Why does Santorum care if I wear a condom?


New member
Oct 20, 2005
CBO: Longest Period of High Unemployment Since Great Depression

CBO: U.S. enduring the longest period of high unemployment since the Great Depression



I'm sorry Steak, but this is the reality check and what will decide the election, IMHO

and if abortion were to become a hot topic, I'd be happy to finally have Obama's vote to allow infanticide to become common knowledge.

Are we not in the midst of the greatest economic collapse since said Great depression? Common sense tells me highest unemployment since said Great depression is inevitable. Im not sure that your hatred for Obama isnt clouding your judgement. Your smarter then this, Tax-slayer.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
LOL!!! Rick Santorum is the best the Republican's have to go up against Obama?? Obama will destroy him. The only person who has a possible chance at beating Obama is Romney since he is basically Obama with more money and a fancier hairdo.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
If the economy was the #1 issue with Republicans, wouldn't Paul be leading in the polls? The fact that Santorum, and Romney are in the lead is proof, that War Mongering, Growing the Fed, and abortion, are far more important to Republicans than the economy.

Are you still trying to make Paul relevant? No disrespect intended but he never had a chance.

The reason it appears that the economy is not the # 1 issue is the media is making social issues its reporting priority. They figure out of sight, out of mind.

We have 8 months to go, IMHO, when the (old guard Republicans) finally get tired of this circus, word will come down and Romney will get the nod by default i.e. being next in line. Much like in 08 when everyone sort of mysteriously disappeared and McCain was the last man standing.

As for the polls, first Romney was leading, then Gingrich, now Santorum. I believe they will continue to play musical chairs until Super Tuesday.

Unless there is a brokered convention Romney will prevail. If I’m wrong and Santorum gets nominated, like I said before, I’ll sit this out. I can’t even use the lesser of two evils logic because both Santorum and BO are Liberals and both are unqualified to be President.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Don't sit out Dave, write your name on ballot then mail it in.

That's what I would do in Nov. :grandmais

Sep 21, 2001
LOL!!! Rick Santorum is the best the Republican's have to go up against Obama?? Obama will destroy him. The only person who has a possible chance at beating Obama is Romney since he is basically Obama with more money and a fancier hairdo.

u forgot that Romney was a huge success in real life and that Barry never amounted to anything - if community leading impresses u then so be it - I doint think Barry could turn 2 nickels into a dime - I think their economic policies r slightly different too

New member
Oct 19, 2007
u forgot that Romney was a huge success in real life and that Barry never amounted to anything - if community leading impresses u then so be it - I doint think Barry could turn 2 nickels into a dime - I think their economic policies r slightly different too

I value education and community more than money. So I am very impressed by both Romney and Obama's past. I don't think how much money one makes should be the determinant of how good of a President they will be. And I will never understand why people think so lowly of community organizers.

The Republican's have turned money in to their God!

Sep 21, 2001
I value education and community more than money. So I am very impressed by both Romney and Obama's past. I don't think how much money one makes should be the determinant of how good of a President they will be. And I will never understand why people think so lowly of community organizers.

The Republican's have turned money in to their God!

Good, then u must be impressed with Romneys degree from Harvard - me, Im not impressed with someone that read a book and has it all figured out - that lil puppet is a product of someone else opinion (sound like someone u know? aka, the dude u see in the mirror) - Im impressed when someone takes their education and then has real world success - did u vote for Al Sharpton? he's another community leader - impressive

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Don't sit out Dave, write your name on ballot then mail it in.

That's what I would do in Nov. :grandmais

snoop, my days of rallying around a cause are long gone. I have come to the realization that in the big scheme of things my vote is pretty much meaningless. I voted for Sharon Angle in 10 and Dingy Harry still won.

Reid wining pissed me off, but I got over it. At least I live in Nevada and not in California where the 9th Circuit Court routinely overrules the will of the people.

I voted for McCain because I knew he would have been infinitely better than President Failure. And before any of you Liberals decide to dispute that, I’ll go so far as to say that Paul Reubens would have been a better president. So would have Jerome Horwitz or Moses Horwitz or Louis Feinberg. Hell even Samuel Horwitz would have been a cut above the failure we have in the oval office.

Even your old buddy Ho would have been better. At least he was a leader.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Good, then u must be impressed with Romneys degree from Harvard - me, Im not impressed with someone that read a book and has it all figured out - that lil puppet is a product of someone else opinion (sound like someone u know? aka, the dude u see in the mirror) - Im impressed when someone takes their education and then has real world success - did u vote for Al Sharpton? he's another community leader - impressive

LOL! So becoming the President of the United States of America isn't a "real world success". Lol!! Just come straight out with it. You hate him because he's black and you have a major superiority complex. Being a community organizer isn't a bad thing to you, it is only bad when it is a black man gathering black individuals to vote for Democrat's. Than it becomes something to look down on. And your insults are amusing!! Today was payday, I guess my employer who pays me a crap load of money to sit at home and type shit for them is simply paying me for my opinion.

Face it, you are just jealous of educated people and you try to over compensate by making success related to money since that is all you had going for you. Now that you are poor and dumb, you have nothing left but to hate everyone else.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Here's the difference gentlemen.

Obama = Radical Left Agenda on just about everything

Santorum = Radical Right Agenda, mainly on social policy.

Now, who would be more likely to be able to push forth more of his agenda upon the country, Santorum if elected, or Obama if reelected? Hint: Taxes will skyrocket if someone gets a second term. And GL to Rick even attempting to force his crazy social policies down everyone's throats. Not gonna happen. He'll be too busy trying to fix everything Obama broke.

Sure Santorum is not the Republican establishments choice that is obvious by the amount of money going to their man Romney. What is funny is how so many people on both sides of the street think the Tea Party has gone away. Truth is they are alive and well. Santorum can't pass his social policies any more than Obama could. He might keep us from getting sued by half the states and surely he would not waste his first two years in the WH like Obama did. Oh yes, that is the rub, if the republicans get both majorities at least Santorum will have to cut some deals. If the republicans get both majorities and Obama gets reelected than let the stalemate begin and he can blame everyone but himself all over again. If Santorum does get the nomination who he picks as his running mate is what will make or break the ticket.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
ak, besides being a die hard Liberal you have the talking points down pat.

Your hero failed as a community organizer, what leads you to believe he is now a success because he got elected President?

I won’t ask you to point out what he has done to improve the country in 3 years because you can’t.

You tell Seymour his insults are amusing, yet here you sit telling him that he’s uneducated, poor, jealous, dumb, racist, hateful and over compensating.

You really are a piece of work.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Sure Santorum is not the Republican establishments choice that is obvious by the amount of money going to their man Romney. What is funny is how so many people on both sides of the street think the Tea Party has gone away. Truth is they are alive and well. Santorum can't pass his social policies any more than Obama could. He might keep us from getting sued by half the states and surely he would not waste his first two years in the WH like Obama did. Oh yes, that is the rub, if the republicans get both majorities at least Santorum will have to cut some deals. If the republicans get both majorities and Obama gets reelected than let the stalemate begin and he can blame everyone but himself all over again. If Santorum does get the nomination who he picks as his running mate is what will make or break the ticket.

The Tea Party ralling around a self described Progressive Conservative basically makes the Tea Party null in void. How can a movement aimed at cutting waste and cutting spending get behind a fiscal liberal (read passionate conservative) in the George Bush 2 mold? That affiliation taints the tea party IMO. The guy is a lobbying whore who has not shown fiscal restraints when Republicans had power. Its easy to be a leader when youre not in power.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
u forgot that Romney was a huge success in real life and that Barry never amounted to anything - if community leading impresses u then so be it -

This post might have been spot on in about summer of 2005. But just a couple of things have changed since then.

The three most prominent and notable positions in the entire world are:

1) President of the United States of America

2) Justice for the Supreme Court of the USA

3) United States Senator (preferably from a populous state)

As we head into the fall of 2012, Barack H Obama has held the job of #3 for four years and the job of #1 for almost four additional years

Only four other men currently living have held this most prominent office. Anyone else aspiring to it is running completely on speculation.

That eclipses any claims to greatness one might offer up about Willard Romney or any of the other notable Republican candidates for POTUS 2012

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

campaigning is not an accomplishment, especially when running uncontested

of course, Seymour was talking about real life accomplishments, as opposed to being a politician.

there's a reason politicians are the least respected profession, or maybe 2nd to the press
Dec 11, 2006
Since when did Rick Santorum ever say that he wants the country to adopt his social positions?

The only reason his social positions are being discussed is so that the liberal media can play gotcha and guys like you, Seymour, can distort and misinterpret Santorum's intentions.

He has personal social views but I challenge you to post quotes where he says that if elected he will make an attempt to legislate those views.

Scott nailed it. Obama must go. Dave nailed it. Donald Duck could be a more effective leader. Santorum's social views are only relevant because the media is Obama's front guard.

Sep 21, 2001
LOL! So becoming the President of the United States of America isn't a "real world success". Lol!! Just come straight out with it. You hate him because he's black and you have a major superiority complex. Being a community organizer isn't a bad thing to you, it is only bad when it is a black man gathering black individuals to vote for Democrat's. Than it becomes something to look down on. And your insults are amusing!! Today was payday, I guess my employer who pays me a crap load of money to sit at home and type shit for them is simply paying me for my opinion.

Face it, you are just jealous of educated people and you try to over compensate by making success related to money since that is all you had going for you. Now that you are poor and dumb, you have nothing left but to hate everyone else.

Poor? I guess its relative - compared to Mitt Romney probably - compared to u? um , not so much

Uneducated? I guess compared to some but I have a higher level of education than u

And like I said, in real life Barry was a community leader - dude couldnt turn 2 nickels into a dime - and he wasnt prominent at anything

Now get back to talking about how I hate blacks - the ole race card - if not, get back to reading some books and telling me how things work - it amuses me

Sep 21, 2001
Since when did Rick Santorum ever say that he wants the country to adopt his social positions?

The only reason his social positions are being discussed is so that the liberal media can play gotcha and guys like you, Seymour, can distort and misinterpret Santorum's intentions.

He has personal social views but I challenge you to post quotes where he says that if elected he will make an attempt to legislate those views.

Scott nailed it. Obama must go. Dave nailed it. Donald Duck could be a more effective leader. Santorum's social views are only relevant because the media is Obama's front guard.

I didnt distort anything - I heard - my own ears heard - not hearsay - that condoms are not acceptable - and that adulterers should be charged with a crime - THAT MAKES HIM A LOON OF LOONS THAT NORMAL THINKING PEOPLE DESPISE - but we have free choice so go ahead and vote for Barry - I mean Santorum
Dec 11, 2006
We have a country on the brink of financial disaster. (Do you have a clue what this can mean to US ALL?) We have a President and a Democratically controlled Senate who refuse to do anything meaningful about it. And you are worried about what a guy thinks about condoms and adultery, two totally non issues when it comes to saving our country.

There is a HUGE difference between Barry and Santorum where it counts. Get your focus on the REAL issues, man.

Sep 21, 2001
Let me go slow with u - if u loons pick a loon like Santorum AND NOT ROMNEY as the nominee then we are guaranteed 4 more years of this shit - if we pick Romney we have a legit chance of getting every branch of government by next year - WAKE THE FUCK UP - Santorum can never and will never win a general election - he is seen a freak to all but the religious right - he will lose in epic fashion to Obumbles

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