When some goods or services are essential to our citizens but cannot be furnished by private enterprise then the government is forced into business.
The Army is a socialist organization.
The post office is a socialist organization.
Federal police forces are socialist organizations.
FEMA and that sort of organizations are socialist.
The Park and Wildlife, FHA, FDA and all the rest are socialist.
One industry stands out as failing to meet the needs of all the people at an affordable price and that is the medical profession.
Medicare and Medicaid are already socialist.
Soon there will be much more Socialism in that industry.
The Banking industry probably can be saved as Capitalist.
This is not a total capitalist country as many seem to believe.
Nor should it be.
If the government actually printed and regulated its own money without having to be charged interest, we would be much better off. so in that case, socialism works. But that is about the extent of it IMO. Medical coverage needs to be reshaped, not turned over to the government. The last thing i want is the government giving me mandates on my own health. Just because something fails doesnt mean we should look for the government to make it better, because you know as well as i do Punter that the government is very inefficient.
And so America isn't actually capitalist.
Congress is way too partisaned right now to get anything done. It's gonna be a one party system until the both sides figure out how to work together.
If Obama has a great first 2 years, the republican party will live the desert for a long time. They'll have no one to contest Obama in 2012.
They came along later. We needed a service at that time. They only cherrypick, they do not give nearly all the services of the post office.
The post office is remarkably efficient and cheap for the consumer. Far more so than Fedex/UPS. There are some
things the Governement handles far better than private industry. The Post Office is one that sticks out.
It's amazing that the Anti-Gov't types are always the ones who want the Gov't to step in and make abortion illegal and take away a woman's right to choose.
'What's wrong with socialism?
This is the problem.Nobody under 30 understands it.
what some of you dumb fucks fail to even realise for every goverment hand out you are in fact restricting someone elses freedom.
Socialism is the biggest restriction on freedoms there is
What some of you ring dings don't get is that "free" does not mean freedom.
Do you know what NAZI means? Nationialist SOCIALIST party.This is how Hitler was able to force his ideology.The goverment owned everything and redistrubted wealth they way THEY saw it.You were OWNED.Just like the Obamaites want.
I personally don't want a fucking thing from goverment.I don't need goverment.I'd rather be poor and self reliant.
Obamas socialism is like the mob.Once they get through with their give aways.Then it will be time to call in their markers...with interest.
Some of you stupid ass twirps should wake the fuck up and realise you don't get anything for free.There will be a price to pay.
it is people who feel "disenchanted". I mean, its not like you see rich guys calling for this shit. <!-- / message -->