who here thinks between now and 2010 the yankees starting 5 will consist of all japs?

Jan 19, 2006
Dbronz1e said:
Those that are attacking whalewager..should look in the mirror...If you are that interested in stoping hate talk and offensive names etc, etc..I find a certain picture from a certain poster in this very thread HIGHLY offensive and reminds me of the oppression my people faced at the hands of you white devils. If you would so kindly look at Illini's picture I am sure that would sum everything up. Especially for his stupid ass comments. HOW can you spout off saying the word JAP is offensive when you have a gd picture like that!!!!!!

And the word JEW isnt offensive I mean shit! There is a freaking plant called the wandering jew...according to the sensitivity trainer in this thread..we now would have to call it...WANDERING JEWISH....

Ok you are all up in this thread complaning about offensive avatars and comments but at the same time you have the audacity to label white people as devils?? :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG:

Ladies and gentleman this is what you call double standards...

hypocrisy at it's finest...

Rx Realist
Dec 21, 2003
HinesWard86 said:
i am completely wasted right now.....just drank a bottle of grey goose in honor of maurice clarett

but i have to say this....the PCness in America is completely and utterly disgusting. white males are the most discriminated against people in the usa nowadays. why you ask? easy. if i was black or a woman i would have gotten a full ride to Yale. but since im a WASP, all i get is a $14000 scholarship

not racist at all, never have been racist. but dammit why is it that blacks get SO many more opportunity than whites nowadays? it is sickening to me. it should all be about EQUALITY now, whoever has the higher test score and GPA gets the scholarship/job, but no. thats not how it works. i get a 32 on my ACT my sophomore year. SOPHOMORE YEAR i score in the 98% of all students taking the test. i am only one of 5 sophomores to make their county Hi-Q teams in the state tournament. and what happens? i get shit on because im white. absolute bullshit. dont get me wrong, i like fsu, they paid me a good deal to get me to come here, but if i was black i would have a free ride at yale right now. ridiculous.

im the son of a steel worker that had to leave PA to move down south in the diaspora of steelworkers in the 80's. ive had to earn everything my whole life, my parents always told me that they couldn't afford a car for me or to pay for my college and i accepted that and toughed it out. i am in all regards, a self-made man, i am here because i did what i needed to do to get here. and what do i see? people that are less worthy and less able getting accepted because of the color of their skin. THAT my friends is racist. its absolute bullshit......my brother gets a 20 on his ACT and he doesnt get accepted to a state school so he has to join the Army...if he was anything other than white, he gets accepted. unbelievable.

land of equal opportunity? my ass. i cannot wait to leave this country after i finish my education here. ill go to a place where there really are equal rights thank you

add on: because of this, my brother is going to have to be sent to iraq. my little fucking brother has to go out there and fight because he is white. what bullshit is that???? incredible bullshit.

Yale University-wide Enrollments by Ethnicity (% of non-international enrollment)
Ethnicity %
Asian 13%
African-American/Black 7%
Hispanic/Latino 6%
Native American 1%
White & Other 73%

Do you have any facts to substantiate your "theory" about blacks having more opportunities in America? Granted I will agree that PC has run amok but come on now the way you're putting it black folks got it made.
Dub hit that right on the head there because it's all about the benjamins baby or who you know.

Oct 23, 2005
Yes I can say white devils and get away with it for this reason. You see you CRACKERS are still the majority and as such anything I say or do can't be racist as I am a minority. If I were in the majority then I would be racist in my talk. If you don't believe me that is what I learned from white liberal professors while attending college.

You killed my people and took away our land...and then you get bent out of shape when I say WHITE DEVILS. Last time I noticed it was the WHITE man who has screwed the hell outta a lot of cultures. You have the nerve to start crap with me gyno especially with the avatar you have! Cowboys vs Indians......you are really sick and you need help! Just like the

It is offensive especailly when the dominant culture probably has never spent any time studying the Native American spirituality and the references to many things that end up as part of the spirit show when a school has a mascot such as a tomahawk, a headdress., etc. These are important symbols for many tribes, and they should be just as respected as those of other religion. Think about it--waving relics, flinging crosses, It is blatant stereotyping for the ease of the dominant culture. Just like Notre Dame's mascot I am sure some feel that is offensive.

Sep 24, 2006
I can't believe this guy got banned. One of the funniest and one of my favorite posters. I agree with him yall are a bunch of ***** ass cry babies.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
HinesWard86 said:
i am completely wasted right now.....just drank a bottle of grey goose in honor of maurice clarett

but i have to say this....the PCness in America is completely and utterly disgusting. white males are the most discriminated against people in the usa nowadays. why you ask? easy. if i was black or a woman i would have gotten a full ride to Yale. but since im a WASP, all i get is a $14000 scholarship

not racist at all, never have been racist. but dammit why is it that blacks get SO many more opportunity than whites nowadays? it is sickening to me. it should all be about EQUALITY now, whoever has the higher test score and GPA gets the scholarship/job, but no. thats not how it works. i get a 32 on my ACT my sophomore year. SOPHOMORE YEAR i score in the 98% of all students taking the test. i am only one of 5 sophomores to make their county Hi-Q teams in the state tournament. and what happens? i get shit on because im white. absolute bullshit. dont get me wrong, i like fsu, they paid me a good deal to get me to come here, but if i was black i would have a free ride at yale right now. ridiculous.

im the son of a steel worker that had to leave PA to move down south in the diaspora of steelworkers in the 80's. ive had to earn everything my whole life, my parents always told me that they couldn't afford a car for me or to pay for my college and i accepted that and toughed it out. i am in all regards, a self-made man, i am here because i did what i needed to do to get here. and what do i see? people that are less worthy and less able getting accepted because of the color of their skin. THAT my friends is racist. its absolute bullshit......my brother gets a 20 on his ACT and he doesnt get accepted to a state school so he has to join the Army...if he was anything other than white, he gets accepted. unbelievable.

land of equal opportunity? my ass. i cannot wait to leave this country after i finish my education here. ill go to a place where there really are equal rights thank you

add on: because of this, my brother is going to have to be sent to iraq. my little fucking brother has to go out there and fight because he is white. what bullshit is that???? incredible bullshit.
helping african american students gain entry into top-tier schools with a bit lower qualifications doesn't make up for the hundreds of other ways the system fucks black people.

Not saying this is an excuse, but let's be a little realistic out here. White males still rule this country with an iron fist.

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