You mean the guys that wear Vietnam Vet hats with jorts and their Hank Jr. t-shirt tucked in? White Reeboks and calf length white socks? Those guys?
Quick question to you guys on the east, mid and south. Do you guys think it looks cool tucking in your t-shirts?
Renos hopped up on meds and I haven't slept since ......uhh Sunday night. Kinda delirious. Went to Winstar last night and partied a bit too much. I was killing it in BJ. I only brought in $200 and no debit card. I lost it then found $9 in my pocket and had some 50 cent anties in my pocket. Threw down my $10 on a $10 table and ran it up to $400. Lost a $100 and cashed out $290. Off $10. Hell to the yeah. Big timing it I know.
who tucks their T-Shirts ?? maybe a hand full do, but overall... no
How much?
Any clonazepam?