You've made several posts insuating that the woman was murdered. You also said the same thing about Breitbart. You say so many looney things it's impossible to keep track.
Did you see that obamas birth announcement was in 2 different newspapers in hawaii. Planted also huh? Do you realize at least a hundred or more people would have to be invloved in all these cover ups. You have to be the dumbest person to ever exist
Oh, no...not the O'Reilly argument. face)(*^%
Birth announcements are not evidence. They are what they are: announcements. In this case, newspaper announcements sent out by the HI Dept of Health anytime someone walked into their offices and registered a baby's birth. So, if Grandma Dunham filled out a sworn affidavit that baby Barrack was born in Hawaii, into the numbered database it went, which triggered the birth announcements.
What's missing from this equation? An actual US hospital-issued birth certificate that "Barrack Hussein Obama" was indeed born in Hawaii.
This is why they had to scramble years after the fact to create a pdf that is a computer-manufactured fraud, and not a particular good one...because the actual document on file is probably nothing more than what I described. Or, as Gov Abercrombie put it, "it exists in the archives written down." Key words:
"written down"
See? No "grand conspiracy"...except for the pesky fact nobody wants the public to see the 'written' document locked up in the Dept of Health.
They don't want Americans to know the truth because the truth is uncomfortable. Scrubbing websites and attacking 'birthers' is much easier than facing the music.
Of course the truth will come out at some always does.