I love the people that bash Fox News. It really is hilarious. I am a Conservative myself and I'll admit, they do show a bit of bias for being pro-American. And there is nothing wrong with that. All these people are pissed that they are the #1 network in ratings across the board. Liberals just bitch about it all day long and don't think about why that is. They appeal to the majority of the country (God-fearing, family-loving people, mostly in the middle of the country). Just because those elitist liberals don't agree is the reason they hate it so much. Their networks continue to lag in ratings and it drives them nuts. The same goes for Talk Radio (Air America, what a disaster). They hate that they don't have the forum.
They do not acknowledge that the there are people out there who disagree with them. And until they realize that, they are going to be unhappy campers. It's going to be fun to watch how much the pro-Obama coverage on the mainstream media will hurt them when it comes down to the serious race. It was good during the race with Hillary, but come the general election, flaws will be exposed and the "perfect-candidate" is going to have some real issues.
But I'm getting off topic, Fox News succeeds because they market their coverage to a large segment of the population that has a similar view. What's wrong with running an organization that way? Most do... Liberals blame Fox News for everything under the sun, but in reality, they are just pissed that there are God-fearing, family-loving people. There is no room for you God-less and elitist liberals in middle America. And I'm in CA....