Of course no such thing ever happened.
What is so funny about you happily admitting you post incessantly here from your phone is that it completely refutes you have some great life.
You are the only "never have to work again" millionaire who quit his job for $90,000 then who argues the job wasn't low paying. You actually don't see the stupidity in this.
You also are the only poster with "an incredible life" who makes 200 + posts while on vacation from lowly Virginia Beach. Again, you actually do not grasp how fucking dumb this makes you look. But you have a low IQ and little self awareness, so I'm not surprised.
I have such an incredible life, now sit back and watch while I make 50 posts from my phone as I sit by myself at a baseball game!!!
Baseball has a lot of down time. These posts takes second....I know your webtv is a process for you to post here....but these iPhones make it real easy.
Youre welcome to show up when I meet Scott. Might help your miserable existence to get out of your house and interact with something other than your dog which is forced to be your friend.