Who has the 17 middled?


Oct 31, 2004
GreenDoberman said:
Since you ask lots of questions, I'll ask you one. If you are spending hours a day in front of the computer and are turning a profit, have you broken down your profit per hour?
I'm curious what that is. It seems like there are more productive things to do than wait all day for middles. Then again, I could be wrong.

Great point. Unless you have a 100K bankroll, the time/money ratio sucks on middles and scalping.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
GreenDoberman said:
Since you ask lots of questions, I'll ask you one. If you are spending hours a day in front of the computer and are turning a profit, have you broken down your profit per hour?
I'm curious what that is. It seems like there are more productive things to do than wait all day for middles. Then again, I could be wrong.

this may sound dumb to you but (as you can ask others) it has never been alot about the money. Don't get me wrong that is the driving force but not as important as you would think. I have a very high paying job that is commission based and that is how I pay the bills. This is more about trying to win, learn a skill and maybe later in life take it to a new level. I don't have many hobbies and I have always loved sports so this is something I enjoy ALOT.

To answer your question I am up around $1,500 for the month (when i started middling) and have probalbly puting an average of 4 hours a day while reading forums and doing other things on-line. About $20 buck an hour, I would guess. Last weekend was excellent. That is just a rough estimate. I don't sleep much, don't like to.

For the year, I am not exaggerating when I say $ 2-5 an hour would be a good call. But A) I love screwing around with numbers and trying to learn this and B) most importantly, I am not behind.

It's a psychological thing with me where if I was losing that I would be really feeling like I should be spending my time doing something more productive.

Can't help who I am. This is what makes me tick. Kind of weird to some people but I wouldn't have any other way:103631605

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
Great point. Unless you have a 100K bankroll, the time/money ratio sucks on middles and scalping.

you can scalp $50 a day (with re-load bonuses) and that is $1,500 a month, with a 10k bankroll. Not a bad side business and you don't have to sweat out 1 pitch all summer.

Wished I would have did that this summer, instead of sweating out every game to basically breakeven.

Next summer it's all about learning grind out a profit during baseball season.

Oct 31, 2004
Iceman said:
you can scalp $50 a day (with re-load bonuses) and that is $1,500 a month, with a 10k bankroll. Not a bad side business and you don't have to sweat out 1 pitch all summer.

Wished I would have did that this summer, instead of sweating out every game to basically breakeven.

Next summer it's all about learning grind out a profit during baseball season.

Throw in the $400 bucks for Don Best and the $50 bucks for the scalping software, and the chance that a book will cancell a play after the fact(IT HAPPENS)and the fact that you are required to play at some less than A rated sportsbooks, all it takes is one BOS situation to ruin that $1500. But if its something that you enjoy, I guess thats the important thing.

Good luck next season.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Iceman said:
you can scalp $50 a day (with re-load bonuses) and that is $1,500 a month, with a 10k bankroll. Not a bad side business and you don't have to sweat out 1 pitch all summer.

Wished I would have did that this summer, instead of sweating out every game to basically breakeven.

Next summer it's all about learning grind out a profit during baseball season.


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Throw in the $400 bucks for Don Best.....

Where do I sign up for that price? Just messing with you Chop but most people pay more than that unless they use the slower service.

As for the scalping/middling it's more profitable than some people think. Yes it's tougher these days than in the past (I don't care what anyone says) but for someone like me that plays poker at least 40 hours a week online it's money that is just sitting there. I'm going to be here anyway, why not kill two birds with one stone? Again, not saying it's for everyone, maybe if I could cap football worth a damn I wouldn't have to go this route. As is some of us have to grind, beg, borrow and steal for every dollar we can earn.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
Throw in the $400 bucks for Don Best and the $50 bucks for the scalping software, and the chance that a book will cancell a play after the fact(IT HAPPENS)and the fact that you are required to play at some less than A rated sportsbooks, all it takes is one BOS situation to ruin that $1500. But if its something that you enjoy, I guess thats the important thing.

Good luck next season.

BOS situation can hapen to anyone with enough books. Still haven't met a scalper who has had a losing year (and I have talked to a few) and haven't met very few that bet only sided that actually won(year around).

Those situations you talk about have never happend to me. I have forgot to make a bet but you just have to be smart and careful. You have to remember I am only talking about making $10 profit a bet on 5 bets a day. Not that difficult. Or a re-up for $500 ($50 bonus)

Just really down and out (rough baseball season) with betting one sided. Just seems so difficult to make a profit (esp year around). Been there, done that. Just so difficult to beat this game of gambling, unless you do ALL the little things to come ahead. That is my philosphoy. Grind out a daily profit doing what it takes to make money.

Don't get me wrong I love to bet a game just like the next guy but no better feeling than putting a + symbol on the page at the end of the day/week/month. Those can add up.

Oct 31, 2004
Patrick McIrish said:
Where do I sign up for that price? Just kidding with you Chop but most people pay more than that.

As for the scalping/middling it's more profitable than some people think. Yes it's tougher these days than in the past (I don't care what anyone says) but for someone like me that plays poker 40 hours a week online it's money that is just sitting there. I'm going to be here anyway, why not kill two birds with one stone? Again, not saying it's for everyone, maybe if I could cap football worth a damn I wouldn't have to go this route.

Oh really. I had it about 3 years ago, I think I paid like $429 a month for premiem, but found out that I did not bet enough money per bet to justify the price so I then dropped down to express for $99 a month. Shortly after that I found therx free line service and have never used them again.

I dont bet enough money to justify those prices. $600!!!!!!! WOW!!!! I would never even consider that.

Sep 21, 2004
spreadbeater said:
Not exactly sure what the beef is with FROG here. Someone asked a question about who middled the game.....and someone answered it. How could you not "past post" on the game? The question was not "Who is going to try to middle this game?'
NO SHIT! I'm reading this thread, and asking myself WTF is going on here? Someone asks a question, OFrog answers it, and then he is crucified. What was the point of starting this thread, TTinco? Sounds like you didn't want to hear that anyone else middled it, since you didn't.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Iceman said:
this may sound dumb to you but (as you can ask others) it has never been alot about the money. Don't get me wrong that is the driving force but not as important as you would think. I have a very high paying job that is commission based and that is how I pay the bills. This is more about trying to win, learn a skill and maybe later in life take it to a new level. I don't have many hobbies and I have always loved sports so this is something I enjoy ALOT.

To answer your question I am up around $1,500 for the month (when i started middling) and have probalbly puting an average of 4 hours a day while reading forums and doing other things on-line. About $20 buck an hour, I would guess. Last weekend was excellent. That is just a rough estimate. I don't sleep much, don't like to.

For the year, I am not exaggerating when I say $ 2-5 an hour would be a good call. But A) I love screwing around with numbers and trying to learn this and B) most importantly, I am not behind.

It's a psychological thing with me where if I was losing that I would be really feeling like I should be spending my time doing something more productive.

Can't help who I am. This is what makes me tick. Kind of weird to some people but I wouldn't have any other way:103631605

Good post. For me sometimes it is just about beating the game, so to speak.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
HarryCaray said:
Good post. For me sometimes it is just about beating the game, so to speak.

Hard to explain espicially to a girlfriend who wants to know why I sit front of the screen all day(when I am not working) and don't have alot to show for it other than I tell her I have little bit bigger bankroll. Not even sure she beleievs it.

Kind of equate it to starting/running a business. The first few years they say you are looking to brekeven and than hopefully BOOM it takes off and it all becomes worth it. The #1 thing for anyone trying to succeed, is you have to LOVE what you are doing or it doesn't have a chance. With that I am going to bed. I have to get up in 4.5 hours, so I can hopefully make my $20 dollars at this tomorrow:puppy:

Jul 21, 2003
oldmanTED said:

What are you talking about? Wil is my boss on this sight. Who begged Wil to take him off post review? That was you Frog. You need the attention badly. If you plan on being on this site for long, I suggest you keep your mouth shut regarding me. . I could care less about you and your past posting.

Best Wishes.:bigfinger

This is a very dissapointing post from you Ted. You called Frog a past poster. You attacked him. And then threatend him to shut his mouth regarding you. Guess it is ok for a mod to attack a poster but if that poster decides to fight back they get threatend with being banned.

Guess becoming a mod has gone to your head. I always thought you were a very level headed person but this is a very sad sad post.

Frog did not start a thread praising himself. He responded to a question. And then gets bashed by a mod of all people. Someone that is supposed to keep people from bashing others.

Sad, sad day here at TheRX.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I middled the game. Played +17- and was waitin for the buy back that never came. Ended up laying 16 -106 at Pinny prior to post for 2/3 my bet. Don't think a guy tries to get getout of a bet all the time and may not have the best of it.:dancefool

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Nothing wrong with what you are doing, Iceman. I am guessing (could be completely wrong) that you are a young man. You ask many questions and soak in knowledge which is a trait I admire in you. It seems to me if you keep on this road, you are destined for bigger and better things. Keep in mind the road ahead is bumpy and full of road blocks.

Your priorities in life will change multiple times and they may change in an instant. I know for a fact mine have changed many times in the past month and I am a different and better person for it.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
Tomorrow's Newspaper said:
This is a very dissapointing post from you Ted. You called Frog a past poster. You attacked him. And then threatend him to shut his mouth regarding you. Guess it is ok for a mod to attack a poster but if that poster decides to fight back they get threatend with being banned.

Guess becoming a mod has gone to your head. I always thought you were a very level headed person but this is a very sad sad post.

Frog did not start a thread praising himself. He responded to a question. And then gets bashed by a mod of all people. Someone that is supposed to keep people from bashing others.

Sad, sad day here at TheRX.


Reread the thread. Frog attack me first. I said nothing about his posted plays and only posted my own and he starts bringing in Wil. I defended myself as this has a long history on the RX and I've had enough of his personal attacks and BS for two years. If he does past post in the future, I will call him out on it. Everyone who reads his replies is aware of his past posting but are afraid to bring on the Wrath of Frog. Well, enough is enough. If you were in my shoes and taken the abuse this clown his dished out to me and turned the other cheek for so long, you would better understand how I feel. Once again, I urge you to carefully reread the order of events and you will see who attack who first.

Sep 21, 2004
I always try to middle a tv game if it is available. Who cares if it is not approved by the math teachers?

New member
Jun 20, 2001
OFROG, have you cashed your Detriot/Minn Twins Ticket to both make the Playoffs? I am sure you had them!!!

Iceman, did you post that you played a -15.5 / +17 middle? unless it is pretty close to juice free that is not a profitable middle.

New member
Nov 21, 2000
I destroyed that game since you asked. Bought down in front, pushed at post and exploited in game back. Started -15, ended up taking +17 1/2 + to +20 1/2 +. Tossed in a 2H under for shits and grins. Best game of year by far for me.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

Cigar, fine wine, berynauslese, jacuzzi and a massage.

I did lay -.1.13 for the 15, but everything in game was over +1.13.

Oh, of course you did.

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