What result will end the protests?


Nov 17, 2004
term limits is a very big part of the solution

racism will always exist, but it's a small minority that are racists, although I think those numbers have grown over the past decade.

you can't legislate utopia, learn to be strong and do the right thing, you'll be fine

Yep and goals like ending racism or police brutality (although admirable), are completely unobtainable as you will never put an end to it. Which is exactly why these protests are more about just creating crime and violence with a convenient excuse. Anyone with any rational thinking skills should understand that looting stores and burning down buildings will not result in these goals.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
racism will always exist, but it's a small minority that are racists, although I think those numbers have grown over the past decade.

Racism is no longer the issue. But the problems we saw from racism -- from slavery, and through reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the civil rights movement -- continue to exist today. America fought a way against itself for the right to own people as slaves. Over the past couple of weeks America turned into a war zone over the idea that certain people keep their privilege to attack and imprison others for any reason they want, and often times no reason at all. During those times our country experienced extreme racism, certain groups of people thought they were deserving of more rights than others. That's exactly how all police think right now. And they use violence and their position as government officials to make sure other Americans do not have basic civil rights or constitutional rights.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Yep and goals like ending racism or police brutality (although admirable), are completely unobtainable as you will never put an end to it.

In order to lessen police brutality, we need more accountability and professionalism in police departments. Yet any measures of police reform that focus on that are met with extreme resistance from police -- and even civilians who support the right of the government to suppress its citizens.

Anyone with any rational thinking skills should understand that when police attack people who are peaceable and doing nothing wrong, results in our constitutional rights becoming worthless and government tyranny taking over.

Nov 17, 2004
Get rid of political parties and career politicians was my first thought....

Maybe police reform across the country....but as long as racism exists it really doesn’t matter....

I think it's more than obvious that no police department is purposely putting out cops like this and already have programs in place (how many riots does it take?). We have laws on the books to deal with situations like this and one can only hope that justice plays out. If not, it's up to people to change the law.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I think it's more than obvious that no police department is purposely putting out cops like this and already have programs in place (how many riots does it take?). We have laws on the books to deal with situations like this and one can only hope that justice plays out. If not, it's up to people to change the law.

Have to say , some of your comments here in this thread make to much sense for some people.I actually borrowed some of them for my own arguments.. Well done

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
I think it's more than obvious that no police department is purposely putting out cops like this and already have programs in place (how many riots does it take?). We have laws on the books to deal with situations like this and one can only hope that justice plays out. If not, it's up to people to change the law.

We actually don't have sufficient laws that protect citizens from the type of tyranny and violence the police and the government are using.

A lot of reasonable people think that if there was no video evidence the three cop buddies that watched the killing of George Floyd would have done whatever was necessary to make sure there was no arrest or murder charge. During these protests, police are using violence, such as baton strikes, against people who are doing nothing wrong. In those cases the victim should be able to press charges and have it go to the courts and let a judge and jury handle it. But the police think because they are in government they are special snowflakes who deserve more rights and protection than every other American. Sadly, like so many other issues, all the Liberals are protecting the government at the expense of the people.

May 17, 2015
Wake up everyone!!!
Do not let our children live in Socialism

Enough is enough! Why NOW does the coronavirus suddenly not matter? Why now is the media telling us protests CAN be violent?! Donald Trump is NOT the problem. YOU - press, progressives, leftists - WANTED riots in the street! Everything Glenn Beck said would come is here, and progressivism is at the end of the road! And now you have a choice to make, America.


Sep 21, 2004
Sadly,I think over 50% of Americans are not reasonable,God help this Country,it has turned far left

Jun 3, 2020
Be careful what you wish for...

Adolf Hitler became involved with the fledgling Nazi Party after the First World War, and set the violent tone of the movement early,

Adolf Hitler's rise to power began in Germany in September 1919 when Hitler joined the political party then known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei – DAP (German Workers' Party). The name was changed in 1920 to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei – NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party). It was anti-Marxist and opposed to the democratic post-war government of the Weimar Republic and the Treaty of Versailles, advocating extreme nationalism

Nazi ideology held that Jews were particularly wealthy citizens of Germany, despite the reality that the majority of Jewish families fell somewhere in the middle class,

Following the April 1938 property registry, Jewish citizens faced an increasing number of economic laws that chipped away at their livelihood

Whether Jewish citizens stayed in Germany and Austria or left, they were doomed to lose much, if not all, their property. Just under half of those assets went directly to the German state. According to Hayes, in the national budget for 1938-1939, an entire 5 percent came solely from wealth confiscated from Jews. The rest of the assets went to non-Jewish citizens, in the form of houses, businesses and goods sold for vastly less than their value.

This left Jewish citizens without means of supporting themselves, without homes, and without any connection to their previous lives. As historian Lisa Silverman writes of the edict’s effect in Austria, “The failure of law to protect their property was one of the first steps toward the erasure of both the present and future identities of Austrian Jews.”
And ordinary citizens were more than willing to participate in the looting of Jewish property. “When the Nazis wipe out the Jewish inhabitants of a village in eastern Poland [later in the war], one of the first things they would do is distribute all the property to the locals,” Hayes says. “This was a way of winning popular support. It created a complicity between the occupiers and the occupied, and a common interest, and the Nazis exploited that.”
Business owners benefitted as much as private individuals. Companies like Neckermann, which sold mail-order goods and vacation packages, and Evonik, a manufacturing group formerly known as Degussa, bought businesses formerly owned by Jewish people. The ability to consolidate power made them leaders of their industries, and implicit partners with the Nazi government. Each of these transactions were legal, and many were meticulously recorded.

the lesson to be learned from the April 1938 law and all that followed is how deeply the anti-Semitic Nazi ideology penetrated different levels of society in countries across Europe. “It’s troubling to watch how they slowly tightened the screws on people, and the ways in which a state can make one’s life miserable and make you feel like you are up against this giant machine.”

You might just get it!(<)<


my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
The worst thing I see coming out of this is forgetting due process. This fight strike movement what ever you want to call it should take place in the voting booth instead of on the streets. From the top down this is a fucking joke . In order for a society to be free there are laws that need to be upheld or there is going to be conflict.
Feb 6, 2007

Defund the police picking up steam

Atleast taxes would go down theoretically

Yes yes yes. About time.

Bro how crazy is it that they are asking this question, AGAIN?!?!????

First with corona. “when will it go away?” Now with protests. “Please make it go away.”

These people are not normal Americans.

We need to put these people BACK underground. They were underground before Trump. These preconceived notions weren’t so common just a few years ago. We need to put them back under the ground. They need to start hiding again and realize that shits not ok.

It will happen.

Jul 14, 2007
"Defund" is vague but you think on the whole that is a good idea? Tons of crime in inner-cities and less police presence is probably not going to help with that.
Feb 6, 2007
"Defund" is vague but you think on the whole that is a good idea? Tons of crime in inner-cities and less police presence is probably not going to help with that.

We need to limit and reduce as much as possible police encounters with black people. There has to be a new reimagined way for public safety that reduces the encounters. They need to be coming up with that.

Im not talking about now showing up when you’re called. I’m talking about unnecessary unlawful encounters. Which happen all of the time.
Dec 11, 2006
It's gonna take gun shots from the non protesters.

Or gun shots from some police unit that has the balls to protect their citizens and their property.

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