Why the doctrine of endless tortures is Satanic


Jun 4, 2018
Yes, i'm a born again Christian.
What's the purpose of you asking 4 forgiveness if God is going 2 save every1 anyway ? , according to you God will save devout Muslims ( who pray to Allah ) & don't believe that God had a son at all .... according 2 u God will save Hindus who devotees have thousands upon thousands of God's they can pray 2 like the elephant God ganesh or the hindu monkey God hanuman & so on ( most hindu devotees will pray & be devoted to 1 or 2 hindu gods at most ) .... what about buddhists , what about shintoism & on & on . So those people will be saved by god ?

Jun 4, 2018
What's the purpose of you asking 4 forgiveness if God is going 2 save every1 anyway ? , according to you God will save devout Muslims ( who pray to Allah ) & don't believe that God had a son at all .... according 2 u God will save Hindus who devotees have thousands upon thousands of God's they can pray 2 like the elephant God ganesh or the hindu monkey God hanuman & so on ( most hindu devotees will pray & be devoted to 1 or 2 hindu gods at most ) .... what about buddhists , what about shintoism & on & on . So those people will be saved by god ?
John 14:6 jesus himself says " I am the way , the truth & the life . NO ONE comes to the father except through me "

Jun 4, 2018
So are you calling JESUS ( the son of god ) a LIAR ? .... sure sounds like it too me
Sep 21, 2004
So are you calling JESUS ( the son of god ) a LIAR ? .... sure sounds like it too me

I'm pretty sure he holds to the view that punishment after death is temporal and purifying, so that eventually everyone will bow their knee and confess
Jesus is Lord, and be saved, i.e. after death conversion. I think the Scriptural evidence for this is weak, but there is indeed a Scriptural foundation, and there
is a historical precedent, as there was a contingent of the early church that held to this view. I wouldn't call it heretical, as many do.

Jun 4, 2018
I'm pretty sure he holds to the view that punishment after death is temporal and purifying, so that eventually everyone will bow their knee and confess
Jesus is Lord, and be saved, i.e. after death conversion. I think the Scriptural evidence for this is weak, but there is indeed a Scriptural foundation, and there
is a historical precedent, as there was a contingent of the early church that held to this view. I wouldn't call it heretical, as many do.
After death conversion :hahahahah are u insane ? NO SUCH THING WILL HAPPEN

Jun 4, 2018
I'm pretty sure he holds to the view that punishment after death is temporal and purifying, so that eventually everyone will bow their knee and confess

Jesus is Lord, and be saved, i.e. after death conversion. I think the Scriptural evidence for this is weak, but there is indeed a Scriptural foundation, and there

is a historical precedent, as there was a contingent of the early church that held to this view. I wouldn't call it heretical, as many do.

After death conversion :hahahahah are u insane ? NO SUCH THING WILL HAPPEN

Jun 4, 2018
Jesus never said ..... " hey guys , do whatever the hell u want to do because it doesn't matter anyway . go Sin , be good .... I don't really give a shit , do whatever your little heart desires ...... go ahead have fun I'm just gonna save everybody in the end anyway :hahahahah
Sep 21, 2004
Jesus never said ..... " hey guys , do whatever the hell u want to do because it doesn't matter anyway . go Sin , be good .... I don't really give a shit , do whatever your little heart desires ...... go ahead have fun I'm just gonna save everybody in the end anyway :hahahahah

The idea is, there will be just punishment, there is just no evidence for endless torture in fire - that is an idea people got from Dante's Inferno and not the Bible.

Jun 4, 2018
I'm talking about eternal salvation here . X-Files is promoting the doctrine of ' universalism' which is WRONG
Feb 20, 2002
What's the purpose of you asking 4 forgiveness if God is going 2 save every1 anyway ?

Simple: there is still "hell" to avoid. It's a place/state of correction by a loving God Who is Love Omnipotent. It's temporary. No one stays there & is tortured forever.

What "hell" is not: a place/state where God's creatures are tortured endlessly. That would make God immoral, evil, wicked. A sicko sadistic monster.
Feb 20, 2002
Look according to scripture Hell is a place of Torment, Not Torture -God does Not send People to Hell - People send themselves there - People that go there rejected Gods love n Mercy and as Paul said, no man is without any excuse -as we all have the Light of Creation all around us and the Light of Conscience within Us- God is the best explanation why theirs is something rather than nothing. So believe and Trust and you will be Saved.

That is a common response i've seen dozens of times. Nice try, but no dice.

As to your claim that God does not send people to "hell", actually the Bible repeatedly implies that God does in fact send people to "hell". The Bible doesn't say they jump into "hell", but that they are "cast" into it.

"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:15).

Instead of believing what the Bible says, you've bought into some preacher's attempt to make a fictional sicko sadistic monster gods' endless torture chamber sound reasonable.

Sep 6, 2014
Again the Bible is coming from an infinite source trying to communicate to finite beings like we are - yes god does send people to hell based on their choice- but it is that Choice that we make puts us there- so your wrong in your deduction- God is Good n God sets the Standard of what Good n evil are - Surely no man can Or does set those Standards -only God or law giver can do that!
Feb 20, 2002
Again the Bible is coming from an infinite source trying to communicate to finite beings like we are - yes god does send people to hell based on their choice- but it is that Choice that we make puts us there- so your wrong in your deduction- God is Good n God sets the Standard of what Good n evil are - Surely no man can Or does set those Standards -only God or law giver can do that!

If an eternal hell existed, it is God's choice to send people to hell and his choice alone, not their choice. Nobody says "I choose & want to suffer endless torments in hell, please send me there, God." God could be merciful & save them from such an unbelievably horrific & sadistic future by simply annihilating them out of existence. Then God wouldn't have to send anyone to "hell" let alone an endless hellish existence of torments. So your doctrine of God makes Him into a sicko sadistic monster worse than all the serial killers of history combined.

Moreover, God could choose to send unrepentant sinners to another place rather than that "hell" (the fiery lake) of endless torments. For example, He could send them somewhere where they wouldn't be allowed to harm anyone else & where they could spend eternity enjoying pleasures much like they did while alive on earth.

So even under the assumption that God chooses to send people to an endless lake of fire to be tormented forever based on how they lived during a brief lifetime, that choice is on God, not human beings. Because God had at least 3 alternatives to sending anyone to endless sufferings in hell. In addition to the two i stated above, He could have sent the unrepentant to a "hell" where they are corrected & eventually saved so they may join others in heaven. To fail to do so implies your God's love has an expiry date like a carton of milk or He is impotent to save (so He is not Omnipotent as Scripture says), or He doesn't want to save those in "hell", in which case He is not loving or good but a sicko sadistic monster.

Furthermore to bring endless sufferings on anyone for the relatively momentary sins of a lifetime is extremely unjust. Additionally, it is also pointless. Is it supposed to bring God glory or illicit praise from the saints in heaven. Quite the opposite.

Sep 6, 2014
It’s is Not a Lake of Fire - that’s metaphoric launguage again trying to communicate from
an infinite perspective - hell is a real place in the sense, that we who reject the evidence around us and within us by not trusting and believing the one who spoke and the universe leapt into existence. Whatever starts to exist must have had a cause - so it follows the universe started to exist - therefore God exists - why Is their Something rather than nothing? How could the first particle produce itself - God who is massless, timeless brought all this into being is the only rational answer- God who never started to exist always was an that does not violate the law of non contradiction -the Bible says Jesus who is God created the universe out of nothing- so no man is without an excuse not to believe. Of course it’s my opinion
Feb 20, 2002
insanity ..... fits your idea of jesus saving every1 no matter what :hahahahah

Jesus saving everyone is not insanity. It's His will. It's why He left heaven, suffered & died on a cross.

1I exhort, then, first of all, there be made supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, for all men: 2for kings, and all who are in authority, that a quiet and peaceable life we may lead in all piety and gravity, 3for this [is] right and acceptable before God our Saviour, 4who doth will all men to be saved, and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; 5for one [is] God, one also [is] mediator of God and of men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who did give himself a ransom for all — the testimony in its own times — (1 Timothy 1:1-6, The Bible) https://biblehub.com/ylt/1_timothy/2.htm

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