Why did Rush Limbaugh get fired for his comments>>


And the Thunder Rolls...
Sep 12, 2006
This is the flip side of that issue, and in no way do i mean to insult anyone of color.

somewhere, somehow, way down the line maybe a great, great, great grandma or something must have been with a white person. how else could (insert intelligent black person here) be so intelligent.

Heaven forbid any fool would say that. But is'nt that the equivalent of what Irvin said? Irvin stereo typed white boys as not naturally athletic. Statement above stereo typed blacks as not naturally intelligent. Same dif? maybe, but the result of saying on a tv show would cause a major uproar from people of both races, but hardly anybody says a word when the tables are turned.

Its obvious espn has a double standard concerning racist statements. I aint no pure breed white boy my self, maybe thats why I had to use spell check on this post.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
Espn hired Limbaugh for ratings...knowing eventually he would say something to create a controversy. He obliged and was quickly dismissed.

Ill add that I agree that ESPN, NFL, and media salivate about black QB succeeding in NFL...can probably also add black coaches.

Its not a big deal, since Im sure the race baiting would be all over the media if a starting 5 of white players won the NBA title.

What Irvin said was ignorant, but blacks are given a free pass to say these types of things. It doesnt matter if they are speaking about blacks or whites, whats said by a black is handled differently than when said by a white man.

Actually, other than to create Limbaugh type stir about "why did they hire this guy" and "he said what" reactions, Irvin shouldnt be in broadcasting since he speaks like a pool-room hustler.


exactly...they have been getting a pass on this for as long as i can remember. jesse jackson, dusty baker, shaq, chuck barkley...the list is endless. i thought maybe johnny cochran negotiated this "get out of racism jail free" card in place of reparations or something.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
foreignlegion said:
wow wow wow wow.....Wait one second....Micheal Irvin insulted a person? Let me get this straight, now sleeping with a black person is an insult?

Can some one explain this to me?

Are you implying that black people are some plague we should all be afraid of and not inter marry with or have children with?

Who is the actual racist in this case, Irvin or you?

now that is some nice spin. you should apply for a job with the aclu.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Just holding up a mirror here.

Irvin on Romo: <!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"He doesn't look like he's that type of an athlete. But he is. He is, man. I don't know if some brother down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the 'hood or something went down.

"If great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandma pulled one of them studs up out of the barn, 'Come on in here for a second,' you know, and they go out and work in the yard. You know, back in the day."

Now...what would be the reaction if Limbaugh said this: <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->"Colin Powell doesn't look like he's that type of intellectual. But he is. He is, man. I don't know if there is some caucasion down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the university or something went down.

"If great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandma pulled one of them professors up out of the lab, 'Come on in here for a second,' you know, and they go out and experiment in the lab. You know, back in the day."

I wonder how that would be construed?

Actually...I think we all know what would happen.

Rx Realist
Dec 21, 2003
JDeuce said:
Just holding up a mirror here.

Irvin on Romo: <!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"He doesn't look like he's that type of an athlete. But he is. He is, man. I don't know if some brother down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the 'hood or something went down.

"If great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandma pulled one of them studs up out of the barn, 'Come on in here for a second,' you know, and they go out and work in the yard. You know, back in the day."

Now...what would be the reaction if Limbaugh said this: <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->"Colin Powell doesn't look like he's that type of intellectual. But he is. He is, man. I don't know if there is some caucasion down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the university or something went down.

"If great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandma pulled one of them professors up out of the lab, 'Come on in here for a second,' you know, and they go out and experiment in the lab. You know, back in the day."

I wonder how that would be construed?

Actually...I think we all know what would happen.

Um I guess there was a good reason to bump this dusty azz thread, right?

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