Read that some place has a card you can transfer btc to and it is pretty easy ...
I'd definately recommend using a mixer.. For payouts I always went book to blockchain to exchange and circle closed my account down.. I only used circle 4 times, never direct and they still shut me down .. They can still see where the coins come from if they decide to look into it... I haven't had any problems with coinbase, which Ive got a good 30+ transactions in the past year.. I haven't cashed out since the end of nhl last season , but I plan on using a mixer every time for now on just to cover my ass..
Blockchain is just a wallet.
Consider it the middle man.
Instead of having your book transfer directly to Coinbase, for example, and somehow Coinbase finding out it is a book that you just transferred from, have the book transfer to a wallet which just holds Bitcoin (no selling, buying, or trading) first.
Then to Coinbase or another of your choice.
To answer your question though, ive heard of no problems with blockchain since it it just a wallet.
Again, wallets simply store Bitcoin.
You cannot buy, sell, trade, or withdraw to bank.
Its like a safe where you store your Bitcoin
This is a wallet.
There are others besides Blockchain.
Therefore, you have to also create an account at one of the places like Coinbase to transfer your Bitcoin to from your wallet, so you are able to cash out (sell) to your bank. (Or buy).
I know i was repetitive in explaining this, but trying to help others understand who havent yet.
Once you get started, it's a piece of cake...
From I transfer it to Gemini, instead of Coinbase. Gemini is cheaper. And from Gemini you sell it and withdrawal it back to your bank account.
Blockchain is just a wallet.
Consider it the middle man.
Instead of having your book transfer directly to Coinbase, for example, and somehow Coinbase finding out it is a book that you just transferred from, have the book transfer to a wallet which just holds Bitcoin (no selling, buying, or trading) first.
Then to Coinbase or another of your choice.
To answer your question though, ive heard of no problems with blockchain since it it just a wallet.
Again, wallets simply store Bitcoin.
You cannot buy, sell, trade, or withdraw to bank.
Its like a safe where you store your Bitcoin
This is a wallet.
There are others besides Blockchain.
Therefore, you have to also create an account at one of the places like Coinbase to transfer your Bitcoin to from your wallet, so you are able to cash out (sell) to your bank. (Or buy).
I know i was repetitive in explaining this, but trying to help others understand who havent yet.
Once you get started, it's a piece of cake...
Nope. It's good. It is the Winklevosses' Exchange.
From I transfer it to Gemini, instead of Coinbase. Gemini is cheaper. And from Gemini you sell it and withdrawal it back to your bank account.