Why Does No One Ever Confront These Tribal Race Hustlers


Sep 20, 2017
What? lol

Hockey originated in very northern places that are very white, and it is just generally a less appealing sport in general in America. They NEED to find viewers, hence why they do things like this
You just said its so white so they want to diversify it to make it more appealing. Now you are saying it is just less appealing as a game. Make up your mind

Dec 15, 2017
You just said its so white so they want to diversify it to make it more appealing. Now you are saying it is just less appealing as a game. Make up your mind

I said NHL needs viewership in general. And because it's so white, they think that diversifying would make it more appealing to more viewers of all races

And yeah, hockey is less appealing to most people......hence why they are desperate to find viewership anyway they can

Not that hard to understand

Dec 13, 2007

I said NHL needs viewership in general. And because it's so white, they think that diversifying would make it more appealing to more viewers of all races

And yeah, hockey is less appealing to most people......hence why they are desperate to find viewership anyway they can

Not that hard to understand
No..no..its discrimination ...lol

Sep 20, 2017

I said NHL needs viewership in general. And because it's so white, they think that diversifying would make it more appealing to more viewers of all races

And yeah, hockey is less appealing to most people......hence why they are desperate to find viewership anyway they can

Not that hard to understand
And why would make it diverse get more people to watch?
Muh representation
You like the game or you don't
Imagine the NBA talking about how they need to force more white people into the league for popularity
Well, white people sure don't have reopresentation in the NBA but are willing to watch
I think that tells you something
Maybe the NBA could be even more popular if they cram in some more whites, Asians and hispanics

Dec 15, 2017
And why would make it diverse get more people to watch?
Muh representation
You like the game or you don't
Imagine the NBA talking about how they need to force more white people into the league for popularity
Well, white people sure don't have reopresentation in the NBA but are willing to watch
Like I said, I don't know how effective it'll be. But it's exactly why they're doing it

And yeah, people watch the NBA because it is generally a more appealing sport to watch in our culture.

New member
Oct 20, 2022
Nah share away with your minority friends. You’re minority friends are probably sitting around talking shit about you anyway. Probably calling you a blue eye devil, salty cracka, cave beast and a hairy ass Neanderthal as we speak. Fire up your OG account on here while you’re at it. Not everyone on here is showing their ass online. Hell I work with predominantly White And Black people. They know I hate White and Black people as I tell them about every day I do. Before we roll out on the job each day I ask who wants to grab breakfast. We go eat breakfast and bitch about all the shit we hate from the job to people to politics to sports to anything in between. Then we go to work. All with a common bond. We hate something be it different or similar things we all share a common bond of hate on something

Get out in the real world lol. Get some sun. Get your hands dirty. Go visit dangerous places. Go somewhere where the color of your skin says maybe I shouldn’t go there. Then get out and shoot the shit with those people. Have some balls. Tell them how ya really think about shit in the world. Bitch about something. And you’ll earn some respect and see what the real world thinks. Quit being a woke Liberal pussy man lol.
I live in a dangerous place mfer are you stupid?

Sep 20, 2017
if you can't whine effectively yourself ...find another whiner on YouTube to do your whining for you in a clear way.

Perfect Karen
It is always funny how you never address the substance
You just can't stop commenting and making 0 sense
It is funny to watch
You would make a perfect Antifa member

Dec 13, 2007
It is always funny how you never address the substance
You just can't stop commenting and making 0 sense
It is funny to watch
You would make a perfect Antifa member
funny? I'm Antifa !!!! ? !you truly are a Karen...comical
Is it that you thought you were in line for a front office job in the NHL?
Maybe hockey isn't for you anymore my whining friend as someone shit in your cornflakes yet again!

Sep 20, 2017
funny? I'm Antifa !!!! ? !you truly are a Karen...comical
Is it that you thought you were in line for a front office job in the NHL?
Maybe hockey isn't for you anymore my whining friend as someone shit in your cornflakes yet again!
Another non point
You so depsperately need to get the last word in to make it seem like you won something
That is why you keep coming back and posting
Literally made 0 points in this thread
Change your name to Fozzie because your intelligence is that of a puppet

Dec 13, 2007
Meanwhile at the NFL meetings the day before yesterday ...
Warning the last subject might spiral your day ex17...More inclusion talk

Dan Snyder Wasn’t on the N.F.L. Owners’ Meeting Agenda. Here’s What Was.​

Owners of the league’s teams met to discuss N.F.L. business, including the payment of a $790 million settlement over the Rams’ relocation.

The fate of the Washington Commanders owner Daniel Snyder dominated the reports of the N.F.L. owners’ meeting in Manhattan on Tuesday, after the Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay broke ranks with his peers and told reporters there was merit to forcing Snyder to sell his team.

Commissioner Roger Goodell admonished the owners not to speculate on Snyder, whose franchise has been the focus of two league investigations and inquiries by a congressional committee and two attorneys general, until the league’s investigation is complete. Goodell said there was no timeline for its conclusion.

In a statement, a Commanders representative said Snyder had no intention of selling the team.

Despite the attention paid to Snyder, he was not formally discussed at the league’s meeting, which he did not attend.

Here are a few of the items that were discussed among the league’s proprietors.

Deshaun Watson is on track for reinstatement.​

Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson is on track to return on time from his 11-game suspension for accusations of sexual misconduct by more than two dozen women, Goodell said at a news conference after the meeting.
As part of his negotiated disciplinary settlement with the league, Watson agreed to participate in an evaluation by behavioral experts as well as a treatment program. The settlement terms required Watson to “faithfully commit” to the program. A failure to participate could result in further disciplinary action or a delay in reinstatement.
Goodell said Watson had followed all the terms of the agreement through Tuesday.
Watson’s ban from the Browns’ team facility ended last week, and he can begin practicing with the team Nov. 14. He will be eligible to play in a game Dec. 4, when the Browns visit his former team, the Houston Texans.
Last week, a new lawsuit was filed against Watson in Harris County, Texas, by a woman who said he pressured her into performing oral sex during a massage appointment in December 2020. The details of the suit, including the date and location, match the account of a woman who filed a police report against Watson in April 2021. Watson did not face criminal charges in that case or in any of the 10 considered by two grand juries in Texas in March.
Watson cannot be subjected to further league discipline for accusations of misconduct that are the same or substantially similar to what he has been penalized for and which occurred before his discipline was imposed in August, according to the settlement terms. He could be penalized if a more recent incident surfaces, or if any accusation involved the use or threat of physical force or the use of a weapon, or if it results in a criminal charge.

Owners will split the $790 million tab for the Rams’ relocation.​

Nearly a year after the N.F.L. agreed to pay $790 million to the city and county of St. Louis to settle a four-year dispute over whether the league broke its own relocation guidelines to pave the way for the Rams to move to the Los Angeles area in 2016, the owners agreed to split the cost.
As recently as last year, several owners assumed that E. Stanley Kroenke, the owner of the Rams, would pay the settlement, according to owners who spoke on the condition of anonymity. After all, they voted to allow him to move to the Los Angeles area, which more than quadrupled the value of his team to a reported $6.2 billion in 2021.

Last year, Kroenke told the owners he should be responsible only for the legal fees involved in relocating the team, since the N.F.L. as a whole benefited from the move to Inglewood, Calif., where he spent $5 billion to build a stadium, which hosted last season’s Super Bowl.
Goodell, with the help of several owners, brokered a compromise, which the owners approved unanimously Tuesday. According to two people familiar with the agreement who were not authorized to speak publicly about it, every owner other than Kroenke will pay the league about $7 million, which together will make up roughly one-quarter of the settlement. The owners will not have to write a check because the league withheld roughly that amount from their shared revenue disbursements last year.
Kroenke will pay the league the remainder, about $573 million and the interest on the settlement that accrued in the span since the league paid St. Louis last year. Kroenke is also responsible for the $22 million in attorney fees that the league spent fighting the case. The owners granted Kroenke a debt waiver so he could borrow money to pay back the league.
“It was resolved as partners, and that’s what the league does,” Goodell said afterward. “And I think it was incredibly positive.”
The N.F.L. declined to discuss the specifics of the compromise. The Rams did not immediately return a request for comment.

Amazon’s Black Friday game increases the N.F.L.’s Thanksgiving offering.​

The league said it would play a game on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, for the first time, in 2023, after it reached an agreement with Amazon to stream the game.

The one-year deal will expand professional football’s hold on the Thanksgiving holiday, increasing the schedule to four games in about 24 hours from Thursday to Friday. It will also help Amazon raise its profile on one of its slower sales days of the year, a commercial bonanza more associated with brick-and-mortar retail than e-commerce.

The N.F.L. said it would unveil the opponents in the Black Friday game when it released its schedule next year.

The added game was part of Amazon’s agreement with the league to stream Thursday night games, said Jay Marine, Amazon Prime Video’s global head of sports. Amazon and the league hope to hold the game annually, he said, but will first assess the viewership and the interest of Amazon’s customers in the game.

“We think this will be a fantastic new tradition,” Marine said. “It is a perfect fit.”

Amazon paid more than $50 million for the rights to show the game, according to two people with knowledge of the agreement.

Owners will get Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training before big hires.​

The N.F.L. made two changes to hiring protocols for head coaches and general managers in the wake of the lawsuit filed in February by a former Miami Dolphins coach, Brian Flores, who accused the league and its 32 teams of discriminating against him and other Black coaches in their hiring practices.

Key team decision makers, including owners, will be required to participate in inclusive hiring training before beginning a search for a new head coach or general manager. The league is also recommending that the decision makers work with a third-party consultant who has expertise in inclusive hiring practices.

Sep 20, 2017
Come on dude.

You can't say Bozzie lacks substance then cite a Mark Dice 8 minute video lol

That's like saying you get your vaccine info from Joe Rogan lol
Just a video. But please show me where it is wrong
You have addressed nothing either
Once again if it makes sense for the NHL it makes sense for the NFL and NBA
As I said imagine the improvement in viewers if they pandered to all other races
They already got the black market with insanely disproportionate black players
Makes no sense to claim it makes sense to diversify the NHL for viewers and not the NBA and NFL
More whites, Asians and hispanics may get more viewers because muh representation
Be consistent at least

Sep 20, 2017
Anyone with a brain understands it isn't happening because only certain groups get to be tribal
Either they are saying blacks and minorities will not watch without seeing lots of themselves playing which is right or the assume they will not. Either way not a good look. Either way they should assume the same about improving viewership in other sports that are even more disproportionate

Dec 15, 2017
Once again if it makes sense for the NHL it makes sense for the NFL and NBA
That's just not true lol

The NHL NEEDS viewership. The NBA and NFL don't -- they're not desperate organizations like the NHL

MLB is literally changing the rules of its sport to try and attract viewers. Desperate sports leagues do desperate shit.

Hockey comes from a very homogenous place and culture. AND it's a less appealing sport to the average viewership. So yeah they're gonna try shit like this.

Sep 20, 2017
That's just not true lol

The NHL NEEDS viewership. The NBA and NFL don't -- they're not desperate organizations like the NHL

MLB is literally changing the rules of its sport to try and attract viewers. Desperate sports leagues do desperate shit.

Hockey comes from a very homogenous place and culture. AND it's a less appealing sport to the average viewership. So yeah they're gonna try shit like this.
They can always increase viewership
Why wouldn't you if it is supposedly a guarantee people will watch with muh representation
Retarded argument you have
We have more viewership than the next sport so we will not try to improve viewership
But you might wanna ask these people why they think or why muh representaion is so important to certain groups and not have it called racist like it is for white people
Even though the NBA is more popular people stillcomplain that it isn't evem more popular because it is too black

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