I agree with Festering, especially in the age of the internet, so much false/exaggerated shit gets shuffled around. Having a balanced diet is important, and eating meat all the time is bad. Yes being fat and overweight is unhealthy and causes health problems, but it's no conspiracy. Fuck even the flat earthers are making a huge comeback. People think they are in the special know after watching some of these docs, like they now know more than real doctors and scientists. lol its getting crazy out there.
Watched the documentary today. Good stuff. Animal products are evil. I have seen a few of documentary's like this. "Forks over Knifes" is another good one.
Watched the documentary today. Good stuff. Animal products are evil. I have seen a few of documentary's like this. "Forks over Knifes" is another good one.
Really dude? Wtf is your problem now?
Lol my God these clowns. You guys love to defend meat.
Wow. Alright I don't give a fuck anymore. You win. I lose. Meat is good for you. Dairy is good for you. Vegans are all propaganda idiots. I am the fool. Have a nice life.
clowns.....look in the mirror. Of course `you give a fuck`, that`s why you're still posting. Stop embarrassing yourself.
``meat and dairy are the leading causes of illnesses in this country'
last chance to save face. Give me a link . I will HAPPILY concede if the study is valid. Send an e-mail to the documentary authors, KINDLY share their reply .......................
My cousine is really into everything healthy 918 year old kid). Her last idea was to go veggy, it's like 3 months she doesn't consume meat but hell she is pissing me, commenting my habit to drink coffee with milk, gosh, mind your business, I don't mind people are vegetarian, I even like vegetarian food, but don't tell me how to live.
This movie is just the latest vegan propaganda piece. Joaquin Pheonix, super-vegan, is the man behind this 'documentary'. See, knowing that now, I can't in good faith watch something like this. I want my science coming from people with as least bias as possible, not Diet Fundamentalists with a camera in one hand and the Vegan Scriptures in the other.