Better do a search and find that thread when you couldn't stop gushing over Barry's motorcade...back when you thought he was sooooo hip and cool!
You're gonna need it and more when the heartbreak and grief stabs you like a thousand knives...the day you find out just how big of conman this guy really is.
The best part is, the entire world will watching and could the DuhFinch's and vitterds and fratfrauds and Guessers...and all the other Obots have been so stupid and gullible!
Barry's secret past is like the "big one" in San know one day it will hit, you just don't know exactly when.
"...find that thread when you couldn't stop gushing over Barry's motorcade." Wtf are you talking about? I never did any such thing, you're a lying sack of shit. Post what you're talking about, post up, or shut, Scumbag. You're not just stupid, you're drunk, too, but, you're still gonna be stupid tomorrow.kth)(&^:bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:kissingbb:Countdown:fckmad:Loser!@#0