I expected the Libs to marginalize what happened at Berkeley by attacking the speaker and not the violence. I think I was able to find one liberal writer in the entire country that spoke out against the violence. It is reprehensible that anyone would justify what took place and even blame the person that was to give the speech. The issue was not the content of the speech, it should have been protected and the police should have tear gassed the crowd, anyone that failed to disperse should have been arrested and anyone resisting should have received a wood shampoo. The issue on college campuses is the money (cash) paid by the foreign, often illegal alien students. It is time to cut off federal funding to these cesspools. The more these people bitch, the tougher I would get with them. It is time to end the entitlements and take back the country. I will say it again, if you don't like it, you can kiss my fucking ass. I put up with this community organizer socialist for the last eight years and we have a new president now.