Here's some doozies from Dr. Loon, lol. Now you can see why these clowns like him.
2. “I mean, [America is] very much like Nazi Germany. And I know you’re not supposed to say ‘Nazi Germany,’ but I don’t care about political correctness. You know, you had a government using its tools to intimidate the population. We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”
~Ben Carson, telling Breitbart News how America is like Nazi Germany because of liberals, March 2014.
3. “ObamaCare is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. In a way, it is slavery, because it is making all of us subservient to the government.”
~Ben Carson, comparing healthcare to slavery during the Values Voter Summit, October 2013.
4. “Because 9/11 is an isolated incident. Things that are isolated issues as opposed to things that fundamentally change the United Sates of America and shift power from the people to the government. That is a huge shift. You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America.”
~Ben Carson, claiming ObamaCare is worse than the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 Americans, June 2014.
6. “My thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society, and no group — be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter what they are — they don’t get to change the definition.”
~Ben Carson, comparing same-sex marriage to bestiality and pedophilia, April 2013.