A few years back, I was working part time umpiring little league (WORST fuckin job in the world, especially if you suck at calling balls and strikes). Well, I SUCKED at calling balls and strikes. I even saw my buddy, working second base, roll his eyes on a couple of my calls. Anyway, needless to say I took an ass chewing from the crowd most of the game. Then in about the 5th inning there was a play at the plate...and whatever it was I called, it apparently was NOT the popular desicion with the crowd. One father in particular realllllly let me have it....so I took off the mask, turned around and said, "Oh yeah? You think I blew that call? YOU JUST WAIT TIL THE NEXT ONE.....PLAY BALLLLLL!!!"
Well, of course both coaches heard this and immediately we're on home plate hollering...to the point where I woulda tossed them, but they kinda had a beef. Now, not too many people can say they made a call and BOTH coaches came out to argue....
Anyways, they then went out to bitch at my buddy working second, I saw him mumble something to them and they quietly returned to thier respective dugouts...wondering wtf? I went out to talk to him during warmups....
He said, "Yeah, they were pretty pissed off...I told them they might wanna get over it, because you're also an off duty cop, and under your chest protector you were packing a .357 magnum."
Gotta love being an umpire...