Who has the 17 middled?


New member
Nov 21, 2000
How when the freaking site is down? You asked who has middled the game, I responded honestly and you talk a ton of trash for a moderator. Maybe you ought to learn how to muzzle it if you cannot back it up. You want to take my ten dimes or what? The question was not who posted before the game, it was who middled it, I did, you did not, that seems to be the problem with you. Here I am, take my money Mr. Talk.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

You fail to realize the problem ... it has nothing to do with whether you middled the game or not ... it has everything to do with your credibility .... nobody believes you ... keep this up you'll slowly become a typical "sharp-wannabe-attention-whore" that these forums are littered with (and for me, you already are)

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
jwunderdog said:
OFROG, have you cashed your Detriot/Minn Twins Ticket to both make the Playoffs? I am sure you had them!!!

Iceman, did you post that you played a -15.5 / +17 middle? unless it is pretty close to juice free that is not a profitable middle.

No I realize that the bet I had was BARELY a loser long run but I said I would take it.

I am not young (at least I don't think so). I am 35. I know what you mean by priorities, they change all the time.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
Iceman,I and a friend of mine have been picking on WorldWager since 2003 when he 1st directed me to the site and he has been there even longer.

Actually I should keep it a secret but I've never been good at that.

I do tread lightly though!

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
BadCo said:
Iceman,I and a friend of mine have been picking on WorldWager since 2003 when he 1st directed me to the site and he has been there even longer.

Actually I should keep it a secret but I've never been good at that.

I do tread lightly though!

they have actually paid you with no problem? If so, we need to report this SBR so we can get that rating up:puppy:

New member
Jun 25, 2005
If you deposit via neteller yes quite promtly.

They will charge you a fee if you don;t roll over 2X.

They use to put your withdraw in a query for days and piss the shit out of me but they wised up.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Iceman said:
Hard to explain espicially to a girlfriend who wants to know why I sit front of the screen all day(when I am not working) and don't have alot to show for it other than I tell her I have little bit bigger bankroll. Not even sure she beleievs it.

Kind of equate it to starting/running a business. The first few years they say you are looking to brekeven and than hopefully BOOM it takes off and it all becomes worth it. The #1 thing for anyone trying to succeed, is you have to LOVE what you are doing or it doesn't have a chance. With that I am going to bed. I have to get up in 4.5 hours, so I can hopefully make my $20 dollars at this tomorrow:puppy:


ice, I see a lot of similarities in your style and mine in the way we approach this game. I enjoy working with numbers. When I was in high school and was bored during study hall I would figure out long-hand what the square root of numbers was. I would do the extra-credit exercises in the back of the math books for fun.

As far as gambling goes, I prefer to look at it as an education. The first couple years I lost a bit of money. I considered it tuition. After a while I started thinking about getting out of the game because I was a long-term loser and felt I wouldn't graduate.

This last year though I've learned to not bet for action like I had. I also learned that I do not know how to pick games. I started looking for systems and explored doing middling and scalping even though I had done them in years before. I started reading more theory on this board rather than socializing.

I think I've turned it around though. I'm part-way to getting back the money I've spent. I rely less on my own abilities to pick and am more systematic.

You think your life is pathetic? I don't even have a girlfriend.

Sep 21, 2004
Iceman, keep up the good work. You are a up and comer, I can tell. You ask the right questions, and have the right attitude.

My bases futures suck to high heaven. I have/had Rastros 55-1 to win it all. Gave back some 25-1 Pennant from last year. I also have the Doggers 26-1. They suck also, just not as bad as they could get into post season, emphasis on could. I predicted no sox, neither Red nor White. But that is it, pretty much a bust there. Oh well, can't hit the big prices every year.

Ted, you smart assed right after my post since we are past posting. No one past posted. You threatened me again, that is getting old, and you exhibited boorish if not nonprofessional attitude. Why are you a mod?

TTinco, even worse. You are the dummy who asked the question. So I did my best to answer it. That was a tough one as the Virginia QB was intent on getting it off the 17. He could not have thrown more picks in the 4Q if he tried. So I am pretty stoked about nailing a harder than hell football middle and you rain on my parade after asking how I like the weather. Weak.

Cincy, you have hated me since day one. So I really do not care about you. How is anyone going to get any credibility when the mods of the site lead the attack against it?

This thread has them all, unprofessional mods, lurkers who just come to attack, people who also middled, and posters that want to learn. Also doubters of football middling, I am there also. Find your own description.

To be honest I rarely attempt football middles. I was going to try to post, like I did last Thursday on West Virginia over. But there was bigtime site problems trying to get ACe's picks, which I was contributing to, and buying all sorts of numbers at post. Got kicked about 6 or 7 times and gave up. I could not find the normal in game or opinion thread. I had no real opinion on the game, wanted some action and liked the numbers. I capped the game backwards and forwards and kept coming up with a 16-20 point game. So I bought in -15, layed alittle extra got some 17, and then finished up my balancing with in game or live. I did well on a game because I thought G Tech would get a lead vs. punchless Virginia, and the numbers were good, and seemed tight. The rest was pure luck.

Thanks wil, I have to defend against being a past poster the rest of my time here? Loser posters like Cincy I can handle, but the mods also?

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
OMT, you're wrong here, I am no Frog fan by any means, but everyone jumped his shit first. Fine, he has a history of past posting, but TT(supermod) asked a question, Frog answered it, then got shit for doing it.

Here is your response, before Frog said anything to you, and you attaced first, very sly though, with the comment.



"Since we're past posting, I had Georgia Tech -3.5 for the first quarter and hit the in game Under 34.5. Both for the limit. Sweet night.

Best Wishes."
oldmanTED said:

Reread the thread. Frog attack me first. I said nothing about his posted plays and only posted my own and he starts bringing in Wil. I defended myself as this has a long history on the RX and I've had enough of his personal attacks and BS for two years. If he does past post in the future, I will call him out on it. Everyone who reads his replies is aware of his past posting but are afraid to bring on the Wrath of Frog. Well, enough is enough. If you were in my shoes and taken the abuse this clown his dished out to me and turned the other cheek for so long, you would better understand how I feel. Once again, I urge you to carefully reread the order of events and you will see who attack who first.
Sep 21, 2004
Tomorrow's Newspaper said:
This is a very dissapointing post from you Ted. You called Frog a past poster. You attacked him. And then threatend him to shut his mouth regarding you. Guess it is ok for a mod to attack a poster but if that poster decides to fight back they get threatend with being banned.

Guess becoming a mod has gone to your head. I always thought you were a very level headed person but this is a very sad sad post.

Frog did not start a thread praising himself. He responded to a question. And then gets bashed by a mod of all people. Someone that is supposed to keep people from bashing others.

Sad, sad day here at TheRX.

That is exactly how I saw it. I post some funny picture of an old man, I get threatened, put on post review and practically banned. Because I hurt Ted's feelings. What's worse is calling my friend at home, bothering him with your threat's about me. Just leave the attacks on the boards. If you think your shit does not stink now that you are a mod it stinks even worse, because you are held to a higher standard. At least wil can see what you are about here. And the rest of the forum. Professional at all times. Really?

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
TT Sorry man but regardless of past problems you guys have Frog is totally in the clear in this thread.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
I won't have a girlfriend much longer if this continues (LOL). Actually, she is pretty colo about it but like most others they don't know what drives/motivates a person. I would rather have a dream than not one at all.

Thanks buddy. Guys like you inspire me to learn all I can. I don't want to win, as much as play this game the right way because in the long run what is the point, if this a fluke. Like everything in life, I have discovered that HARD WORK pays off in this. Keep up the excellent posts, they are informative and enjoyable to read. Don't let anyone get you down on here because you add alot to this board :toast:
Sep 21, 2004
No big deal Joey-you just have to know the history (try to find a Frog winner that was posted before the game).

I didn't realize that I was starting WW III :hammerit
Sep 21, 2004
TTinCO said:
No big deal Joey-you just have to know the history (try to find a Frog winner that was posted before the game).

I didn't realize that I was starting WW III :hammerit

OK found one from last week with some weak mod commenting.

<TABLE class=tborder id=post3184843 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal"><!-- status icon and date -->
09-14-2006, 05:42 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #13 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>TTinCO<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_3184843", true); </SCRIPT>
Super Moderator

Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Ski Country USA
Posts: 14,826

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_3184843><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Quote:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by OMNIVOROUS FROG
Looks like WV is a real offensive machine. They score without trying, but at home, on National TV, they could really light it up.

<!-- / message --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1 align=right><!-- controls --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Will that work? Next.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
Maybe I should quit posting during Old Man Ted's and TT's shift. They seem to have it in for me. I think it is pretty clear what happened in this thread. But can't hit improbable middles playing at the forum. Time to go, thanks for the laughs and info. Next

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:


New member
Jan 20, 2000
At least this nightmare of a thread has a mention of WV's offensive prowess.

Sep 21, 2004
WVU said:
At least this nightmare of a thread has a mention of WV's offensive prowess.


:lolBIG: yeah, it's probably about RR time for this pissing match
Sep 21, 2004
oldmanTED said:

What are you talking about? Wil is my boss on this sight. Who begged Wil to take him off post review? That was you Frog. You need the attention badly. If you plan on being on this site for long, I suggest you keep your mouth shut regarding me. As for past posting, here are my tickets. I did make one error. I had the first quarter ML and not the spread. These are limit bets that Pinnacle has imposed on me. I don't know what you wagered as you show no money. I could care less about you and your past posting.

<TABLE borderColor=blue width=680 border=0><TBODY><TR class=tableText height=30><TD class=accountText vAlign=top noWrap>79912496-1

</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>4:00pm
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>21-Sep-06</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>Football
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom align=left>Virginia vs Georgia Tech for 1st Quarter</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>-320</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>3,200.00</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>1,000.00</TD></TR><TR class=hidden id=pitcher4><TD class=accountText colSpan=2></TD><TD class=accountText noWrap align=middle>0 - 7</TD><TD class=accountText noWrap align=left>NCAA Hlf/Qtr</TD><TD class=accountText align=left colSpan=4><TD noWrap align=left colSpan=4></TD></TR><TR bgColor=black height=1 width="100"><TD colSpan=8></TD></TR><TR class=tableText height=30><TD class=accountText vAlign=top noWrap>79922541-1

</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>5:53pm
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>21-Sep-06</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>Football
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom align=left>Virginia/Georgia Tech (U 34.5) for Game</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>-148</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>1,480.00</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>1,000.00</TD></TR><TR class="" id=pitcher5><TD class=accountText colSpan=2></TD><TD class=accountText noWrap align=middle>7 - 24</TD><TD class=accountText noWrap align=left>NCAA Live</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Best Wishes.:bigfinger

Very impressive Ted, but you have some facts omitted, or just don't know them. By the way, great plays, huge amounts, I am impressed. Laying -3.20 on a Q bet. Gotta like that. Well, begged wil to comeback. That is not a very nice thing to say Ted. I just happen to have a copy of that E-mail. Where is it, here it is...

Why am I still on post review? What wil it take to come off. The Old Man Ted deal was a complete misunderstanding. I was just breaking balls with some funny photos. The other mods had no problem with it, JMan even laughed about it. But Ted took it badly. I was not attacking him, nor was that my intent. BOS is gone so there is no more contention there between us. Just let me know my boundries and I will stick with them.

Best wishes...OF

I fail to see the begging here. Could you possibly point it out to me? I was explaining the trumped up charges from you and TTinco against me. I posted some old man photos, big deal. But you made it into one, and got me post reviewed again. Called my friend, passed threats over the phone to convey to me. If you want to air some laundry Ted, I have plenty of yours. I would suggest refraining from the threats and attacks while I am here, and you pretend to be a mod.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

The only reason you want me banned is because of what I know. :howdy:

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Not a biased opinion as Frog and I have had a run in or two as well, I think he is correct here as i read this thread, he seems to have come under fire for simply answering a question. I think everyone should agree to disagree and move the fcuk on, I enjoy OF's views and opinions on games and issues that affect the gambling community. OMT and TTinCO have to get above the fray, or risk being dragged into a e-fight they probably will win but at an extreme cost. Let's move on gentlemen!!!
Sep 21, 2004
Move on and prevent it from happening in the future. If Ted has a personal problem with me we can sit down face to face and work it out. But he is putting his personal feelings ahead of his mod duties. A true professional would not. Bickering on the forum pays me nothing. This thread was very educational, but it is time to move on. Ted, if you have some grudge against me, or I have mercilessly tormented you for years, it would be best settled outside the forum, and not threats through a friend. Face to face at a sitdown. Promotion to moderator does not give you the right to settle old scores and vendettas. The RX is not that type of forum. How do the forum members view you now, after this?

I am already a stinky troublemaking FROG. Least I am honest about it.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

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