just because I don't engage you in your idiotic back and forth rants on here, doesn't mean you exposed anything. I have better things to do with my life than spend all day on here like you do complaining and bitching about how terrible things are in your life.

There is no better thing in your life to do than sniffing my profile and following me around on this board, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Stick it to your ass you fucking moron.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
There is no better thing in your life to do than sniffing my profile and following me around on this board, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Stick it to your ass you fucking moron.

Face it... no one likes you Snoop. You are old, weird, and creepy! And on top of that a racist.

Sep 22, 2007
What the fuck are you babbling about resident moron? Why the fuck do I care about Iowa caucus result tallying incorrectly? Do you think I'm a Republican??Wow!!! What a dumbass you are, it's quite a trend here. Like I said, come over here anytime if you want, I'm sure my dog and my son love to pee on your little fuckface just for fun.

What do you care about your own state tallying results that can help determine the candidate for President? Why, indeed? That statement just proves, once again, that you are a you're a fucking moron, as is clear with somebody who thinks people have a propensity to lie based on the race of their parents. "Sanatarium" talks about man on dog, something tells me you know something about that with dog under your name-or the "black belt karate wife" does...:devilex::laughingb:flies:

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Why would I care about Republican caucus? Do you think I'm a Republican? Just when I thought you can't get any stupider. Join the liberal moron bandwagon in this forum idiot, you fit right in there.

Sep 22, 2007
You can call me a bigot when it comes to mixed race and homosexuality. I don't hide from it. I wouldn't be mad if you call me a fucking brown either because I'm brown. Why would I be mad if someone calls me "brown"? The difference between me and you brainwashed liberal is I don't play double standard game. More often than not, libtards are crying unjust and discrimination song about literally everything yet at the same time they'are trying to impose their beliefs on others. Why is so wrong to call gay a faggot? Would it be better if I call them straight faggot or something? And I have yet to see any of you liberals answer my question....Is Obama not mixed race?

You're not only a loser, you're a bitter pussy since I exposed you as a dumb fuck a while ago. When we engaged in econ discussion, after a few exchanges, you always ran and hid with your tail between your leg because I exposed your stupidity from time to time. Your best shot is sniffing my profile and following me around this board like a little bitch looking for a cheap shot yet you still fail.

Look at the bright side, you'll be retiring in few years, you would have plenty of time following me around moron. Scary stupid weird 60 yrs old troll.

Ever hear the saying, if 5 people tell you that you're drunk, maybe you should lie down? Everybody else-even Witless Willie-thinks you've got a problem, but everybody else is wrong, and YOU are the Shining Beacon of Truth. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a brainless, bigoted asshole who spends a lot of time wondering who likes dick and calling people faggots. Nobody is contesting that Obama is of mixed race, you motherless ****, it's the contention that he's automatically a liar because of that that we don't quite see eye to eye on. You're too stupid to understand that, why is that not a surprise. Now you claim to be a person of color who lives in Iowa who is not a Republican, despite numerous posts that indicate otherwise. Run along and try to satisfy your "black belt wife," Jagoff....

Sep 22, 2007
Why would I care about Republican caucus? Do you think I'm a Republican? Just when I thought you can't get any stupider. Join the liberal moron bandwagon in this forum idiot, you fit right in there.

You've praised Rubio, you lying scumbag, and,-suprise!-you LIKE a lying scumbag, so what's your lie THIS minute, that you're an "independent" that likes that clown?

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Ever hear the saying, if 5 people tell you that you're drunk, maybe you should lie down? Everybody else-even Witless Willie-thinks you've got a problem, but everybody else is wrong, and YOU are the Shining Beacon of Truth. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a brainless, bigoted asshole who spends a lot of time wondering who likes dick and calling people faggots. Nobody is contesting that Obama is of mixed race, you motherless ****, it's the contention that he's automatically a liar because of that that we don't quite see eye to eye on. You're too stupid to understand that, why is that not a surprise. Now you claim to be a person of color who lives in Iowa who is not a Republican, despite numerous posts that indicate otherwise. Run along and try to satisfy your "black belt wife," Jagoff....

I'm glad you admit that Obama is a mixed race asshole and a liar. Good for you.

On the bright side, you faggots can share that 1/2 black 1/2 white cock for another four years, I'm sure you will enjoy swallowing every drop of his cum.



bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
You've praised Rubio, you lying scumbag, and,-suprise!-you LIKE a lying scumbag, so what's your lie THIS minute, that you're an "independent" that likes that clown?

Dude, are you fucking dense? I like him because he is fiscal conservative, not because he is a Republican.

I would vote for Bill Clinton if he runs in Nov. Goooshh!!! What a dumb ass you are.

Sep 22, 2007
I'm glad you admit that Obama is a mixed race asshole and a liar. Good for you.

On the bright side, you faggots can share that 1/2 black 1/2 white cock for another four years, I'm sure you will enjoy swallowing every drop of his cum.



You're not just a brainless, bigoted, scumbag, you're a LYING brainless, bigoted, scumbag. I "admitted" that Obama is of mixed race, but nothing else that you said. Who gets to go at the "black belt karate wife" first doggy style, you, or the dog?:devilex::laughingb:flies:

Sep 22, 2007
Dude, are you fucking dense? I like him because he is fiscal conservative, not because he is a Republican.

I would vote for Bill Clinton if he runs in Nov. Goooshh!!! What a dumb ass you are.

Ahhhh, but he's a lying sack of shit, and you claim not to trust liars, even though you just showed a couple of posts ago that YOU are a lying sack of shit. Your move, dog fucker....:devilex::laughingb:flies:

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
You're not just a brainless, bigoted, scumbag, you're a LYING brainless, bigoted, scumbag. I "admitted" that Obama is of mixed race, but nothing else that you said. Who gets to go at the "black belt karate wife" first doggy style, you, or the dog?

Are you sure that mixed race asshole is not a liar? I can dig up countless of his lies in a few second but I realize that would be a waste of time because you fags rather suck his cock than knowing the truth. You fucking trolling is getting old kid. Gimme your better trick clown.

Who gets to go at the "black belt karate wife" first doggy style, you, or the dog?

Of course it would be me, my dog will go at your wife, then your mom.

Sep 22, 2007
Are you sure that mixed race asshole is not a liar? I can dig up countless of his lies in a few second but I realize that would be a waste of time because you fags rather suck his cock than knowing the truth. You fucking trolling is getting old kid. Gimme your better trick clown.

Stay on point, birdbrain: the issue isn't whether Obama is a liar or not, the point is that you lied like the dog buggering scum that you are and said that I admitted that he was a liar, and an asshole, when I did nothing of the sort. You also claim that by virtue of being the result of a mixed marriage, he's automatically a liar, which makes you a fucking moron. You also have made a big show of not trusting liars, yet you support Rubio, who is a proven, lying sack of shit. Try again, Corn Boy....

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Stay on point, birdbrain: the issue isn't whether Obama is a liar or not, the point is that you lied like the dog buggering scum that you are and said that I admitted that he was a liar, and an asshole, when I did nothing of the sort. You also claim that by virtue of being the result of a mixed marriage, he's automatically a liar, which makes you a fucking moron. You also have made a big show of not trusting liars, yet you support Rubio, who is a proven, lying sack of shit. Try again, Corn Boy....

Case in point.

Obama is a mixed race asshole and a liar, yet dumb fuck liberals like you're willing to give him a free pass rather than knowing the truth.

Why do you even bother to involve in politics anyway? Just vote straight Democrat on every election, everything else is irrelevant, that would save you lot of time.

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