he and owner of
madjacks get into it and he leaves or gets banned for a bit but he is back there posting. his posting here corrates directly with a time out he had there. I'm 100% on this one
Sarge, err Bar. I'm not the ghostbuster Scotty L is, but a very quick perusal of some Gameface Posts show me pretty conclusively that wasn't one of Sheriff Contrarian Joe's ghosts. You might be on to something comparing newly returned Poster Beefy to Gameface however.
just to further expand, me and beefdiesel have corresponded many times on FB and via email, I run treasury for fantasy football at madjacks along with baseball pools. Politically he drives me nuts but we get along when it comes to making picks and just rooting for sports. we are polar opposites as far as geographic Im close to Canada and he's close to the golf, our political and worldly beliefs probably have more to do with environment and how we were raised. we won't change each other's minds and I accept
that but I still like him even though we both have gone below the belt.
i think ink it's funny that was actually sherif joe in that add, I thought you guys were just spoofing
Joe is actually getting more mental as time goes on. Guy is seriously disturbed
Coming from a mental case who says things like "black people should resist arrest" and lies about his poker winnings just to make himself feel good in anonymous forum where nobody gives a shit, I take that as the highest compliment.
poker fraud vtard's bankroll:
Coming from a mental case who says things like "black people should resist arrest" and lies about his poker winnings just to make himself feel good in anonymous forum where nobody gives a shit, I take that as the highest compliment.
poker fraud vtard's bankroll:
The guy has severe mental problems. I would love to these the women who click his profile on that dating site.
"The literary agent for Obama says he made a mistake listing Hussein's Kenyan birthplace in his bio" [for over a decade]. Case closed. - poker fraud vtard
"Black people should resist arrest"
"I proudly worked for the DNC" -- poker fraud vtard
Only the third quote is beyond obvious and true.
Flinging unprovable poo is all poker fraud vtard and his Romper Romper political party know how to do.
Show me a ghetto and I'll show you an area Democrats have controlled for decades with dominant majorities.
Everything poker fraud vtard believes in is a FAIL, EXCEPT winning elections, because dangling Utopia is what community-agitating Alinsky progressives do best.
Delivering Utopia is a whole different matter.
Your entire life is an epic fail. Why do you think you are a middle aged man begging for dates on the internet and trolling forums with your insane birther, passport and murder claims? You actually think people follow some Alinsky principles. Think how fucking stupid you can be.
Ah, personal attacks from a Democrat operative - so cute.
"The 2nd Amendment means muskets only" ointer:
"the literary agent for Barry/Barrack, or whatever the hell is real name is, made a mistake listing his birthplace as "born in Kenyan" [for over a decade]. Case closed." Totally believable. ointer:
"black people should resist arrest...you have no idea what it's like to live in the black ghettos, I DO." ointer:
Joe Paterno protected a pedophile...you have no idea what went on at Penn State, I DO" ointer:
"I'm a poker millionaire!" ointer:
poker fraud vtard: the epitome of a libtard.
How about getting off food stamps and sending Debbie Wasserman Schulz your resume, clown?