What would stop people from voting for Dr. Ben Carson?


Sep 22, 2007
Nah, I just enjoy getting you all riled up. I must admit, at times I do feel bad picking on someone whose IQ is somewhere near room temperature.

I'M the one who gets riled up???? ROTFLMAO!!! You're being played like a ring in a bell, but you're too dumb to realize it: part of the reason that I post what I do is because I know it annoys many people-you included. It's hilarious how you get your panties all in a wad, "why does it have to always be about dicks and asses," lol! Ohhhh, have I offended the delicate sensibilities of poor widdle "pwaying(sic)" mantis? Poor baby! :sadbb::cryingcryWorry about your OWN wife, scumbag, if you have one, and keep on showing what a brain dead hypocrite you are whining about people don't want "interact" with me at the same time you follow me around like Miss Manners. Oh, and, in parting, go fuck yourself.^^:):trx-smly0:kissingbb:madasshol:tongue2::fckmad::bigfinger

Sep 22, 2007
Exaggerating & lying 2 different things....Whatever I post on here not near as bad as some of the total crap you post......Your mother should've had an abortion...

Oh, so you think that saying a crowd is 300% bigger than it actually was is "exaggerating," huh? That says a lot about you YOU, road kill, and what it says, ain't good. As far as the abortion line, right back at ya, scumbag...Loser!@#0^^:):trx-smly0:kissingbb:tongue2::madasshol:bigfinger:fckmad::Countdown

Aug 6, 2006
part of the reason that I post what I do is because I know it annoys many people-you included.

If that is why you've adopted that persona here than I must say you are succeeding.
If you were posting to convince others who disagree with you to move toward your position this style wouldn't work.

Sep 22, 2007
If that is why you've adopted that persona here than I must say you are succeeding.
If you were posting to convince others who disagree with you to move toward your position this style wouldn't work.

"A man convinced, against his will, is of the same opinion, still."

That shipped sailed long ago. And, you think the dulcet tones of people like Acebb, Festering Shit, Witless Willie, and Sheriff Joke are calm, rational posters who are doing a level headed job to move me and others toward their position, do you?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa...why won't anyone address my comments and the quotes I posted???? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" !

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
When you vote for the most racist divisive candidate ever (twice!), you really have no business judging the comments of any presidential candidate. Period.

Notice how the "Party of Minorities", aka Party of Victims, invests the most time and energy smearing 'minorities' in the other party (Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Allen West, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Sarah Palin). Why? Because if Republicans can turn perpetual Dem victims into victors, their party is SUNK forever.

Welfare scum like Dabitch are the reason we have gated communities. As the last 8 years have proven, when the ghetto wins at the polls, the rest of America loses.
Jan 24, 2012
I'M the one who gets riled up???? ROTFLMAO!!! You're being played like a ring in a bell, but you're too dumb to realize it: part of the reason that I post what I do is because I know it annoys many people-you included. It's hilarious how you get your panties all in a wad, "why does it have to always be about dicks and asses," lol! Ohhhh, have I offended the delicate sensibilities of poor widdle "pwaying(sic)" mantis? Poor baby! :sadbb::cryingcryWorry about your OWN wife, scumbag, if you have one, and keep on showing what a brain dead hypocrite you are whining about people don't want "interact" with me at the same time you follow me around like Miss Manners. Oh, and, in parting, go fuck yourself.^^:):trx-smly0:kissingbb:madasshol:tongue2::fckmad::bigfinger

Sorry, bud, posts like the one below are clearly that of a disturbed, low IQ individual. Normal guys that are just trolling (as you claim you are) don't think up sick stuff like that. You aren't playing anybody "like ringing a bell". You're just as you seem.

Take a foot long dildo, smear it with honey and army ants, and cram it up your ass, Festering Sack of Shit. Loser!@#0Slapping-silly90)):kissingbb:trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol:Countdown:bigfinger

Sep 22, 2007
When you vote for the most racist divisive candidate ever (twice!), you really have no business judging the comments of any presidential candidate. Period.

Notice how the "Party of Minorities", aka Party of Victims, invests the most time and energy smearing 'minorities' in the other party (Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Allen West, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Sarah Palin). Why? Because if Republicans can turn perpetual Dem victims into victors, their party is SUNK forever.

Welfare scum like Dabitch are the reason we have gated communities. As the last 8 years have proven, when the ghetto wins at the polls, the rest of America loses.

That's quite a list ya got there, call me quirky, but anybody who compares the US to Nazi Germany is even dumber than YOU are; Allen West is rabid dog who was rightfully voted out of office; Herman Cain, "666," 'nuff said; who "smeared " Condi Rice(or, for that matter any of these clowns, it ain't "smearing" when it's true), and then, your real gem: how the fuck is that rubber tittied slut Palin a "minority," genius? And, apparently you haven't gotten the message that even many Republicans have gotten tired of her act:


You got some balls talking about when American loses when the last Repub in office was the worst Prez in history, but, you're always a Fucking moron, why stop now?

Sep 22, 2007
Sorry, bud, posts like the one below are clearly that of a disturbed, low IQ individual. Normal guys that are just trolling (as you claim you are) don't think up sick stuff like that. You aren't playing anybody "like ringing a bell". You're just as you seem.

<<Yawn>> If I gave a rat's ass about the opinion of hypocritical nitwit, all the above might hurt, but I don't, and it doesn't. Go fuck yourself, Adolph, and continue to admire the ravings of Herr Carson.

Aug 6, 2006
"A man convinced, against his will, is of the same opinion, still."

That shipped sailed long ago. And, you think the dulcet tones of people like Acebb, Festering Shit, Witless Willie, and Sheriff Joke are calm, rational posters who are doing a level headed job to move me and others toward their position, do you?

They don't even possess enough level-headedness to use these:
Jan 24, 2012
<<Yawn>> If I gave a rat's ass about the opinion of hypocritical nitwit, all the above might hurt, but I don't, and it doesn't. Go fuck yourself, Adolph, and continue to admire the ravings of Herr Carson.

If you didn't give a rats ass you wouldn't respond. Ravings? You want to talk about ravings? Try reading a days worth of your own posts. Carson's craziest comment doesn't hold a candle to one man telling another man to "Take a foot long dildo, smear it with honey and army ants, and cram it up your ass".

Sep 22, 2007
They don't even possess enough level-headedness to use these:

That's exactly the point, no sense trying to reason with morons, and, I noticed you didn't answer my question. Certainly you are aren't going to try and claim that they don't say vile things, so, what are we talking about here, the "level" of insults?

Sep 22, 2007
If you didn't give a rats ass you wouldn't respond. Ravings? You want to talk about ravings? Try reading a days worth of your own posts. Carson's craziest comment doesn't hold a candle to one man telling another man to "Take a foot long dildo, smear it with honey and army ants, and cram it up your ass".

In yet another example of your lack of intelligence, you confuse caring about somebody's opinion with responding to their comments-and, one could say the same about YOU. Do you REALLY think that YOU are going to change my opinion about anything???? If you do, you're even dumber than I thought, which is saying something.

As for your final sentence, you are beyond stupid: you believe that the above comment, on an internet forum, is worse than a candidate for POTUS saying that the U.S. is like Nazi Germany???? Oh, wait, that's right, YOU have determined which things he says are hyperbole, and which are not.:ohno:Shush()*:>:)think2::Countdown

Good to know, another rabid dog on the rx...

Sep 22, 2007
When you vote for the most racist divisive candidate ever (twice!), you really have no business judging the comments of any presidential candidate. Period.

Notice how the "Party of Minorities", aka Party of Victims, invests the most time and energy smearing 'minorities' in the other party (Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Allen West, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Sarah Palin). Why? Because if Republicans can turn perpetual Dem victims into victors, their party is SUNK forever.

Welfare scum like Dabitch are the reason we have gated communities. As the last 8 years have proven, when the ghetto wins at the polls, the rest of America loses.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa...people whom I consider beneath me keep electing people I don't want elected(cue Nancy Kerrigan), Why, WHY???? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry":pointer::sadbb::cryingcry

New member
Jan 16, 2013
I read this the other day and thought of you, buddy.

In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican.

Where did you read that, likely from the 'Weekly Standard' or 'National Review' Beltway Republicans who
are losing their grip on things as the Trump candidacy has become a real movement & they are desperately
trying to stay relevant.

From what I've gathered in the 4 month period with Trump leading in the polls & the info from the polls.
I think you are right that I do have much in common with the average Trump voter.

1) Updated 7:55 AM ET, Thu September 10, 2015 CNN Poll

Trump's gains come most notably among two groups that had proven challenging for him
in the early stages of his campaign -- women and those with college degrees. While he gained
just 4 points among men in the last month (from 27% in August to 31% now), he's up 13
points among women, rising from 20% in August to 33% now. Trump has also boosted his
share of the vote among college graduates, increasing his support among those with degrees
from 16% in August to 28% now. Among those without degrees, he stands at 33%, just slightly
higher than the 28% support he had in August.

You have to stay current old buddy, Trump now has 28% of the college grads now, more than
any other candidate. To take that fact a step further being that it is a given that grads are more
successful than non grads one would assume that the average Trump voter earns more than
the average voter. So I'll agree I am a typical Trump supporter.

2) Early Sept poll Monmouth Poll revealed age is not a factor when it
comes to support for Don Trump

Age – Trump (34%) has a clear lead over Carson (17%) among voters under age 50
as well as an advantage (28%) over Carson (18%), Cruz (11%), and Bush (10%)
among those age 50 and older.

It seems like your battle with DeFinch, a real 'loser' as Trump would say combined
with your food fight with Roadreeler definitely has you off your game. By the way,
why so much animosity for Road because he supports Trump? If that's the case
your hostility is misplaced as your putting yourself in the same catagory as DeFinch
loathing comrades of Trump, that's a bad place for anyone to be.
Jan 24, 2012
Where did you read that, likely from the 'Weekly Standard' or 'National Review' Beltway Republicans who
are losing their grip on things as the Trump candidacy has become a real movement & they are desperately
trying to stay relevant.

From what I've gathered in the 4 month period with Trump leading in the polls & the info from the polls.
I think you are right that I do have much in common with the average Trump voter.

1) Updated 7:55 AM ET, Thu September 10, 2015 CNN Poll

Trump's gains come most notably among two groups that had proven challenging for him
in the early stages of his campaign -- women and those with college degrees. While he gained
just 4 points among men in the last month (from 27% in August to 31% now), he's up 13
points among women, rising from 20% in August to 33% now. Trump has also boosted his
share of the vote among college graduates, increasing his support among those with degrees
from 16% in August to 28% now. Among those without degrees, he stands at 33%, just slightly
higher than the 28% support he had in August.

You have to stay current old buddy, Trump now has 28% of the college grads now, more than
any other candidate. To take that fact a step further being that it is a given that grads are more
successful than non grads one would assume that the average Trump voter earns more than
the average voter. So I'll agree I am a typical Trump supporter.

2) Early Sept poll Monmouth Poll revealed age is not a factor when it
comes to support for Don Trump

Age – Trump (34%) has a clear lead over Carson (17%) among voters under age 50
as well as an advantage (28%) over Carson (18%), Cruz (11%), and Bush (10%)
among those age 50 and older.

It seems like your battle with DeFinch, a real 'loser' as Trump would say combined
with your food fight with Roadreeler definitely has you off your game. By the way,
why so much animosity for Road because he supports Trump? If that's the case
your hostility is misplaced as your putting yourself in the same catagory as DeFinch
loathing comrades of Trump, that's a bad place for anyone to be.

I got it from the Daily Worker.

Actually, it was from Real Clear Politics. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/09/09/who_are_trumps_supporters.html

As far as Roadreeler goes, I couldn't care less who he supports. I would just prefer if he would not post hit pieces, from dubious sources, that inaccurately accuse another candidate of being aligned with Al Sharpton. As I posted earlier, I give roadreeler credit for watching the video and forming his own opinion. As far as Donnie goes, there's really no point in the two of us arguing. I can't stand the guy, you're a Trump groupie dating back to 1968 or whatever. That's not likely to change for either of us. Best of luck to your "buddy" tonight, I have a feeling he's going to need it.
Jan 24, 2012
As for your final sentence, you are beyond stupid: you believe that the above comment, on an internet forum, is worse than a candidate for POTUS saying that the U.S. is like Nazi Germany???? Oh, wait, that's right, YOU have determined which things he says are hyperbole, and which are not.:ohno:Shush()*:>:)think2::Countdown

Good to know, another rabid dog on the rx...

Yeah, I am saying that. I'm not defending his comment, I'm saying that I find a guy who is infatuated with dicks, and shoving random disgusting objects (honey and ant covered dildos? what sick fuck thinks up that stuff?) up another man's ass is about as deeply disturbing as it gets, whether he's a candidate for POTUS or some loser who claims to be from the Bronx while posting from his mom's basement in Vegas.

As I've said before, Carson isn't my guy, I just happen to respect him for all that he's accomplished in life.

Sep 22, 2007
Yeah, I am saying that. I'm not defending his comment, I'm saying that I find a guy who is infatuated with dicks, and shoving random disgusting objects (honey and ant covered dildos? what sick fuck thinks up that stuff?) up another man's ass is about as deeply disturbing as it gets, whether he's a candidate for POTUS or some loser who claims to be from the Bronx while posting from his mom's basement in Vegas.

As I've said before, Carson isn't my guy, I just happen to respect him for all that he's accomplished in life.

That's a fucked up attitude, and, furthermore, I think a brainless twat who follows somebody around whose opinion-and manner of expressing himself-differs from his own, all the while whining like a little bitch about people not want to "interact" with the other person, is a hypocrite, a douchebag, and a moron. Now go lick bloated bear balls, Scumbag, so looking forward to our next little "chat." Loser!@#0^^:):trx-smly0:kissingbb:tongue2::madasshol:bigfinger:fckmad::Countdown

Aug 6, 2006
As far as Roadreeler goes, I couldn't care less who he supports. I would just prefer if he would not post hit pieces, from dubious sources, that inaccurately accuse another candidate of being aligned with Al Sharpton.

You missed the previous election when RR would post daily articles about Obama snorting coke off a toothless gay hillbilly's backside :)

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