It's not who I am handicapping to win the game. It's who I need to win because my players are betting the other way. One of my guys only plays second halves and he is pretty sharp so I will start posting his plays too.
What a bunch of morans Detroit is sshithole.You have no idea idiots,LOL LOL Ggoddam balck mayor and his hoodlum crew this city is so fucked! LOL idiots
Yeah well, if I had known I had $6500 in my PS account I wouldn't have had to transfer back to Betjam and would have saved $50. Anyway, SS, when you start up the next one can we not have a rules about people editing their posts after their games start? I was very busy last week loading my car with the essiantals because of the storm coming and missed the posting time. Also, could we limit the number of players to 40? Could we also make the post up book Betjam? if possible? I hate transering back and forth, although I have atleast 10-20 books funded, my wife need to have funds for our Ebay accounts.
What a bunch of morans Detroit is sshithole.You have no idea idiots,LOL LOL Ggoddam balck mayor and his hoodlum crew this city is so fucked! LOL idiots