What QAnon the Right Wing Cult is All About


Nov 11, 2007
My only comment so far is in the form of a quote, which exemplifies what the author of the IVU Thread and his QAnon Group are all about and

why they have no credibility:

“We are all responsible and accountable for what we do or say even if those behaviors occur in stressful times.” – Byron Pulsifer

In short the IVU Thread has been around for four months and the QAnons for three years.

During that time we have seen too many to count FAILED to be proven true right wing conspiracy theories all pointed at democrats,

FAILED time sensitve predictions regarding what was going to happen, FAILED micdrop events, which never occurred.

Related to above, we have been told over and over again ad nauseam re: the folks cited above that arrests are imminent, and that

convictions and punishment will ensute shortly thereafter if not by the legal system by God himself in front of the whole world for billions

to witness with their own eyes.

We were also told in March that the New All Loving Dawning of the Age of Aquarius will be established by God in a matter of days

right after all of the Evil is eliminated, and that after that the World will be one of Oneness where all human beings love one

another and that there will be no more wars, diseases, pestilence, famine and other things which are not in accordance with

what God intended.

I will leave it to those who ae familiar with what I cited above to decide for yourself how much if any of this has come true.

Again for those of you not familiar with all this, I simply suggest that you go back to the beginning of the IVU Thread

and read some of it and decide for yourself how much if it has come true.

If you want to know more about the QAnons themselves and their failures, read post 1 in this thread

and then the 2 links provided in post 68.

Back to the quote and its relevance- I have followed the IVU thread since its inception

and have commented on it first over there and later over here.

For me the most important matter is not only the abject failure for to conspiracy theories and predicitons to come but just as

importantly the fact hatthe author of the IVU THREAD to NOT once admit that even one of is conspiracies or predictions

did not come truelet alone nearly ALL OF THEM.

Its called ACCOUNTABILTY people and in the case of the author of his thread LACK OF IT!

Rather his modus operandi is to simply move on and spew forth more of the same day after day with

the obvious assumption and/or hopesthat people would forget all of which failed previously and be intrigued by the new ones.

That is precisely why I have been around, namely to disclose that which he has not.

If he did chage his way and admit his empirical failures in the past, and just as importantly just stated his conspiracy theories

without the time sensitive predictions attached, he and the QAnons might be viewed with a little more credibility than is currently the case!

Nov 11, 2007
Re:post 2867 in the IVU Thread, we have been waiting for three years to see some of their paranoiac/delusional bullshit to come true.

Until/if/when proven, I will regard it in the same manner as I do the Jehovas Witnesses who have been predicting since 1866 that the end of world is near and


To get rid of them when they come to my door, I politely tell them that I will read the literature they give me, but tell them I don't have to discuss

it today as I have some very important appointments in the next hour and that I thus have to leave right away!

Jan 13, 2019
This is the kind of dumbassery that Savage is voting to make normal.


Nov 11, 2007
God also hates people that vote for abortionists.

Hmm-maybe it is you and not Biden who is suffering from Demential and/or Alzheimers if you are referring to me, as I have stated at least

a half a dozen times that I am NOT voting, which is what matters, for any candidate whis in favor of abortion.

And no I will not buy your screwed up logic because I want Trump to be voted out, that that in turns equates to supporting abortion.

Keep trying though and maybe it will sink in with some if your "basket of deplorables" who follow you in this Forum.

Nov 11, 2007
The only noteworthy thing at IVU Thread is that now we are told that the Jeffrey Epstein death was faked and that he is still alive. lol

It wasn't that long ago that the "Q"UACKAnon Agent posted a video from some no name delusional and attention seeking
bitch that George Floyd's death was faked also and that he was still alive also-how did that work out!!!:):)

Nov 11, 2007
In short I see nothing tday in IVU Thread which is going to change the outcome of the Election, which at the moment shows an EASY victory for Biden.

Nov 11, 2007
I don't see Trump's name mentioned in the list in post 2081.

If and when the entire truth comes out, he will be near the top of the list I assure you!!

Nov 11, 2007
All of the posts in the IVU are born out of sheer desperation as sbd perhaps SBD is FINALLY starting to realize that Trump is in deep doo doo, and that

his laughable interview with Chris Wallace yesterday in which he was destroyed, just sank him into the quicksand even more!!

Nov 11, 2007
I wonder if Trump starts to wear a mask and openly advocates that everyone else does, whether sbd will follow suit or not or maintain

present stance not to wear them.

Nov 11, 2007
Real quick for now re: what is in the IVU Thread today:

In short there is nothing but the usual attention seeking tabloid headlines we have seen since thread was started on March 18 with the usual all kind

of dire consequences implications for democrats of arrests, convictions and punishments which are imminent, none of which have not come true.

Just go back starting on March 18 and quickly and randomly scroll through the posts and you will find the usual blathering just about every day.

Can you say BROKEN RECORD!!

ps And of course it goes without saying that NOT EVEN ONCE has the author of the thread admitted that something did not come to

pass within the time driven time frame, which was/is at very least always imminent.

Nov 11, 2007
Re: this in other thread:

"My first duty as President is to protect the American people, and today I am taking action to fulfill that sacred obligation."

He sure as Hell didn't do a very good job of "protecting" the American public from 143,000 deaths because of the Virus unless of course that is considered an insignificant number.

Nov 11, 2007
I posted this in the Political Forum in the Polls Thread re: something that sbd had said.

As usual the author of the IVU when confronted with something he has not answer for, just fled for the hills with no response.

Here you go:

Well then how about your own failed predictions and lets just use one as a example:

Kindly explain the one you made in March about telling people not to worry about the Virus, their children, and most notably that the Dawning of the Age

of Aquarius with its all loving connotations with all of becoming one one world loving society, etc. will be here within days.

Without any bullshit, kindly tell us 1) If that prediction did come true with evidence if it has;2)If it did not come true, tell us why it did not? 3) If 2 true is the

case then kindly tell us SPECIFICALLY when the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius will be here with empirical evidence for EVERYONE to see?

Nov 11, 2007
Re:post 2922 in IVU Thread:

The only relevant meaning off the word "bomb" is that Trump is "bombing" in all of the major nationwide polls and most importantly in battleground

states like Florida, where he is "bombing" big time by 13 points for "kind of" obvious reasons.

I don't care who testifies about who and/or what-if Trump loses Florida, is is all over and he will be out on the streets on

Inauguration Day, one way or the other, hopefully peacefully for his own sake and for the sake/good of the country!!

Nov 11, 2007
Still no answer to this question asked multiple times to sbd in this Forum and the Political Forum.

It is really not all that surprising and just more example of the 99.9 LIES, and FAILED CONSPIRACY THEORIES AND FAILED PREDICTIONS which

have define his thread since it was started on March 18:

"I posted this in the Political Forum in the Polls Thread re: something that sbd had said.

As usual the author of the IVU when confronted with something he has not answer for, just fled for the hills with no response.

Here you go:

Well then how about your own failed predictions and lets just use one as a example:

Kindly explain the one you made in March about telling people not to worry about the Virus, their children, and most notably that the Dawning of the Age

of Aquarius with its all loving connotations with all of becoming one one world loving society, etc. will be here within days.

Without any bullshit, kindly tell us 1) If that prediction did come true with evidence if it has;2)If it did not come true, tell us why it did not? 3) If 2 true is the

case then kindly tell us SPECIFICALLY when the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius will be here with empirical evidence for EVERYONE to see?"

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