Which Posters Provide the Least to the RX in their contributions?

Jan 19, 2006
Kornholio said:
Almost everybody. The truth is this forum is filled with chumps and squares that all post their square plays and bump them if they win. There are a few exceptions to this but not many.

Oh and I am one of those chumps and squares just like you who are reading this. That's why I don't bother to clutter the forum with my useless opinions on games. You should do the same.

One more thing, what do you contribute? Please answer that..

Sep 21, 2004
gynecologist said:
I'd sure like to see you post a profit in five different sports. :lol:

Your right some people offer useless opinions on games such as yourself. Go back to the other forum and follow someone sheep..

And don't think people haven't noticed your mancrush for Doc.. You even mention him on the title above your name.. :lolBIG: Get your cock out of his ass man..
The fact that you are jealous of other internet posters would probably indicate that you have some serious issues that need to be dealt with.
Jan 19, 2006
Illini said:
That fact that you are jealous of other internet posters would probably indicate that you have some serious issues that need to be dealt with.

I know you are defending your brother here but his comment basically discredited a good % of this forum man..

And whom am I jealous of? Also would like to know what he contributes as well..

Sep 21, 2004
gynecologist said:
I know you are defending your brother here but his comment basically discredited a good % of this forum man..

And whom am I jealous of?
Jan 19, 2006
Someone just sent me this via email in response to Kornholio's comment..

"I'd rather be a long term winner and have everyone think i was a loser than be a long term loser and have everyone think i am a winner"

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
gynecologist said:
I'd sure like to see you post a profit in five different sports. :lol:

Your right some people offer useless opinions on games such as yourself. Go back to the other forum and follow someone sheep..

And don't think people haven't noticed your mancrush for Doc.. You even mention him on the title above your name.. :lolBIG: Get your cock out of his ass man..

Um, pretty sure in my post I said I was one of those squares. But you are the king of squares and only squares respect your square plays...but not even I am that square.

As far as Doc, he hooked me up I am just helping him promote a site that isn't filled with the B.S. and actually has some sharp posters that help each other out. The only thing that sucks about that forum is you.

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
Look at your avatar. You are the biggest attention whore this forum has ever seen.
Jan 19, 2006
Kornholio said:
Um, pretty sure in my post I said I was one of those squares. But you are the king of squares and only squares respect your square plays...but not even I am that square.


RECORD: 220-174 +65.95 Units 56%

Showing profit in all five as well..

Have you ever heard the saying


"There is a distinct difference between fact and opinion"

FACT= 220-174 +65.95 Units 56%

Opinion="you are the king of squares"


Credibility gone.

Nov 1, 2004
NY Reb said:
That's one of the best posts I've ever read.

Totally disagree.

As you sift through all the shit that is on this forum, there are many, many diamonds in the rough that don't fit the categorization of "chumps and squares", and plenty of people who don't toot their own horns or have unbelievably idiotic thread titles.

I can't help but think this comment is a stab and a cheap shot at therx since you don't post here anymore.
Jan 19, 2006
GameBreaker said:
Totally disagree.

As you sift through all the shit that is on this forum, there are many, many diamonds in the rough that don't fit the categorization of "chumps and squares", and plenty of people who don't toot their own horns or have unbelievably idiotic thread titles.

I can't help but think this comment is a stab and a cheap shot at therx since you don't post here anymore.

Very accurate post. NY REB is just mad cause everyone lost faith in him. Just imagine how many other ghosts that guy must have created throughout the years?

Nov 1, 2004
well to be somewhat fair I don't have a problem with reb, when he posted here I enjoyed reading his threads and his positive outlook on most things. I didn't follow his plays too terribly much.

Let me offer this: I believe there are many posters and lurkers on this board that have a effective strategy of finding information on this forum and turn that information into $$$. Many of these people don't share their secrets because we all know what tends to happen when the cat is out of the bag.
Jan 19, 2006
I enjoyed Rebs posts and threads here as well. But like everyone else was disappointed when the truth came out. I asked NY REB to stay here but obviously he wasn't cause there would be tons of people reminding him of what he did..

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
COAST2COAST submits: What bothers me much more are guys who give out 1*, 5*, 10*, 25*, 50* plays, etc. Anybody who has a 10x or more difference between any two plays doesn't know much about money management. This is the kind of ridiculous money management people get from touts. Responsible bettors and professionals simply don't bet this way. (I'd actually say anybody who bets 5x more on one play than another is clueless, but I'll accept an argument on that that there may be one or two plays a year worth a big shot. But 10x there is no question about clueless.). Everybody has different ratings and betting systems, but the bottom line for me is that anybody who says any one sports bet is worth ten times more than another sports bet doesn't know much about sports gambling or money management. And for these guys (and there are many of them) to lead people, by their example, into bad money management IMO are a negative to the forum by giving not only wrong, but potentially destructive, advice

SH: Let's face it.

Anyone who is truly playing 5x often, 10x or 25x on a scale versus a "regular" is in fact NOT BETTING REAL MONEY.

Or if so, they won't do it for long.

So to me such posts are kind of like the funny pages and I frankly don't pay them any attention.

I have nothing but love for the person posting like that and hope they cash all the winners they can.

But as a credible and useful source of information, they are neither.

And getting credible and useful information is 90% of why i patronize this and other capping forums.

PS...John, you know I could not last playing my "Long Form" style if I didn't keep my Units at 80% 1*, 15% 2* and only a few 3* in a month's time.

I have never posted "selections" or "picks" in a capping forum without having real money involved, though my Unit has historically been Modestly Endowed.

Unless I truly have something at risk, I'm blowing air.

Now, what was the Topic again?


Rx. Junior
Jun 24, 2005
Boxslayer said:
I read this thread as which "full-time posters" offer the least, because we know the hotshot rookies with 40 posts offer garbage.....and once again, I hate to say this because it looks like he is being picked on, but Coldweather offers the least. (Coldweather probably hates me right now... LOL) Guy probably has 4,000 posts, and he's supposively so good, and 3,999 of his posts have the word poop and poontang in it. Never takes the time to give an honest write-up about how he feels, never discusses games, never gives the little guy a tip, never gives any nuggets of information, all of these years on this site posting plays and has never tried to educate anyone else. 4,000 posts and they are all carbon copies of absolute nonsense. I like to be funny every now and then, and his posts are funny, but he never contributes much. He'll post a play, and you just have to trust that he's not just fucking with you. Plus, you already know what side he is on before every game - not difficult to figure out. He's the one guy that could stop posting tomorrow, and a guy could make a thread every day called "coldweather's pick for today", copy a poontang post and take an underdog.

Coldweather picked winners at a 70% clip in Pops69's CFB thread. Vs hundreds of other cappers. Some of the popular cappers on this site came into the thread for a week or two...had a shitty record and never posted in it again.

Even more impressive was that pops would always use the closing line from BoDog...which took line shopping and getting a truely good number out of the equation.

Half the writeups people offer on this site is the same info you could find in the game preview at any of the sports sites. And there are tons of very talented cappers here who don't provide writeups. Seriously, who the fuck cares about a 3 paragraph write up about why a team should win only for the pick to lose???

coldweather likes to have fun with his posts and picks winners regardless. i like hearing what he's on..even if 8 out of 10 times its the dog.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
sup roach? long time no see

i think a lot of people care about writeups...even if it's one sentence....people are here for picks yeah, but they also want to learn.......these cappers arent going to be here forever, the site isnt going to be here forever, and when its gone, you have a bunch of people left in the dark on what they were following the whole time and no idea where to start capping a game

plus, you alays learn something win or lose from a writeup....but you dont learn anything from brocnos +7....

im not talking about some write up that says philly is playing its 5th game in a row on the road...no shit.....but there are a few people here that are sharp...not many

and thats how you really learn, by reading their writeups

ive found so many diamonds in the rough from brooklyn worms writeups as an example...such as fading a road favorite after an outright victory when they are favored next game...wow is it a great trend.....dr. bob's write ups show great situational trends such as underdogs off a division loss apply to a 30-120 ATS trend

on and on...these are angles that i am thankful that they share because it factors into my capping....now when i cap a game i say wow...i had 3 angles of my own apply to this game and a dr. bob angle and a brooklyn worm angle and this play looks outstanding

but if everyone just says:

"ravens +4 because of poop and poontang" well fuck that ..how do i know this guy isnt fucking with me...how do i know he was just lazy today and just took a dog because everyone is expecting him to, and he just felt like posting today

lions -3 because of clapping fans...funny shit....i laugh....i like coldweather...but how does that help anyone? it's bullshit...for the one thread where he hit 70% i can name 3 where he hit sub 50%.

because hes an underdog player..sometimes it wins, sometimes it loses.

the one thing coldweather has taught this forum, which is VERY valuable, and it is to not be such a square taking favorites all of the time...to ALWAYS consider the dog....i think he's like the angle on your shoulder reminding you about the underdog while the devil on your shoulder is telling you the Yankees will kill the Devil Rays

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Ny Reb:

hope all is well, miss your input here. hope to see you around more often.

ps. no i won't be seeing you across the street. i hate bad karma that's all i see over there.

Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
Well this is an interesting Thread, more because of the instigator than anything else, I've always been a firm believer of giving someone enough Rope ETC ETC and it appears by coming into the RR Baldy has pulled his pants down and left his Ass on a plate, I'll name my 5 :lol: The Truth here is nobody outside new Greenhorns and complete Betting dopes has an ounce of respect for your "contributions" you lost that the Day you stopped giving a true YTD. Betting the amount of Games and the amount of hooks you buy makes it impossible for anyone to make the game pay and no doubt now you want to call out those who question that view. Why am I having a go at you? simple, you undermine what I and every other legitimate poster does. For a long time Gyno took endless stick of the worse kind from me but got my respect for being a Man and posting a losing YTD. With you We get the "I'm too busy " not too busy to tell everyone your 10* play has hit regardless of the other plays that Day.

Once again, your endless posting in search of Glory only interests me in its de-valueing of others and I'm not afraid to say so. Please dont be as obvious as your Plays and start the Winbet Drunk ploy, I think the smart Posters on here can make their own minds up. Thanks for sharing in the RR. :drink:

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