Whats a good website to watch Game of Thrones tonight?

Feb 6, 2007
Lol. Fuck that. Was at the gym with the other 10 people in Maryland who don't watch game of thrones. I am sure I will tune in for my weekly 30 seconds when I surf the channels throughout the week and see the episode on repeat every single night.

I read in the summary earlier for the episode Terion was doing "planning". As figured. More planning and planning and then a problem comes up where they have to make a new plan. Just delay delay delay... Add unexpected visitors and hold on for as long as you can.
Feb 6, 2007
Feb 6, 2007
I don't even have to watch it to know what is going to happen. Honestly that is pathetic. Episodes 1-6 all fillers and stage setters until they get to episodes 7 & 8. Fucking cheesy bullshit. If I ever saw the creator for this homo ass show I would stick him in the face and do my time with a smile.

Mar 2, 2006
Also read HBO is doing a spin off of game of thrones once it finally ends. Lmao. That says everything.

You can't make a spin off of the wire or sopranos. They are original masterpieces. You can not duplicate them. Facts of life.

Hbo go? Most overrated show of all time tho. Dungeons and dragons. Would rather play Magic.

Ok so I don't watch the show like that. I hate fantasy shit like this...Lord of the rings, Harry potter, and so on. But since everyone is so fascinated with this show I have to ask...... why doesn't this chick just kill everyone in two or three episodes and the show just end? And I catch a scene here and there so I saw how afraid everyone is of the Dragons and how beastly they are. So why doesn't she just take the 3 dragons and ride them over thousands of troops and spit hot fire at them all and kill them? What is the hold up here? Is this show the new Walking Dead? Goes on forever? I heard that the books are done with so they aren't following those anymore. But watch they will still pull another 3-4 seasons out their ass to feed the public.

Sopranos and The Wire are the greatest shows in television history. Season 4 of the Wire is probably the best season HBO has ever aired for a series. This fairy tale dungeons and Dragons bullshit is not even on the same planet as this other shit.

Isn't the creator of this show some fat fuck that lives in a cave or some shit and looks like a wizard? Explains everything.

Speaking of actually some good HBO.... The Defiant Ones...... That real shit.

I'm really interested to an answer for this....it's not like you can say oh why doesn't Tony Soprano take his crew and go kill the new york guys. Well first of all they do fight it out. And secondly this is real life, you can't just go into a battle yard and duel it out like in this fantasy world of game of homos. I mean thrones. This bitch has dragons yo. Why is their even a discussion of what is going to happen. I don't care if it takes 50 more seasons, she better kill everyone with those dragons or im'a have a nice laugh

I do the same thing every time I hear this show is back

I am suffocated with it like probably most people who do not like it. Not so easy. This show is easily the most popular and likeable show in HBO history. Everyone I know is obsessed with it.

Well was she around with her dragons in the first episode? I don't think so. Her dragons had to be groomed and taught first. Lol how ridiculous does that sound?

Yeah im not talking about why they haven't ended it. I know they want to extend it and make it the next walking dead. But, at the point they are at in the show now. Everyone beefing. Last season that one dude got eaten by his own dogs. Why go do a big battle like that? When you haave something that no one can fuck with.

Point is.....you have something that no one else has. That is the point. It's not a gun fight bro. Use your fucking dragons already and wrap up this cornball shit.

Does someone else have something to counter three dragons? Not from what I have seen.

Every time I bring this up to people they just say I'm trying to make fun of it and ruin it. But it's what I get from watching the show sometimes.

The wire is more than entertainment. It's eye opening. It's what you don't want to see as far as everyday life. But it's real life.

Second season is by far the worst one of the five in the wire. The one about the shipping docks. Season 1 is great because Weebay is still a free man in it. Yeah give me some horseradish on that sandwich and I tell you how many people I killed.

Come on bro. Nothing is beating that. Plus the dude Wood Harris kills that first season. Classic. But the best season without a doubt HBO has ever aired for any show is season 4 of The Wire. About the school systems. Nothing is touching that season in the history of HBO. Period.


Mar 2, 2006
Great point bro. Why doesn't she just make the dragons fuck to reproduce. Roll around with 20+ badass dragons. That's the type of shit I'm saying. Why not do common sense shit lol. And run the world and kill everyone?

But forreal forreal whatsup with HBO and gay people? Do they love gay people or what? Every single show.

But I know what it's about. I don't like that idea. It is like commended and praised in that show to betray people and backstab people. Like that shit is entire point of the show. Fake loyalty. Shit is whack. In the Sopranos and the wire it is frowned upon. Dead honest truth that is one of the main reasons I hate it. It's like the fans of game of thrones appreciate that backstabbing disloyalty type of shit. They get off on it.

But throughout the sopranos and the wire it is the complete opposite. It is frowned upon like it should be. I don't like the message and honestly don't know how anyone is like attracted to that type of shit.

That's how I am as a person tho..I have legit morals that are more represented in the sopranos and the wire not game of thrones backstabbing everybody. I understand they all want eachothers shit....and want to be king and rule or whatever.....but that brings us back to..... why doesn't the chick with dragons merk everyone and take over?

Lol yeah but I always said....why doesn't superman fly if he has a cape? Oh yeh he does fly.

This chick has dragons that no one has so why not unleash them? That is all I am asking bro.

It's a hypothetical, yes. But they are now at the point in the show where the book has ended. Everyone was beefing last season.

I never said it should end after 1 episode dude. I am talking about now. Season 7. Yall can't answer my questions because you know how silly thiw shit is deep down. Every game of thrones fans I ask they say I'm making fun of it. But then no one can give me a straight answer.

She has dragons. Who can stop her dragons? Answer that. That is all I am asking and wondering. From what I saw...she has the most power on the show. So what is the hold up? We are at season 7 bro. Not episode 1 of season 1.

I understand when the show was suppose to take place. I get all of that. But the goal is to conquer you said. That's what everyone wants to do. So I don't get why she can't run shit with those dragons.

The new show where nothing happens in. Walking Dead 2.0

I am sure everyone will remind me how amazing the last two episodes of the season will be once they come. The last 2 episodes of this show in every season is good....same thing with Walking Dead. That is a horse shit series, sorry. Nothing happens until the end of each season. Fucking whack. Oh I forgot it is about getting involved in the characters and becoming obsessed over some 13 year old tom boy who slits peoples necks. Right.... and didn't that nigga John Snow die in the book? They revived him for the audience. Which I don't even know how the fuck that happened. I heard he died then next thing you know he was back. He got that respawn. Didn't some witch wizard do that?

Let me know when it is the last two episodes of the season... I will tune in and not miss a beat. Nothing happens in this shit.

First episode of season 6 of Sopranos you think everything is going smooth this is another show where nothing will happen in....then boom. Whole series changes in a direction you were not expecting and ended up being a classic first 3-4 episodes of that season. You can just tell. They end the first episode of this supposedly amazingly intense GOT season with...." Lets NOW get started" at the end of the fucking episode and make yall wait a whole week before we actually get started. The show that nothing happens in. This santa claus creator living in a fucking hut is what the public is obsessed over. Give me a fucking break. Walking Dead 2.0.

Watch next week they will be talking about getting started the whole time and in the 3rd episode they will prepare for battle. and 4th episode something will come up to delay the battle. and 5th episode they will strategize for a potential next episode battle, and the 6th episode or 7th they will battle and then the aftermath of the battle in the next episode and then that's that for the season.

Same shit different season. I don't even watch the show and already know this chick with the dragons is going to fuck up everyone. That's how lame this shit is.

When I watched it back then live, of course I was like man, FUCK! That was bullshit. But when you look back on it, there was no other way to end that shit. It was a classic series before it was even a classic. How do you end something like that? With nothing. Let the greatness of each individual episode and season come out again instead of having people remember only how it ended. It was truly a masterpiece all around. The timing and everything just fit. The expectation is for the audience to conclude what was going to happen. There were only a couple of possibilities of what his future held.... death or prison.

But honestly, it's stupid for me to sit here now and say it was a surprise. Because if you really watched that show you know they had been doing stuff like that the entire series. All throughout. So much subliminal shit it's crazy. The episode where he is in the hospital and has that near death experience. No one knows what the fuck all that means, but it is for the viewer to sort of put together. Where he almost walks into that house and Steve Buscemi is out there greeting him.... Classic!

They had another dream episode in the 5th season where it was.... like what the fuck is going on? But all that shit is subliminal writing and has layers to it that I can't begin to unfold. But honestly at the end, how many of his earners did he still have around? I mean the NY family was in shambles and the NJ family was as well. I mean nowadays.....is there really an Italian Mafia? If there is... most likely they have little to no power nowadays.

Prolly the Russian Mafia running shit. lol That one dude Ramzan Kadryov. LOL

Yo Greenbacks. Watch that new HBO Real sports bro. Ramzan Kadryov. I think Trump is afraid of this dude lol. I don't know how anyone is afraid of that pussy bitch kim and his military in North Korea after seeing what Ramzan Kadryov is doing with his army and troops. I bet 1,000 of Ramzan's troops probably take out 5,000 of Kim's troops. Lol some true 300 shit.

May the cheesiness begin.

Ok so I was told these are officially the last two seasons. They are doing it like how the Sopranos did. 7a and 7b, I think they go 8 at first and then 6 ep?

So far they are 0 for 1 with the 1st episode being a failure. 7 and 8 will be good episodes though lol.

Lol. Fuck that. Was at the gym with the other 10 people in Maryland who don't watch game of thrones. I am sure I will tune in for my weekly 30 seconds when I surf the channels throughout the week and see the episode on repeat every single night.

I read in the summary earlier for the episode Terion was doing "planning". As figured. More planning and planning and then a problem comes up where they have to make a new plan. Just delay delay delay... Add unexpected visitors and hold on for as long as you can.

Obsess Much?
Feb 6, 2007
Lol yup. I took over this thread. Had to shed light on the realness and pay homage to the real classic shows from HBO. Not this. I'm just shitting on it. Don't get mad.
Feb 6, 2007
I'm trolling Game of Thrones. Lol every Sunday night I'll be in here trolling this lame ass show

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Watched last night and the one before that only cause got free HBO over weekend , maybe because I haven't any idea of wtf is going on is why seemed goofy to me

now I have watched The Strain the last 2 weeks. Seems more interesting

New member
Mar 27, 2009
I'm trolling Game of Thrones. Lol every Sunday night I'll be in here trolling this lame ass show

I agree. It's lame. Glad I stopped watching 3 years ago. I caught part of the episode last night and... zzzzzzzzz. Great night sleep.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Episode 2 Clip: Arya and Nymeria[/h]

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Episode 2: Daenerys asks lord Varys to swear his loyalty [/h]

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Episode 2: Jon Snow decides to meet Daenerys and leaves the north to Sansa [/h]
Feb 6, 2007
Watched last night and the one before that only cause got free HBO over weekend , maybe because I haven't any idea of wtf is going on is why seemed goofy to me

now I have watched The Strain the last 2 weeks. Seems more interesting

Ahhh you see that's the problem. You got to wait until the last two episodes of the season for the classic episodes. Every season with this show. First handful of episodes are all fillers and stage setters.....nothing happens.
Feb 6, 2007
No one cares what you think.

We get it, you're a hood rat.

Lol uh oh. The first game of thrones fan who caught true feelings. Was only a matter of time lol.
Feb 6, 2007
I agree. It's lame. Glad I stopped watching 3 years ago. I caught part of the episode last night and... zzzzzzzzz. Great night sleep.

Of course. Earlier seasons were led by the book. They had a basis. But got greedy and started making trash led by the creator of the show. The true colors are finally being shown and heads don't like it. I get it, their show sucks now and they're upset.

I tried telling yall.
Feb 6, 2007
Ahhh you see that's the problem. You got to wait until the last two episodes of the season for the classic episodes. Every season with this show. First handful of episodes are all fillers and stage setters.....nothing happens.

Regardless of if people like it or not, no one can debate this. This is 1000000% fact. Every single season the last two episodes I am told about. Omg you need to watch "battleground" or "kings lancing" or whatever the fuck. Every season. I have yet to be told to watch any episode in the middle of the season. Just a bunch of backstabbing and betrayal that I don't care for until they finally go and battle it out. And then people say omg go watch the season finale of game of thrones. They kill everybody blahblahblah.

Another reason why the sopranos is the greatest. Key characters getting beat to death mid season not for killing a stripper that worked at tonys club....not for fucking his ex....not for fucking up money...but for killing their horse. Come on mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Middle of the season. Unexpected greatness at any given time. I'm not even going to get into "Pine Barrens." Another mid season classic. The greatest episode made in HBO tv history.

Game of thrones is in the same ballpark as AMC shows. It's the same ballpark as Breaking Bad. But not even on the same atmosphere as the Sopranos. No where fucking close. I feel sorry for anyone nerdy enough to disagree. Dungeons and dragons.

Nov 4, 2009
Lol. Fuck that. Was at the gym with the other 10 people in Maryland who don't watch game of thrones.


I read in the summary earlier for the episode Terion was doing "planning". As figured. More planning and planning and then a problem comes up where they have to make a new plan.

:):) right on Mob. Speak The Truth Baby :toast:

Just delay delay delay... Add unexpected visitors and hold on for as long as you can.

I thought I'd read they done run out of Material from the Book, or whatever this thing is based on? So Yeah, if so....seems that could lead to one hella lot of "planning" and "talk" and talks about planning...."delay delay delay" :):)Producers Milk Teets. Its what they do.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm really interested to an answer for this....it's not like you can say oh why doesn't Tony Soprano take his crew and go kill the new york guys. Well first of all they do fight it out. And secondly this is real life, you can't just go into a battle yard and duel it out like in this fantasy world of game of homos. I mean thrones. This bitch has dragons yo. Why is their even a discussion of what is going to happen. I don't care if it takes 50 more seasons, she better kill everyone with those dragons or im'a have a nice laugh

Go figure, Sunday's episode pretty much addressed your dragon question.

Dragons = Thrones equivalent of America's decision to bomb Japan in 1945

Dany's inner-circle is hesitant to use the dragons, because they're worried about blowback, civilian deaths, long-term reputation, etc. The Targaryens have a terrible history when it comes to dragons & fire (see, the Mad King) -- if Dany's dragons torch 50% of Westeros, she'll forever be seen as a monster.

Also, if you burn every castle & village -- not much left to rule, is there?

Nov 4, 2009
Dragons = Thrones equivalent of America's decision to bomb Japan in 1945

Oh For Fuck's Sake.

Producers could've just blasted several tons of Salad in the direction of Uranus and accomplished the same degree of "meaningfulness"

Jesus, Wow. So this Trend Show fuggin Meme come to Life that depends SO MUCH upon Violence, and Human Suffering for their Ratings...their "Daily Bread"

is REALLY gonna try and Assume That Position of "Caring"? About Human Lives Lost? In Some War?

Like a Sex Worker chastising us for having sex outside of marriage, this here.

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