What's the dumbest thing YOU have personally done in a sporting event?


AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
I was at a cock fighting match in mexico. Port stop from a cruise. Cheating was going on and I got pissed at the opposing chicken. Jumped in the ring after my bird lost and grabbed the chicken by the throat until it went to sleep.cut my arm on its razor blades in the process but it was well worth it.


May 16, 2006
Something similar happened to me at a T.J. donkey show but I'll spare you the details.

New member
Jul 30, 2005
first game in little league

full count, bases empty. i shoot a base hit into into shallow right. i'm so excited that i forget to drop the bat and I realize I'm still holding onto it about half of the way to first. i turn around, run back to home plate, drop the bat, and then turn around and try to sprint to first. not even close.

Anybody seen BB?
Oct 25, 2007
I nearly charged the mound when I was like 12.

I was pitching and had a no hitter going in the last inning and when I was up to hit the pitch was behind by head.

I led off the inning, and after I walked the pitcher proved to have no ability to throw the ball near the plate.
I played little league in a rougher part of town, we had a kid charge the mound with bat in his hand. Lucky the ump was an adult and caught our player before he got to the mound. I love looking at all-star pictures and figure-ing out how many of those guys spent long periods of time in jail.

Anybody seen BB?
Oct 25, 2007
Haha we are pretty much the same person I think. My bat throwing was so bad I got warned that the next time the ref saw me do it he would toss me out of the game on the spot.

WTF game were you playing that a Ref would see you with a bat?

New member
Mar 15, 2008
A few years back, I was working part time umpiring little league (WORST fuckin job in the world, especially if you suck at calling balls and strikes). Well, I SUCKED at calling balls and strikes. I even saw my buddy, working second base, roll his eyes on a couple of my calls. Anyway, needless to say I took an ass chewing from the crowd most of the game. Then in about the 5th inning there was a play at the plate...and whatever it was I called, it apparently was NOT the popular desicion with the crowd. One father in particular realllllly let me have it....so I took off the mask, turned around and said, "Oh yeah? You think I blew that call? YOU JUST WAIT TIL THE NEXT ONE.....PLAY BALLLLLL!!!"
Well, of course both coaches heard this and immediately we're on home plate hollering...to the point where I woulda tossed them, but they kinda had a beef. Now, not too many people can say they made a call and BOTH coaches came out to argue....
Anyways, they then went out to bitch at my buddy working second, I saw him mumble something to them and they quietly returned to thier respective dugouts...wondering wtf? I went out to talk to him during warmups....
He said, "Yeah, they were pretty pissed off...I told them they might wanna get over it, because you're also an off duty cop, and under your chest protector you were packing a .357 magnum."
Gotta love being an umpire...

I know the game like I'm reffin' it
Oct 2, 2008
Back when I played baseball my dad was reffing my game. I hit a double, slid into second base and was safe by about 5 minutes. My dad called me out because he didn't want people to think he was cheating. I was pissed then, now it's kinda funny.

Hang em and Bang Em
Sep 5, 2006
10 years old little league. Coach always said to wear a cup and they were way too uncomfortable for me so I never used one and avoided all cup inspections. Kid was wild and threw a pitch and i check swung as it was inside and low. It hit me square in the nuts. I was down for a good 10 minutes down for the absolute count. Of course I was the only insane person not wearing a cup and everyone thought I was crazy for not wearing one.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Fishhead has told me numerous sport event stories. Had a great story from Busch Stadium, had some good Kinnick stories with him and Kyhawk,....he has some goodies!


My best Busch Staduim story(that I can remember) is probably when we threw a guy over the ramp leading up to the upper deck. My buddy and me threw him over the wall and he fell about 20 feet. Upon arriving at the scene(thought we had killed the guy), he was just attempting to get up and then he proceeded to pull at a piece of shit out of his pants about six inches long and said that fall literally scared the shit out of him as he was displaying the log of shit in his hand to us.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
I mistakenly stumbled into the Gay Olympics, so I told them my name was Jake T. from Idaho.

I never had so many indecent propositions in my life.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
As a senior in high school, my friends and I drove 34 miles to scout a team ranked #5 in the state that we would be playing in the opening round of the sectional basketball tournament.

On the way over, I got completely smashed drinking screwdrivers. The game we were watching was standing room only in a bandbox similar to the homecourts you see in the movie Hoosiers and we had to stand behind the basket against the wall. Well, the ref made a terrible call on the hometeam and the crowd was showing their disgust greatly and the noise was deafening. From what little I remember(my friends probably can give more detail), I ran out to the free throw line and got directly into the refs face..............they obviously threw us out. We later sneaked in and watched the game behind the band curtain.

On the way home, I backed over a lightlamp in someones yard and completely destroyed it.

Can't recall much else about that evening.

A few days later, our .500 team gave that #5 team in the state all they could handle. Recall we were actually leading with a couple minutes to go in the first half and I was having close to a career game as I had surpassed my seasonal scoring average of 8.1 pts, (believe I had 9 pts at the half).......... ended with 11 or 12 pts and we got beat by 15+ points, thus putting an end to what was a misearable high school basketball career. If I were not a high school alki at the time, probably could have performed a tad better on the court.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
While at a Bengals game on a rare TD, I gave the guy next to me a high five, which in return knocked his beer out of his hand, and on to the girl in front of him, which knocked hers out and set like a chain reaction.

Went to buy some new beers, but only to remember there was a 2 beer max. Felt like such a douche I went and sat else where

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