Why Does No One Ever Confront These Tribal Race Hustlers


Sep 20, 2017
lGD dude..please.
Let me know when you feel threatened by black guys playing hockey...lol
No one is
So, should we make the NBA/NFL 60% white?
The irony is the NBA is disproprtionately black and instead of saying that the players and others say that means the front office should be proportionate to the players.
It is too funny how hypocritical it all is

Jan 5, 2008
So should I rephrase it as an unacceptable level/amount of racism? How much racism are you comfortable with exactly? Where do you draw the line Chris?
People are free to hate as much as they like. Have at it. Nothing wrong if ya hate people who are gay or Jew or Irish or whatever label you want to slap on something.

I don’t draw the line anywhere regarding racism. As long as it’s not physically or verbally anything blatantly uncalled for towards a direct person I could care less. Individual based situations.

I hate Asians White Black Jew Arabic Muslim Christian Democrats Republicans Gay Straight Bi Tri Tran Non Binary Feminists Marxist Capitalist a long list of things. But nothing more than a White Woke Liberal. I do like Hispanics and Latinos.

However, if any of the above were minding their business enjoying their day and were physically threatened or verbally assaulted with some BS non sense then I have a problem. I have no problem being polite or helping any of the above people who are going about their day. I may hate you for any reason. But I’m going to treat a person as a person. I may hate White Blue Hair Feminists Vegan College Educated Screaming Climate Change Cold Wet City living liberal Women. But I’ll hold the door, say please and thank you, even hire you to work for me if you are good at your job. If you had a problem I’d help. But if they are acting a fool I’m doing nothing of the above. And I’m moving on.

A black man can say whites control the NFL it’s not fair. And nobody will call him a racist. White people will even say that’s not racist it’s just a fact. He is black he has a right to feel that way or some defense will be made. But he won’t be called a racist

But you let a black man say the Jews control the NFL and suddenly a black man is going to be called a racist. It suddenly becomes okay to call him a racist. And be punished or drug across the rug in outrage of his words.

Dec 13, 2007
People are free to hate as much as they like. Have at it. Nothing wrong if ya hate people who are gay or Jew or Irish or whatever label you want to slap on something.

I don’t draw the line anywhere regarding racism. As long as it’s not physically or verbally anything blatantly uncalled for towards a direct person I could care less. Individual based situations.

I hate Asians White Black Jew Arabic Muslim Christian Democrats Republicans Gay Straight Bi Tri Tran Non Binary Feminists Marxist Capitalist a long list of things. But nothing more than a White Woke Liberal. I do like Hispanics and Latinos.

However, if any of the above were minding their business enjoying their day and were physically threatened or verbally assaulted with some BS non sense then I have a problem. I have no problem being polite or helping any of the above people who are going about their day. I may hate you for any reason. But I’m going to treat a person as a person. I may hate White Blue Hair Feminists Vegan College Educated Screaming Climate Change Cold Wet City living liberal Women. But I’ll hold the door, say please and thank you, even hire you to work for me if you are good at your job. If you had a problem I’d help. But if they are acting a fool I’m doing nothing of the above. And I’m moving on.

A black man can say whites control the NFL it’s not fair. And nobody will call him a racist. White people will even say that’s not racist it’s just a fact. He is black he has a right to feel that way or some defense will be made. But he won’t be called a racist

But you let a black man say the Jews control the NFL and suddenly a black man is going to be called a racist. It suddenly becomes okay to call him a racist. And be punished or drug across the rug in outrage of his words.
Honest list ..."woke liberal" so you think all liberals are woke Chris ?

Jan 5, 2008
Honest list ..."woke liberal" so you think all liberals are woke Chris ?
Well you must be in that group as of all the things I listed the one thing you ask about is “Woke Liberal “ lol.

I never said all liberals are WOKE now did I? I specifically said White WOKE Liberals.

Sep 20, 2017
What policy does that?
Saying the NHL is too white and looking to forcefully diversify it does that
You can't get to that place without it being unfair to some degree
But the thing is this is not just an NHL or sports thing
We all know it is to normalize advantageous policies for minorities which has been goin on already
Everything is too white
The country, cities, states, neughborhoods, movies
It never ends
Microcosm of society

Dec 13, 2007
Well you must be in that group as of all the things I listed the one thing you ask about is “Woke Liberal “ lol.

I never said all liberals are WOKE now did I? I specifically said White WOKE Liberals.
way more of a "fuck you" democrat....guess you've missed my views, comments and monologs,

New member
Oct 20, 2022
too white? she's simply looking to widen the audience..don't let it get you down.
I thought she was referring to organizational employees not necessarily players

Dec 15, 2017
Saying the NHL is too white and looking to forcefully diversify it does that
You can't get to that place without it being unfair to some degree
But the thing is this is not just an NHL or sports thing
We all know it is to normalize advantageous policies for minorities which has been goin on already
Everything is too white
The country, cities, states, neughborhoods, movies
It never ends
Microcosm of society
I mean it's not that unreasonable for hockey to want to become more attractive to other races when it's so white. It's not nearly as popular as the other 3 major sports. Basketball is heavily black but they have no problem getting all audiences.

Might not be the best idea but I don't think what they're doing is anti-white

It's similar to baseball wanting to attract young people IMO

Sep 20, 2017
I mean it's not that unreasonable for hockey to want to become more attractive to other races when it's so white. It's not nearly as popular as the other 3 major sports. Basketball is heavily black but they have no problem getting all audiences.

Might not be the best idea but I don't think what they're doing is anti-white

It's similar to baseball wanting to attract young people IMO
So,black people are more racist?
White people are willing to watch NBA and NFL as their 2 favorite sports regardless of the very disproportionate representation of those sports
But black people must see as many of themselves as possible to watch the sport?
Somehow acceptable though

So, if white people stop watching the NBA will their be a push to gain more viewers through making the NBA more white?

Dec 13, 2007
Saying the NHL is too white and looking to forcefully diversify it does that
You can't get to that place without it being unfair to some degree
But the thing is this is not just an NHL or sports thing
We all know it is to normalize advantageous policies for minorities which has been goin on already
Everything is too white
The country, cities, states, neughborhoods, movies
It never ends
Microcosm of society
Threatened, fear of being replaced ...it again circles back to. you being the victim.
Please dude you're making. me sad for ya

Dec 15, 2017
So,black people are more racist?
White people are willing to watch NBA and NFL as their 2 favorite sports regardless of the very disproportionate representation of those sports
But black people must see as many of themselves as possible to watch the sport?
Somehow acceptable though

So, if white people stop watching the NBA will their be a push to gain more viewers through making the NBA more white?
What? lol

Hockey originated in very northern places that are very white, and it is just generally a less appealing sport in general in America. They NEED to find viewers, hence why they do things like this

Dec 13, 2007
I thought she was referring to organizational employees not necessarily players
I though it was just lip service,,so

NHL till blacks play will be. white dominated in the front office...Honestly I could care less about hockey and blacks playing or not

Sep 20, 2017
Threatened, fear of being replaced ...it again circles back to. you being the victim.
Please dude you're making. me sad for ya
You always ignore reality and just revert back to that
Because you have no arguments to what is being said

Jan 5, 2008
I believe that to be the case as well, Tribalism would exist even without racism…. It’s ingrained in us from millions of years of evolutionary DNA

Does that make it OK and acceptable in a functionally ideal society? Does that mean I shouldn’t be embarrassed to refer this site to my minority friends when ppl want to show their ass online bc somebody was a dick to them at Walmart yesterday or bc wokeness and liberals are “destroying America”? What is acceptable and what isn’t?
Nah share away with your minority friends. You’re minority friends are probably sitting around talking shit about you anyway. Probably calling you a blue eye devil, salty cracka, cave beast and a hairy ass Neanderthal as we speak. Fire up your OG account on here while you’re at it. Not everyone on here is showing their ass online. Hell I work with predominantly White And Black people. They know I hate White and Black people as I tell them about every day I do. Before we roll out on the job each day I ask who wants to grab breakfast. We go eat breakfast and bitch about all the shit we hate from the job to people to politics to sports to anything in between. Then we go to work. All with a common bond. We hate something be it different or similar things we all share a common bond of hate on something

Get out in the real world lol. Get some sun. Get your hands dirty. Go visit dangerous places. Go somewhere where the color of your skin says maybe I shouldn’t go there. Then get out and shoot the shit with those people. Have some balls. Tell them how ya really think about shit in the world. Bitch about something. And you’ll earn some respect and see what the real world thinks. Quit being a woke Liberal pussy man lol.

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