We can make a Saints bet if you want. I bet you $100 the Saints SUCK this year. Lol
That is A Superb Answer - Well Said! (Pardon me I have seriously disliked the Cowboys my entire life!) PS I was in New Orleans in 2009 for a few weeks and I have never seen a city more in love with their team than I did in New Orleans - It was CRAZEE - Almost EVERYBODY wore their Saints' jerseys on GAMEDAY! VERY COOL - Good Luck and God Bless New Orleans!Whats your criteria for sucking?
Being worse then the Cowboys?
If that's the criteria you have a bet
That is A Superb Answer - Well Said! (Pardon me I have seriously disliked the Cowboys my entire life!) PS I was in New Orleans in 2009 for a few weeks and I have never seen a city more in love with their team than I did in New Orleans - It was CRAZEE - Almost EVERYBODY wore their Saints' jerseys on GAMEDAY! VERY COOL - Good Luck and God Bless New Orleans!
don't let them fool ya. The majority were Cowboys fans before the Saints had a run...
$200 The Cowboys will have a better regular season record than the Saints. Same reg season record pushes. Bet?