That's ridiculous. Companies and workers havent changed one bit in the last 50 years. Big coorperations have got everybody brainwashed into believing it was the unions fault for their demise. When in truth it was both the greedy and incompetent way they ran their businesses..The company I worked for GM is a great example..They've kept the same old farts in their engineering department for the last 50 years..These men have no imagination when it comes to drawing up and producing a cutting edge ahead of the curve automobile. Yet, this company has still insisted on expanding and spreading themselves thin with new low mileage SUV and truck plants. They never think about the for Unions...they may have served a purpose in the past but today they are detrimental to the country, business, and THE WORKER.
Why do people think big businesses are evil?
well because sometimes they are evil. Big tobacco covering up research that their product is killing ppl just to make more money. These companies are a reflection of the ppl who run them, and yes some are rotten apples.
government and the FDA allowed them to as they were in bed with them
government in the pocket of corporations is the problem
not the free markets and corporations in general....
well its hard now with the property rights issue
now you need a premit to dig a fucking hole in YOUR yard
eminent domain shit is just more government getting in the way and in bed with corporations
but the root of all this corporate hating is government involvement
the "regulation" is just appeasement to us all that they are looking out for us....