Why does Santorum care if I wear a condom?


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Poor? I guess its relative - compared to Mitt Romney probably - compared to u? um , not so much

Uneducated? I guess compared to some but I have a higher level of education than u

And like I said, in real life Barry was a community leader - dude couldnt turn 2 nickels into a dime - and he wasnt prominent at anything

Now get back to talking about how I hate blacks - the ole race card - if not, get back to reading some books and telling me how things work - it amuses me

You reek of desperation. I guarantee you are not as rich as you say you are. And anyone who spells "you", "u", and does not use apostrophes is not educated.

You seem more like someone who has to put on a front to impress people when we all know those people are just over compensating.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Wow!!!!. The Alaskan troll is now posting simultaneously with two usernames eh? akphitroll and Iutoffee. Comedy fucking gold.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

That's a super cool picture.

Now place that next to the picture of the literally millions of American women, their doctors, the staff help from the doctors' offices and the family members who help finance the abortion as they are led into prisons to serve long, harsh sentences for their decision to end an unwanted pregnancy.

A few people will be teary-eyed over the discarded fetus.

But millions will cry if all those millions of their fellow Americans (many of their own mothers, daughters and sisters) were taken from their existing families and imprisioned for the time earned for a "homicide" conviction.

Thank Goodness we live in The United States of America
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New member
Oct 20, 2005
I think some things are better left unsaid, and in this case that picture i firmly believe is totally unnecessary to post. I, for one am personally against abortion as i have never nor i will take part of such an act. I also dont want to push that on others thou, so i am pro choice. With that said, i think we should have restrictions on abortions. I dont know what the timeline should be but anything over 20 months to me seems brutal. I am all for freedom of people making choices but there needs to be some guidelines. I also think its ludicrous to punish a women when getting an abortion. I think you can make your point by just stating it without showing the picture. How you can actually look for that to post it creeps me the fuck out. This is what happens when you get off your one track mind. Keep to hating on brown sombrero wearing hombre's.

Jul 14, 2007
You gotta be a real sicko to post that pic on here, good god!

I'm not even sure how the moderators allow that. Anyone who isn't repulsed by that is out of their minds regardless of which side of the political spectrum they come down on.

Also for Willie...Off the hate Obama train for a minute, you honestly think you and everyone else on this boards Republican to win the election bets are cashing if its Santorum vs Romney? Its gonna feel like you made the site a donation, won't even have a legit sweat.

That being said, Romney is still gonna win so chillout Seymour, no way Santorum gets the nod. And if he does we're living in some alternate universe.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You gotta be a real sicko to post that pic on here, good god!

I'm not even sure how the moderators allow that. Anyone who isn't repulsed by that is out of their minds regardless of which side of the political spectrum they come down on.

Also for Willie...Off the hate Obama train for a minute, you honestly think you and everyone else on this boards Republican to win the election bets are cashing if its Santorum vs Romney? Its gonna feel like you made the site a donation, won't even have a legit sweat.

That being said, Romney is still gonna win so chillout Seymour, no way Santorum gets the nod. And if he does we're living in some alternate universe.

I do hate Obama and I'm proud of it. I disagree with many people on policy positions, and that's OK, good and smart people can and do disagree.

I dislike Obama because he is dishonest to the core, he's deceitful on just about every issue, and he lies about his opponents every time he talks about them.

calling police officers throughout the country racists, suggesting certain demographics are stupid because of their religious beliefs and calling people like me the enemy of other demographics just make the man scum in my world. Throw in his epic failures at everything a POTUS can fail at and baddabing, you have the perfect storm

I do believe the field can beat Obama, once his presidency becomes the issue. He's getting a free pass right now.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The Tea Party ralling around a self described Progressive Conservative basically makes the Tea Party null in void. How can a movement aimed at cutting waste and cutting spending get behind a fiscal liberal (read passionate conservative) in the George Bush 2 mold? That affiliation taints the tea party IMO. The guy is a lobbying whore who has not shown fiscal restraints when Republicans had power. Its easy to be a leader when youre not in power.

Truth is we have not had a leader in the white house in quite a while and we damned sure don't have one now. Actually I think Santorum would be better than Obama in many ways and really that is all that counts at this point and time. As hard as Obama has tried he can't pass his agenda and keep the economy going at the same time because they are diametrically opposed. I don't see how a Libertarian can push for Obama either. That change that Obama mentioned last campaign never happened so it is just time to change who is POTUS. If the Dem's think he is their best shot so be it and if Santorum makes it out of the convention than I am of the opinion that any Republican is better than Obama, even Romney. If Romney care is like Obama care the difference is that Romney wants to kill it and Obama wants to ram it down our throats. That is a pretty big difference, black and white. I do think Santorum has all the qualities as an individual that many thought Obama had when they elected him and we all know how that turned out. Right now it is about the economy, deficit spending, and unemployment, all else is at the far end of the buffet. I still say that whoever makes it out of the Republican convention needs a viable VP on the ticket. I simply cannot believe Obama is sticking wih Biden. Santorum is far from perfect but Obama ain't even close.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Fletch: I digressed in my other reply and did not really address the tea party. The tea party seeks out members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and focuses on ousting them and replacing them with conservative fiscally responsible candidates. They were successful in turning the House last November and they may do the same in the Senate this year. If so do you think they are going to hook up with Obama. No way. They will take their chances with any of the Republican candidates over him. Obama is part of the problem they are focused on and has in fact made things worse since he got there. Once you come to terms with the fact that all elected Presidents have been less than perfect you have to accept that there never was and never will be a candidate that can meet the expectations of every single American. If you argue that you can believe what a Presidential candidate says he will do if elected expectations are out the window. Obama has not done what he said he would do, he now does things he espoused against and is on record for in the Senate, and he is not providing leadership that is moving this country forward. The tea party and most of the U.S. are onto Obama and no way are they going to support him. Does Santorum fit their every need, does any Republican candidate, no and no, but Obama is not the answer. The tea party will play a role in this next election, maybe not as dynamic as they did last summer but they will not support Obama and that is what will carry the day.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Truth is we have not had a leader in the white house in quite a while and we damned sure don't have one now. Actually I think Santorum would be better than Obama in many ways and really that is all that counts at this point and time. As hard as Obama has tried he can't pass his agenda and keep the economy going at the same time because they are diametrically opposed. I don't see how a Libertarian can push for Obama either. That change that Obama mentioned last campaign never happened so it is just time to change who is POTUS. If the Dem's think he is their best shot so be it and if Santorum makes it out of the convention than I am of the opinion that any Republican is better than Obama, even Romney. If Romney care is like Obama care the difference is that Romney wants to kill it and Obama wants to ram it down our throats. That is a pretty big difference, black and white. I do think Santorum has all the qualities as an individual that many thought Obama had when they elected him and we all know how that turned out. Right now it is about the economy, deficit spending, and unemployment, all else is at the far end of the buffet. I still say that whoever makes it out of the Republican convention needs a viable VP on the ticket. I simply cannot believe Obama is sticking wih Biden. Santorum is far from perfect but Obama ain't even close.

Fletch: I digressed in my other reply and did not really address the tea party. The tea party seeks out members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and focuses on ousting them and replacing them with conservative fiscally responsible candidates. They were successful in turning the House last November and they may do the same in the Senate this year. If so do you think they are going to hook up with Obama. No way. They will take their chances with any of the Republican candidates over him. Obama is part of the problem they are focused on and has in fact made things worse since he got there. Once you come to terms with the fact that all elected Presidents have been less than perfect you have to accept that there never was and never will be a candidate that can meet the expectations of every single American. If you argue that you can believe what a Presidential candidate says he will do if elected expectations are out the window. Obama has not done what he said he would do, he now does things he espoused against and is on record for in the Senate, and he is not providing leadership that is moving this country forward. The tea party and most of the U.S. are onto Obama and no way are they going to support him. Does Santorum fit their every need, does any Republican candidate, no and no, but Obama is not the answer. The tea party will play a role in this next election, maybe not as dynamic as they did last summer but they will not support Obama and that is what will carry the day.

I will agree Obama has not been a strong presence in his position. I never liked him and im not in any more in favor him now. However, i think many Republicans go too far and bash the guy as if he is that bad. Hes alot like the last guy who left office and that wasnt NEARLY the venom that exists now for Obama. Just saying, its absolutely true and easily provable. Again, im not supporting him just pointing out the obvious. Do i want Obama out? Yes. Do i want to vote Santorum to do it? No way. Not only is he a big government conservative who wants the federal government to meddle in our personal affairs he is also a big spending liberal, kinda like Bush. In fact, i am pretty sure he voted with BushCo almost down the line. Obama might be bad, however, in my opinion Bush was worse and i voted for him in 2000. He was a disaster and thats exactly what we will get with Rick Santorum. Romney is much better and would get my vote before this train wreck. Here is a read i bookmarked a few weeks ago deff worth reading from Red State:


The tea party was assembled because it was small government minded folks who wanted freedom to do as they please without the nanny state looking over their shoulder. How they can support this clown blows me away. It shows they value social conservatism more so then fiscal conservatism. That basically makes the Tea Party a laughing stock. Because what event did they name the modern Tea Party after? The improper taxation from England as is was purley about taxes, not gay marriage. I want to leave you with a quote (and if i could ever embed i would leave you with the video too) from the great rock band Rage Against the Machine. Now while they are leftist anarchists, they provide thought provoking lyrics nonetheless and in this case particularly useful for the Tea Party and for guys like you and me.

If we don't take action now, We settle for nothing later, Settle for nothing now and we'll settle for nothing later

Lets stop settling. Lets vote in staunch fiscal conservatives. If we start doing that, you will have my vote and support. Until then i refuse to settle because thats all that will ever become of it.

Jul 14, 2007
I do hate Obama and I'm proud of it. I disagree with many people on policy positions, and that's OK, good and smart people can and do disagree.

I dislike Obama because he is dishonest to the core, he's deceitful on just about every issue, and he lies about his opponents every time he talks about them.

calling police officers throughout the country racists, suggesting certain demographics are stupid because of their religious beliefs and calling people like me the enemy of other demographics just make the man scum in my world. Throw in his epic failures at everything a POTUS can fail at and baddabing, you have the perfect storm

I do believe the field can beat Obama, once his presidency becomes the issue. He's getting a free pass right now.

Nice response but you really didn't answer my question at all. I asked if you think you and everyone else on this board that has a bet on the Republicans to win has a chance of cashing if Santorum wins the nomination? You sounded giddy at the idea of Santorum vs Obama earlier in the thread and I can't imagine why anyone would be. I like my Nets moneyline bet thats about to go off in 10 mins more than I like Santorum vs Obama.

Also nice to see there is a modicum of sanity on this board and that disgusting picture was removed. What an idiot, seriously...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Nice response but you really didn't answer my question at all. I asked if you think you and everyone else on this board that has a bet on the Republicans to win has a chance of cashing if Santorum wins the nomination? You sounded giddy at the idea of Santorum vs Obama earlier in the thread and I can't imagine why anyone would be. I like my Nets moneyline bet thats about to go off in 10 mins more than I like Santorum vs Obama.

Also nice to see there is a modicum of sanity on this board and that disgusting picture was removed. What an idiot, seriously...

you know I didn't post that picture, eh?

as for your question, what do these words mean?

"I do believe the field can beat Obama, once his presidency becomes the issue. He's getting a free pass right now."

can I be more direct?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Fletch: I read the article and the people that put it together are obviously concerned about Santorum. What jumped out at me was "entrenched progressive civil servants who are anything but conservative." That is exactly what is wrong with our government now regardless of who the president is. These people not only enforce regulations they pile them on and interperate them anyway they want. Anything progressive is juxtaposed to anything conservative. What is funny is that people are using the term "settling" like it is a bad thing. I think settling for any of the Republican alternatives over Obama is a good thing. I am all right with that definition of settling because I think the country settled on Obama over McCain, two of the worst choices probably ever presented to the electorate. Ask any conservative who is stuck in the state of California about how great that progressive state is doing and the same thing applies to conservatives stuck with Obama right now. I still think something is going to happen between now and November that will turn this election upside down. I don't know what, when, or how but the extent to which Obama is going to have to defend his record (or lack thereof) is going to push a button with the Independents and they will again determine this election and they know they got short changed in the last one.

Jul 14, 2007
you know I didn't post that picture, eh?

as for your question, what do these words mean?

"I do believe the field can beat Obama, once his presidency becomes the issue. He's getting a free pass right now."

can I be more direct?

Fair enough. I didn't really ask about "the field" but moreso Santorum specifically. Anyway Nets are up 15-2 so maybe Santorum ain't such a longshot afterall! Get em Dwill!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Why do tea partiers flock to Santorum, given his voting record?
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By David Lightman and William Douglas | McClatchy Newspapers
David Lightman and William Douglas McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Supporters of the tea party movement, the grass-roots conservatives who've been relentless in demanding tough, lean budgets, are rallying behind Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum — but Santorum's record suggests he's hardly one of them.
His support among tea party Republicans is surging, according to a new Pew Research Center poll, which labels him the clear favorite of the influential group.
Yet while Santorum was a U.S. senator from Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2007, he was hardly the kind of die-hard fiscal conservative whom movement followers crave.
"His record contains more than a few weak spots that make us question if he would resist political expediency when it comes to economic issues," said an analysis from the Club for Growth, which promotes fiscal conservatism.
Added Mark Meckler, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, "There are places you can say yes and places you can say no" as to whether Santorum is a rock-solid fiscal conservative.
The former senator, Meckler said, is "a relatively average Republican. His votes change from year to year depending on whether it's an election year. I'd say he's a relative conservative on taxes."
In a nationwide poll taken last Wednesday through Sunday, Pew found that among Republican and GOP-leaning voters, 42 percent of tea party backers preferred Santorum. Rival Mitt Romney was far behind at 23 percent.
But questions about Santorum's fiscal background — questions the Romney and Ron Paul campaigns are raising daily — suggest that Santorum's support is going to be tested severely as the campaign moves into Michigan and Arizona, which hold primaries Feb. 28.
Santorum's fiscal record is certainly more conservative than that of most lawmakers, and he's consistently supported major tax-cut legislation. But his record has some significant blemishes from the purist-conservative perspective.
Santorum most angered conservatives with his backing of the expensive 2003 Medicare prescription-drug program, which is expected to cost about $68 billion this year alone. Santorum told CNN last year that his Medicare vote was a mistake, because the program wasn't paid for.
His vote for the 2005 highway bill — a $284 billion measure that was loaded with earmarks, including the infamous Alaska "Bridge to Nowhere" — also outraged conservatives.
Santorum has been a consistent supporter of earmarks, the local projects that members of Congress insert into legislation. Taxpayers for Common Sense, which tracks earmarks, estimates that in Santorum's 12 years in the Senate and four in the House of Representatives, he got at least $1 billion in projects.
"He's not in the pantheon of great earmarkers, but he certainly played the game," said Steve Ellis, the group's vice president.
In addition, Santorum voted many times to raise the federal debt ceiling and for Amtrak funds.
"By most standards, he's a conservative. The problem is this isn't the (normal election) year by most standards. This is the year that Republicans are looking for purity," said Terry Madonna, the director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Pennsylvania's Franklin & Marshall College.
"They want a candidate who has no flaws, no transgressions, no walk-backs for true conservatism. That's the nature of the debate right now. A lot of conservatives are afraid that they'll elect another appeaser who'll sell out the true conservatives and the conservative movement."
The Club for Growth described Santorum's record as "mixed." The National Taxpayers Union, which promotes fiscal conservatism, found that Santorum was more willing to slash spending when he wasn't facing an election.
"This is the record of solid stances on tax issues and many but not all spending issues," said Pete Sepp, a vice president of the group.
Sal Russo, a co-founder of the Tea Party Express, is a veteran California Republican strategist. He said that many people said they didn't support the tea party movement until they learned it was primarily for fiscal responsibility. "Then they support us overwhelmingly," Russo said.
He also said that tea party support for the various GOP candidates had "seesawed" throughout the campaign, though he pointed out that "Romney's been a consistent second choice."
Meckler, of Tea Party Patriots, said Santorum was doing well among tea party backers because of his conservative stands on social issues, such as abortion or gay marriage.
Meckler also said that tea party backers were still looking for their perfect conservative, but that they realized they wouldn't find one among the current GOP candidates.
"None of them are pure conservatives," he said. "They understand that in this election, they're not going to find this."
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/02/...partiers-flock-to-santorum.html#storylink=cpy

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
"I do believe the field can beat Obama, once his presidency becomes the issue. He's getting a free pass right now."

Keep up a strong mentality Willie.

But I doubt majority of the party is as confident as you are.

Sep 21, 2001
I'll get a cock reduction if Santorum is the nominee and he beats Barry

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Keep up a strong mentality Willie.

But I doubt majority of the party is as confident as you are.

The problem is willie is blinded by his hate for obama. He can't see clearly....hate will blind you to common sense and what's in front of your face.

For some reason he is under the delusion that the repub nominee will attack obama and obama won't use his millions to attack back....both romney and santorum have plenty to go after.

Santorum was run out of pa for his extreme views and he has no chance if he is the nominee. Currently obama holds big leads on both possible nominees and it will remain that way imo.

Sep 22, 2007
The problem is willie is blinded by his hate for obama. He can't see clearly....hate will blind you to common sense and what's in front of your face.

For some reason he is under the delusion that the repub nominee will attack obama and obama won't use his millions to attack back....both romney and santorum have plenty to go after.

Santorum was run out of pa for his extreme views and he has no chance if he is the nominee. Currently obama holds big leads on both possible nominees and it will remain that way imo.

"Plenty to go after" is a bit of an understatement, IMO. I can't wait till we start seeing tapes like the following:


And, talk about somebody getting a pass, Romney was against a bailout for Detroit but was all for it when Wall Street was the recipient. He's already getting a taste of how that will play nationally right now with his bang up numbers in Michigan. Add this and other things to the fact that he's not quick on his feet, and it's gonna be like fishing with dynamite...

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