COAST2COAST submits: What bothers me much more are guys who give out 1*, 5*, 10*, 25*, 50* plays, etc. Anybody who has a 10x or more difference between any two plays doesn't know much about money management. This is the kind of ridiculous money management people get from touts. Responsible bettors and professionals simply don't bet this way. (I'd actually say anybody who bets 5x more on one play than another is clueless, but I'll accept an argument on that that there may be one or two plays a year worth a big shot. But 10x there is no question about clueless.). Everybody has different ratings and betting systems, but the bottom line for me is that anybody who says any one sports bet is worth ten times more than another sports bet doesn't know much about sports gambling or money management. And for these guys (and there are many of them) to lead people, by their example, into bad money management IMO are a negative to the forum by giving not only wrong, but potentially destructive, advice
SH: Let's face it.
Anyone who is truly playing 5x often, 10x or 25x on a scale versus a "regular" is in fact NOT BETTING REAL MONEY.
Or if so, they won't do it for long.
So to me such posts are kind of like the funny pages and I frankly don't pay them any attention.
I have nothing but love for the person posting like that and hope they cash all the winners they can.
But as a credible and useful source of information, they are neither.
And getting credible and useful information is 90% of why i patronize this and other capping forums.
PS...John, you know I could not last playing my "Long Form" style if I didn't keep my Units at 80% 1*, 15% 2* and only a few 3* in a month's time.
I have never posted "selections" or "picks" in a capping forum without having real money involved, though my Unit has historically been Modestly Endowed.
Unless I truly have something at risk, I'm blowing air.
Now, what was the Topic again?