4 Advil P.M.`s....Drift away!
curious , certainly none of my business, wondering why you taking 4 Advil's as a sleeping aid? chronic pain? drowsiness effect? at what dosage are the pills? do it everyday, or once in a while?
i posted some information about advil above, you may want to have a look. I'll add to that; advil's pain killer effect is dose dependent and has a ceiling (unlike narcotics). Max effect is at 600mg (normal sized adult)--anything beyond that amount and its pain killer (analgesic) affect is minimal. In other words 1200mg of advil has essentailly the same analgesic affect as 600mg. note- advil's max anti-inflammatory affect is at 800mg. So, there is NO BENEFIT to taking advil in a one time dosage of greater than 800mg. Of course as you increase the dosage, you increase risk side effects -- ex., drowsiness in some people-- is this why you use it?
be careful with chronic use