who here thinks between now and 2010 the yankees starting 5 will consist of all japs?


New member
May 16, 2005
wilheim said:
Actually this has been a long time coming and just coming to a head today. This particular thread has very little to do with what has caused Whalewager to be on Post Review for months or being banned (if that happens). Like I said he has been by far the most abusive poster on this site for quite a while. He constantly takes shots at posters in both The Rx. Sport Forums and the Offshore Forum. Should WhaleWager be banned it will because of months of abusive posting and not just because of this thread. I have recieved complaints by email from both posters and moderators asking me to do something about his abusive posting and today I finally decided to take their advice.


all that im saying wil is that if u cant take ball-busting then i dont think the rx is the place for some... anyone that is a poster that has been here know that whale is sarcastic, its the way hes always been... everyone does it "ball-busting", however, since we are typing and not in person im sure alot of people take things out of context... i would hope that whomever is deciding whales fate takes that into consideration...

New member
Feb 26, 2006
Dbronz1e said:
So then you would say that Jews were severly dedicated to the Nazi cause in the Holocaust? Wilheim I am dissapointed in your slanted views on whale when we have a thriving anti-semetic poster in cashman. First off..he says Jews are die hard and then he says he means that they are severy dedicated to a cause...it wasn't their fault Hitler had an agenda...and then he has the nerve to have a screen name of "cashman".....how can this go on?

Obviously you "cashman" subscribe to the same type of ideology of the Nazi party. Next you will be telling me that the holocaust didn't even exist. SICK to think this day and age that people such as you cashman are allowed to have the right of free speech.

Unfortunately, some individuals lack coherent intelligence, so, therefore, anymore educated responses after this one is not needed. So, lastly, on this topic, I will say, it is OBVIOUS, I did not say anything about jews being "dedicated" to the holocaust. lol. It is obvious, I was talking about their culture,...being dedicated to their religion, and lifestyle. The holocaust didn't exist? lol, what are you f*cking stupid? Where did I even HINT towards stating something like that? lol. Like I said, and will say again, go to any serious, self respecting jewish person, and call them a "jew", in all seriousness, and see if they consider it an offensive term or not. Go to any self respecting japanese person, and call them a jap in all seriousness, and see if they consider it offensive....go to any self respecting african american, and call them one of the many offensive terms that go around (including brown man), in all seriousness, and see if they take offense. People are given NAMES for a reason. For you to respect them, and call them by their name. No one, or VERY few, are actually named, "jap", "jew", or "brown man/negro".

New member
Feb 26, 2006
anpyanks said:
all that im saying wil is that if u cant take ball-busting then i dont think the rx is the place for some... anyone that is a poster that has been here know that whale is sarcastic, its the way hes always been... everyone does it "ball-busting", however, since we are typing and not in person im sure alot of people take things out of context... i would hope that whomever is deciding whales fate takes that into consideration...

Not advocating whale to be banned, because I don't think he should, but, anpyanks, you are misunderstanding wil's decision. I doubt it's personal. As he mentioned, he has received many complaints from posters AND moderators. And as a head moderator, or, even worse, the OWNER, ....as with ANY respectable business, or, service, customer service is top priority. And if more than enough complain about an issue, than that issue should, by all means, be handled.

AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
I cant believe it has taken this long...

I, for one, would like to vote yea to whalewagers banning.

He is a bedsore in a land of craft o matics

New member
May 16, 2005
cashman said:
Not advocating whale to be banned, because I don't think he should, but, anpyanks, you are misunderstanding wil's decision. I doubt it's personal. As he mentioned, he has received many complaints from posters AND moderators. And as a head moderator, or, even worse, the OWNER, ....as with ANY respectable business, or, service, customer service is top priority. And if more than enough complain about an issue, than that issue should, by all means, be handled.

cash, i understand what u are saying... keep in mind this is the internet not a business where u have to throw disrespectful people out... so that im following this correctly skinsraj and dsethi are always busting balls and im sure some think that their posts are over the top and just for the record i dont, should they be banned if people complain about them??? the answer is absolutely not, they are funny and everyone knows how to take them... i just think whale is getting the short end of the stick because he is just a sarcastic poster that is misunderstood...

New member
Feb 26, 2006
anpyanks said:
cash, i understand what u are saying... keep in mind this is the internet not a business where u have to throw disrespectful people out... so that im following this correctly skinsraj and dsethi are always busting balls and im sure some think that their posts are over the top and just for the record i dont, should they be banned if people complain about them??? the answer is absolutely not, they are funny and everyone knows how to take them... i just think whale is getting the short end of the stick because he is just a sarcastic poster that is misunderstood...

If enough people complain about an issue, and the issue is not handled (regardless of what the issue is), what is the point of moderators then?

They would be useless. A moderator's/owner's job is to handle issues that make life within the service or business (this forum is a service provided by the owner) better for the lion share of its community. And, it's not like wil just straight up, after less than a month or a few weeks of complaints, just said, bye bye whale....according to wil, it's been quite some time. So it seems whale has had some time to straighten his act up.

But, ofcourse, I do understand, how some things really shouldn't be taken seriously....hey, if no one had a sense of humor, and whined about every incident of ball busting, this world would be boring, and would, well, lol, suck!, lol....but hey, to me, ignorance, racism, etc., in ANY shape or form, sarcastic, or not, should NOT be tolerated. But like I said, I, personally, don't think whale should be banned.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
how is calling someone a jew disrespectful? once again that's what they call themselves. it is not a derogatory term by any means. i have jewish friends that talk about being a jew all the time and have never even given a hint of offense to being called a jew.

New member
May 16, 2005
Dsethi said:
didn't know people thought my posts were so outrageous...

dont think your posts are outrageous, just very humorous at times... like i said i enjoy reading yours and skins posts... im a big fan

New member
Feb 26, 2006
anpyanks said:
dont think your posts are outrageous, just very humorous at times... like i said i enjoy reading yours and skins posts... im a big fan

I enjoy them too. Especially skin's posts. Always dead to the point, and f*cking hilarious. lol

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Whalewager banned for two years.

Results of Advisory Board Vote:

5 to ban
2 do not ban
4 abstentions.


New member
Mar 31, 2006
Wang is taiwanese not jap...

I think its more ignoarant that someone would group together all asians and say they are japs. You do know there are all differnt types of asians just like all dif types of whites.


New member
May 16, 2005
wilheim said:
Results of Advisory Board Vote:

5 to ban
2 do not ban
4 abstentions.


looks like everyone here better watch themselves and refrain from any ball-busting or i guess it will be a two year ban...
Jan 19, 2006
OMG I can't believe how uptight some people are...

People are too damn politically correct nowadays. Can't even say "JEW" without a bunch of panzies compaining about it..

But blacks oh I mean African Americans (HAHA what a joke that is as well) can label white people "WHITE BOYS" and nothing is wrong with that.. LOL..

Theres so much hypocrisy nowadays it's sick...

BIG DEAL he wrote the word "JAP" BIG FUCKING DEAL...

Oh he said "Jap" he must be a racist, he offended me... Oh He said "Jew" that means he must be a nazi...

Damn you uptight people make me sick... :pucking:

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
i am completely wasted right now.....just drank a bottle of grey goose in honor of maurice clarett

but i have to say this....the PCness in America is completely and utterly disgusting. white males are the most discriminated against people in the usa nowadays. why you ask? easy. if i was black or a woman i would have gotten a full ride to Yale. but since im a WASP, all i get is a $14000 scholarship

not racist at all, never have been racist. but dammit why is it that blacks get SO many more opportunity than whites nowadays? it is sickening to me. it should all be about EQUALITY now, whoever has the higher test score and GPA gets the scholarship/job, but no. thats not how it works. i get a 32 on my ACT my sophomore year. SOPHOMORE YEAR i score in the 98% of all students taking the test. i am only one of 5 sophomores to make their county Hi-Q teams in the state tournament. and what happens? i get shit on because im white. absolute bullshit. dont get me wrong, i like fsu, they paid me a good deal to get me to come here, but if i was black i would have a free ride at yale right now. ridiculous.

im the son of a steel worker that had to leave PA to move down south in the diaspora of steelworkers in the 80's. ive had to earn everything my whole life, my parents always told me that they couldn't afford a car for me or to pay for my college and i accepted that and toughed it out. i am in all regards, a self-made man, i am here because i did what i needed to do to get here. and what do i see? people that are less worthy and less able getting accepted because of the color of their skin. THAT my friends is racist. its absolute bullshit......my brother gets a 20 on his ACT and he doesnt get accepted to a state school so he has to join the Army...if he was anything other than white, he gets accepted. unbelievable.

land of equal opportunity? my ass. i cannot wait to leave this country after i finish my education here. ill go to a place where there really are equal rights thank you

add on: because of this, my brother is going to have to be sent to iraq. my little fucking brother has to go out there and fight because he is white. what bullshit is that???? incredible bullshit.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
If it makes you feel better I'm white Wasp and got a free ride to Harvard unqualified thanks to my rich dad that went there! It goes both ways dudes! But White and poor is sometimes worse than minority status. And hence we see roots of hate and Skin heads and Crazy fucks piling up guns in the middle of the country.

Sep 21, 2004
Dbronz1e said:
Those that are attacking whalewager..should look in the mirror...If you are that interested in stoping hate talk and offensive names etc, etc..I find a certain picture from a certain poster in this very thread HIGHLY offensive and reminds me of the oppression my people faced at the hands of you white devils. If you would so kindly look at Illini's picture I am sure that would sum everything up. Especially for his stupid ass comments. HOW can you spout off saying the word JAP is offensive when you have a gd picture like that!!!!!!
Native American tribes have been to the U of I and presented awards to our chief. And it is a requirement that the chief be a Native American U of I student. The only people around here saying it is offensive are 19 year-old white students that just want a cause to rally around and make noise. If you are a Native American, and it is offensive to you, perhaps you could educate me and explain why, instead of calling white people devils. That way I could be more informed and cultured. Thanks.

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