Wow what are you talking about? I obviously misread your statement. I thought you were asking one or the other... didnt realize it had to be both grills/tats. Pretty sure you could tell by the tone of my post I wasnt trying to cherry pick anything, especially being I said within my "friends"... guess I was bashing my friends in the post? You really need to get the stick out of your ass.
You assume they are because the media proclaims it. I don’t see it the black people I know. Maybe I’m in the minority.The real question should be why are blacks so easily offended when other ethnic groups are able to laugh off jokes about them.. I can't answer that question, but those are the facts.
I said it was an insult to the site, and I stand by those words. It sounds like something Bull Connor would have said in 1954.
Not jumping on you at all buddy....and I have no stick up my ass. Mistakes happen, which is cool with me. Now back to my original question, since you seem to be only one man enough to answer.......what is the percentage of the gold teeth wearing, tattoo sporting population that votes D and R......just an honest question.
I didnt start the thread but its harmless
I thought the fried chicken and watermelon comment was hysterical. It wasn't in bad taste at all. People need stop being so damn sensitive and worrying about what offends blacks. I'm Italian and I could give a shit if someone calls me a wop, guinea, dago, greaseball, or anything like that, or am I offended at any Italian jokes. I find them humorous. It's just like religion, Christianity can be made fun of and ridiculed, but you say a word about Islam, watch out. It's programmed by the liberal media in this country. They are the ones at fault.
wow is all that needs to be wasnt even was stupid and old....if youre gonna use a racist joke i guess it should at least have so humor in it.
...what is the percentage of the gold teeth wearing, just an honest question.
Are we not allowed to make jokes about Negroes anymore? Are they a protected class?
They gots gold in their teefs.
They like watermelons.
They likes the fried chicken.
How is it so hard to think the gold helps them get a good bite of the goodies?
Good morning, Flinch. Smile man. You might get a different view of the world.
I work with serveral black men and they are all the time cracking jokes to me about watermelon and fried chicken...As a matter of fact one of these black men is a good friend of mine and he will admit that fried chicken is "Black Man's Caviar"...Not racist just part of culture. At first when they were cracking all these jokes I didn't know whether to laugh or sit still and look at my toes but these guys are men just like all of us, just got darker skin. There are however others that are very sensitive to the jokes, its all about the personality of the individual. I say if they are comfortable with themselves then have fun with it, if not leave it alone.
Commish....welcome back, must be getting close to foosball season. Many of these guys don't understand its the younger thug-life blacks that give the complete race a bad name.....come on down to the Great Peach, meet some of these "cuntry-ass-coons" and asked them what they think of the new black race......many would be very suprised.
I just LOVE people who are both arrogant and stupid enough to claim THEY know what is "harmless" for an entire group of people(and, btw, that's it's harmless, genius, as in, Not to mention are so clueless as to think the comment by that idiot Michaelangelo and the comment about blacks in the NBA are equivalent.